--- - project: name: bgpcep-csit-bgp-ingest-mixed jobs: - inttest-csit-1node # The project name project: "bgpcep" jre: "openjdk17" # The functionality under test functionality: - bgp-ingest-mixed - gate-bgp-ingest-mixed # Project branches stream: - potassium: branch: "master" - argon: branch: "stable/argon" - chlorine: branch: "stable/chlorine" - sulfur: branch: "stable/sulfur" jre: "openjdk11" karaf-version: bgpcep install: - all: scope: "all" # Features to install install-features: > odl-restconf, odl-bgpcep-bgp, odl-bgpcep-bgp-config-example, odl-bgpcep-data-change-counter, odl-restconf-nb-bierman02 # Robot custom options # Increase the TEST_DURATION_MULTIPLIER if the test runs in slower test # environment or more complex scenario is chosen robot-options: > -v USE_NETCONF_CONNECTOR:False -v COUNT:250000 -v INSERT:10 -v WITHDRAW:9 -v PREFILL:10 -v UPDATE:single -v TEST_DURATION_MULTIPLIER:4 # Controller configuration odl_system_flavor: v3-standard-4 # Plot Info 01-plot-title: "Number of generated updates" 01-plot-yaxis: "Total number of updates" 01-plot-group: "BGP Scaling test suite" 01-plot-data-file: "totals-bgp.csv" 02-plot-title: "Generated load" 02-plot-yaxis: "Updates per second" 02-plot-group: "BGP Scaling test suite" 02-plot-data-file: "performance-bgp.csv"