CONTROLLERMEM="3072m" ACTUALFEATURES="odl-integration-all" BUNDLEVERSION="$(xpath distribution/pom.xml '/project/version/text()' 2> /dev/null)" BUNDLEFOLDER="${KARAF_ARTIFACT}-${BUNDLEVERSION}" BUNDLE="${BUNDLEFOLDER}.zip" BUNDLE_PATH="/tmp/r/org/opendaylight/integration/${KARAF_ARTIFACT}/${BUNDLEVERSION}/${BUNDLE}" echo "Kill any controller running" ps axf | grep karaf | grep -v grep | awk '{print "kill -9 " $1}' | sh echo "Clean Existing distribution" rm -rf ${BUNDLEFOLDER} echo "Copying the distribution..." cp "${BUNDLE_PATH}" . echo "Extracting the new controller..." unzip -q "${BUNDLE}" echo "Configuring the startup features..." FEATURESCONF="${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg" # Add test feature repo if Karaf 4. sed -ie "s%mvn:org.opendaylight.integration/features-index/${BUNDLEVERSION}/xml/features%mvn:org.opendaylight.integration/features-index/${BUNDLEVERSION}/xml/features,mvn:org.opendaylight.integration/features-test/${BUNDLEVERSION}/xml/features%g" "${FEATURESCONF}" # Add test feature repo if Karaf 3. sed -ie "s%mvn:org.opendaylight.integration/features-integration-index/${BUNDLEVERSION}/xml/features%mvn:org.opendaylight.integration/features-integration-index/${BUNDLEVERSION}/xml/features,mvn:org.opendaylight.integration/features-integration-test/${BUNDLEVERSION}/xml/features%g" "${FEATURESCONF}" # Add actual boot features. sed -ie "s/\(featuresBoot=\|featuresBoot =\)/featuresBoot = ${ACTUALFEATURES},/g" "${FEATURESCONF}" cat "${FEATURESCONF}" echo "Configuring the log..." LOGCONF="${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg" sed -ie 's/log4j.appender.out.maxFileSize=1MB/log4j.appender.out.maxFileSize=20MB/g' "${LOGCONF}" cat "${LOGCONF}" echo "Configure max memory..." MEMCONF="${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/bin/setenv" sed -ie "s/2048m/${CONTROLLERMEM}/g" "${MEMCONF}" cat "${MEMCONF}" echo "Listing all open ports on controller system" netstat -pnatu echo "redirected karaf console output to karaf_console.log" export KARAF_REDIRECT="${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log" if [ "${JDKVERSION}" == 'openjdk8' ]; then echo "Setting the JRE Version to 8" # dynamic_verify does not allow sudo, JAVA_HOME should be enough for karaf start. # sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- export JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0' elif [ "${JDKVERSION}" == 'openjdk7' ]; then echo "Setting the JRE Version to 7" # dynamic_verify does not allow sudo, JAVA_HOME should be enough for karaf start. # sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- export JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0' fi readlink -e "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" echo "JDK Version should be overriden by JAVA_HOME" java -version echo "Redirecting karaf console output to karaf_console.log" export KARAF_REDIRECT="${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log" echo "Starting controller..." ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/bin/start # No need for verbose printing during repeating operations. set +x echo "Waiting for controller to come up..." COUNT=0 while true; do RESP="$(curl --user admin:admin -sL -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" http://localhost:8181/restconf/modules -o /dev/null || true)" echo "${RESP}" if [[ "${RESP}" == *"200"* ]]; then echo Controller is UP break elif (( "${COUNT}" > 600 )); then echo Timeout Controller DOWN echo "Dumping Karaf log..." cat "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log" echo "Listing all open ports on controller system" netstat -pnatu exit 1 else COUNT=$(( ${COUNT} + 1 )) sleep 1 if [[ $(($COUNT % 5)) == 0 ]]; then echo already waited ${COUNT} seconds... fi fi done echo "loading many features at once. Need to allow time for problems to show up in logs. cool down for 5 min ..." COUNT="300" while true; do if (( "${COUNT}" <= "0" )); then break fi echo "${COUNT} seconds yet to wait..." sleep 10 COUNT="$(( ${COUNT} - 10 ))" done # End of repeating operations, enable verbose printing. set -x # echo "Checking OSGi bundles..." # sshpass seems to fail with new karaf version # sshpass -p karaf ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/bin/client -u karaf 'bundle:list' echo "Listing all open ports on controller system" netstat -pnatu function exit_on_log_file_message { echo "looking for \"$1\" in karaf.log file" if grep --quiet "$1" "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log"; then echo ABORTING: found "$1" echo "Dumping first 500K bytes of karaf log..." head --bytes=500K "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log" echo "Dumping last 500K bytes of karaf log..." tail --bytes=500K "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log" cp "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log" . cp "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log" . exit 1 fi echo "looking for \"$1\" in karaf_console.log file" if grep --quiet "$1" "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log"; then echo ABORTING: found "$1" echo "Dumping first 500K bytes of karaf log..." head --bytes=500K "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log" echo "Dumping last 500K bytes of karaf log..." tail --bytes=500K "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log" cp "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log" . cp "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log" . exit 1 fi } exit_on_log_file_message 'BindException: Address already in use' exit_on_log_file_message 'server is unhealthy' echo "Fetching Karaf logs" # TODO: Move instead of copy? Gzip? cp "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log" . cp "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf_console.log" . echo "Kill controller" ps axf | grep karaf | grep -v grep | awk '{print "kill -9 " $1}' | sh echo "Bug 4628: Detecting misplaced config files" pushd "${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}" || exit XMLS_FOUND="$(echo *.xml)" popd || exit if [ "$XMLS_FOUND" != "*.xml" ]; then echo "Bug 4628 confirmed." ## TODO: Uncomment the following when ODL is fixed, to guard against regression. # exit 1 else echo "Bug 4628 not detected." fi # vim: ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et ft=sh :