--- - project: name: distribution-templates - job-template: name: '{project-name}-distribution-check-{stream}' # Operation: This job template builds a patch, creates a distribution containing # the patch (making sure dependencies are specified), # and performs the distribution deploy test. disabled: false project-type: freestyle node: '{build-node}' concurrent: true jdk: '{jdk}' properties: - opendaylight-infra-properties: build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}' parameters: - opendaylight-infra-parameters: os-cloud: '{os-cloud}' project: '{project}' branch: '{branch}' refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}' artifacts: '{archive-artifacts}' - integration-distribution-git-url: git-url: '{git-url}' - distribution-karaf-version: karaf-version: '{karaf-version}' - maven-exec: maven-version: mvn33 scm: - integration-gerrit-scm: basedir: '$GERRIT_PROJECT' refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC' branch: '{branch}' - integration-distribution-scm: branch: '{distribution_branch}' wrappers: - opendaylight-infra-wrappers: # Distro-check jobs typically run within 10 - 30 minutes # with 45 minutes being the occassional edge case. # enforce a 60 minute limit to ensure stuck jobs get # cleared up sooner. # Double that as Karaf 3+4 may take longer. build-timeout: '120' triggers: - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted: gerrit-server-name: '{gerrit-server-name}' project: '{project}' branch: '{branch}' files: '**' builders: - distribution-check-wipe - distribution-check-build-project: pom: '$GERRIT_PROJECT/pom.xml' mvn-opts: '{opendaylight-infra-mvn-opts}' # {opendaylight-infra-parallel-mvn-opts} is bad when there are multiple big features in SFT. - distribution-check-verify-groupid: gerrit-project: '$GERRIT_PROJECT' - distribution-check-download-deps: dist-pom: 'distribution/pom.xml' mvn-opts: '{opendaylight-infra-mvn-opts}' # {opendaylight-infra-parallel-mvn-opts} is bad when there are multiple big features in SFT. - distribution-check-delete-snapshots - distribution-check-configure-remotes - distribution-check-repeat-project-build: pom: '$GERRIT_PROJECT/pom.xml' mvn-opts: '{opendaylight-infra-mvn-opts}' # {opendaylight-infra-parallel-mvn-opts} is bad when there are multiple big features in SFT. - distribution-check-repeat-distro-build: dist-pom: 'distribution/pom.xml' mvn-opts: '{opendaylight-infra-mvn-opts}' # {opendaylight-infra-parallel-mvn-opts} is bad when there are multiple big features in SFT. - integration-set-variables - distribution-check-warn-9191 - distribution-check-warn-9192 - integration-upload-distribution: dist-pom: distribution/pom.xml - distribution-check-bootup publishers: - email-notification: email-recipients: '{email-recipients}' email-prefix: '[{project-name}]' - integration-csit-archive-build - lf-infra-publish