--- - project: name: distribution-jobs jobs: - '{project-name}-verify-python-{stream}' - 'distribution-verify-{stream}' - 'distribution-merge-{stream}' - 'distribution-deploy-{stream}' - 'distribution-offline-{stream}' project: integration/distribution project-name: distribution stream: - nitrogen: branch: 'master' jre: 'openjdk8' - carbon: branch: 'stable/carbon' jre: 'openjdk8' - boron: branch: 'stable/boron' jre: 'openjdk8' - beryllium: branch: 'stable/beryllium' jre: 'openjdk7' - job-template: name: 'distribution-verify-{stream}' project-type: maven node: centos7-java-builder-2c-8g concurrent: true jdk: '{jre}' properties: - opendaylight-infra-properties: build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}' parameters: - opendaylight-infra-parameters: os-cloud: '{os-cloud}' project: '{project}' branch: '{branch}' refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}' artifacts: '{archive-artifacts} **/dependency_tree.txt **/*.hprof' - integration-patch-refspec: branch: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC' scm: - gerrit-trigger-scm: refspec: '$PATCHREFSPEC' choosing-strategy: 'gerrit' wrappers: - opendaylight-infra-wrappers: build-timeout: '{build-timeout}' triggers: - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted: server: '{server-name}' project: '{project}' branch: '{branch}' files: '**' prebuilders: - integration-get-bundle-url-root - inject: properties-file: 'bundle.txt' - wipe-org-opendaylight-repo - provide-maven-settings: global-settings-file: 'odl-global-settings' settings-file: 'integration-settings' maven: maven-name: 'mvn33' root-pom: 'pom.xml' goals: > clean install dependency:tree -DoutputFile=dependency_tree.txt -V -B -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/r -Dorg.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.localRepository=/tmp/r -Djenkins -Dstream={stream} maven-opts: '-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m' settings: 'integration-settings' settings-type: cfp global-settings: 'odl-global-settings' global-settings-type: cfp ignore-upstream-changes: true post-step-run-condition: 'SUCCESS' postbuilders: - trigger-builds: - project: 'distribution-deploy-{stream}' block: true predefined-parameters: BUNDLEURL=$BUNDLEURL reporters: - findbugs publishers: - jacoco-report - opendaylight-infra-shiplogs: maven-version: 'mvn33' - email-notification: email-recipients: '{email-recipients}' email-prefix: '[int/dist]' - job-template: name: 'distribution-merge-{stream}' # Need to keep jobs that deploy to Nexus at end of build as Maven # projects. Maybe reconsider this once upstream moves deploy to a # separate lifecycle: # https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-5666 project-type: maven node: '{build-node}' jdk: '{jre}' properties: - opendaylight-infra-properties: build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}' parameters: - opendaylight-infra-parameters: os-cloud: '{os-cloud}' project: '{project}' branch: '{branch}' refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}' artifacts: '{archive-artifacts} **/dependency_tree.txt **/*.hprof **/target/surefire-reports/*-output.txt' - integration-bundleurl: bundleurl: 'last' scm: - gerrit-trigger-scm: refspec: '' choosing-strategy: 'default' wrappers: - opendaylight-infra-wrappers: build-timeout: '{build-timeout}' triggers: - gerrit-trigger-patch-merged: server-name: '{server-name}' name: 'integration/distribution' branch: '{branch}' prebuilders: - wipe-org-opendaylight-repo - jacoco-nojava-workaround - integration-get-bundle-vars - inject: properties-file: 'bundle_vars.txt' - provide-maven-settings: global-settings-file: 'odl-global-settings' settings-file: 'integration-settings' - distribute-build-url: path: 'distribution-karaf/src/main/assembly' maven: maven-name: 'mvn33' root-pom: 'pom.xml' goals: > clean install dependency:tree -DoutputFile=dependency_tree.txt -V -B -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/r -Dorg.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.localRepository=/tmp/r -Djenkins -Dmerge -Dstream={stream} maven-opts: '-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m' settings: 'integration-settings' settings-type: cfp global-settings: 'odl-global-settings' global-settings-type: cfp postbuilders: - conditional-step: condition-kind: file-exists condition-filename: deploy-site.xml condition-basedir: workspace # The strategy here is intentional to run Maven site:deploy twice # once using regular pom.xml to produce a staged-site which is # then used by deploy-site.xml to push to Nexus. This is a # workaround to Maven Site's default linking code which creates # incorrect URLs for sites due to auto-detection assuming your # project is configured in a certain way which ODL is not. steps: - maven-target: maven-version: 'mvn33' pom: pom.xml goals: 'site:deploy -V -B -Dstream={stream}' java-opts: - '-Xmx2g' settings: 'integration-settings' settings-type: cfp global-settings: 'odl-global-settings' global-settings-type: cfp - maven-target: maven-version: 'mvn33' pom: deploy-site.xml goals: 'site:deploy -V -B -Dstream={stream}' java-opts: - '-Xmx2g' settings: 'integration-settings' settings-type: cfp global-settings: 'odl-global-settings' global-settings-type: cfp - integration-compare-distributions # TODO: the output of the above command is not *friendly* for the reader because the most important info # is listed last. This is fine/best for command line output, but for keeping in a file it would be better # to put the summary at the beginning of the file. Some bash magic can be done here to make that happen. reporters: - findbugs publishers: - maven-deploy: id: '' unique-version: true deploy-unstable: false - jacoco-report - opendaylight-infra-shiplogs: maven-version: 'mvn33' - email-notification: email-recipients: '{email-recipients}' email-prefix: '[int/dist]' # Template: distribution-deploy-{stream} # Goal: Verify distribution starts with no issues when all features are loaded # Operation: This job deploys the controller installing odl-integration-all - job-template: name: 'distribution-deploy-{stream}' project-type: freestyle node: centos7-java-builder-2c-8g concurrent: true properties: - opendaylight-infra-properties: build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}' parameters: - opendaylight-infra-parameters: os-cloud: '{os-cloud}' project: '{project}' branch: '{branch}' refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}' artifacts: '{archive-artifacts} **/*.hprof' - integration-distribution-branch: branch: '{branch}' - integration-bundleurl: bundleurl: '{bundleurl}' - integration-jdk-version: jdkversion: '{jre}' wrappers: - opendaylight-infra-wrappers: build-timeout: '{build-timeout}' triggers: - timed: 'H H * * *' builders: - integration-get-bundle-vars - inject: properties-file: 'bundle_vars.txt' - integration-deploy-controller-verify publishers: - email-notification: email-recipients: '{email-recipients}' email-prefix: '[int/dist]' - integration-csit-archive-build - opendaylight-infra-shiplogs: maven-version: 'mvn33' # Template: distribution-offline-{stream} # Goal: Verify distribution can start with no internet connection # Operation: This job deploys the controller removing any external repository definition - job-template: name: 'distribution-offline-{stream}' project-type: freestyle node: centos7-java-builder-2c-8g properties: - opendaylight-infra-properties: build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}' parameters: - opendaylight-infra-parameters: os-cloud: '{os-cloud}' project: '{project}' branch: '{branch}' refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}' artifacts: '{archive-artifacts} **/*.hprof' - integration-distribution-branch: branch: '{branch}' - integration-bundleurl: bundleurl: '{bundleurl}' - integration-jdk-version: jdkversion: '{jre}' wrappers: - opendaylight-infra-wrappers: build-timeout: '{build-timeout}' triggers: - timed: 'H H * * *' builders: - integration-get-bundle-vars - inject: properties-file: 'bundle_vars.txt' - integration-deploy-controller-offline publishers: - email-notification: email-recipients: '{email-recipients}' email-prefix: '[int/dist]' - integration-csit-archive-build - opendaylight-infra-shiplogs: maven-version: 'mvn33'