echo "#################################################" echo "## Configure Cluster and Start ##" echo "#################################################" AKKACONF=/tmp/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/configuration/initial/akka.conf MODULESCONF=/tmp/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/configuration/initial/modules.conf MODULESHARDSCONF=/tmp/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/configuration/initial/module-shards.conf CONTROLLERMEM="2048m" if [ ${CONTROLLERSCOPE} == 'all' ]; then ACTUALFEATURES="odl-integration-compatible-with-all,${CONTROLLERFEATURES}" CONTROLLERMEM="3072m" else ACTUALFEATURES="${CONTROLLERFEATURES}" fi # Some versions of jenkins job builder result in feature list containing spaces # and ending in newline. Remove all that. ACTUALFEATURES=`echo "${ACTUALFEATURES}" | tr -d '\n \r'` # Utility function for joining strings. function join { delim=' ' final=$1; shift for str in $* ; do final=${final}${delim}${str} done echo ${final} } # Create the string for nodes for i in `seq 1 ${NUM_ODL_SYSTEM}` ; do CONTROLLERIP=ODL_SYSTEM_${i}_IP nodes[$i]=${!CONTROLLERIP} done nodes_list=$(join ${nodes[@]}) echo ${nodes_list} # Run script plan in case it exists if [ -f ${WORKSPACE}/test/csit/scriptplans/${TESTPLAN} ]; then echo "scriptplan exists!!!" echo "Changing the scriptplan path..." cat ${WORKSPACE}/test/csit/scriptplans/${TESTPLAN} | sed "s:integration:${WORKSPACE}:" > scriptplan.txt cat scriptplan.txt for line in $( egrep -v '(^[[:space:]]*#|^[[:space:]]*$)' scriptplan.txt ); do echo "Executing ${line}..." source ${line} done fi # Create the configuration script to be run on controllers. cat > ${WORKSPACE}/ <> \${CUSTOMPROP} cat \${CUSTOMPROP} fi echo "Configure java home and max memory..." MEMCONF=/tmp/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/bin/setenv sed -ie 's%^# export JAVA_HOME%export JAVA_HOME="\${JAVA_HOME:-${JAVA_HOME}}"%g' \${MEMCONF} sed -ie 's/JAVA_MAX_MEM="2048m"/JAVA_MAX_MEM="${CONTROLLERMEM}"/g' \${MEMCONF} cat \${MEMCONF} echo "Set Java version" sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java 1 sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --set java ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java echo "JDK default version ..." java -version echo "Set JAVA_HOME" export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_HOME}" # Did you know that in HERE documents, single quote is an ordinary character, but backticks are still executing? JAVA_RESOLVED=\`readlink -e "\${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"\` echo "Java binary pointed at by JAVA_HOME: \${JAVA_RESOLVED}" # Copy shard file if exists if [ -f /tmp/custom_shard_config.txt ]; then echo "Custom shard config exists!!!" echo "Copying the shard config..." cp /tmp/custom_shard_config.txt /tmp/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/bin/ fi echo "Configuring cluster" /tmp/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/bin/ \$1 ${nodes_list} echo "Dump akka.conf" cat ${AKKACONF} echo "Dump modules.conf" cat ${MODULESCONF} echo "Dump module-shards.conf" cat ${MODULESHARDSCONF} echo "Starting controller..." /tmp/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/bin/start EOF # Copy over the configuration script and configuration files to each controller # Execute the configuration script on each controller. for i in `seq 1 ${NUM_ODL_SYSTEM}` do CONTROLLERIP=ODL_SYSTEM_${i}_IP echo "Configuring member-${i} with IP address ${!CONTROLLERIP}" scp ${WORKSPACE}/ ${!CONTROLLERIP}:/tmp/ ssh ${!CONTROLLERIP} "bash /tmp/ ${i}" done # vim: ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et ft=sh :