--- # TODO: Make all bash constants more readable. # e.g.: DISTRIBUTION_BRANCH instead of DISTROBRANCH. - parameter: name: integration-distribution-branch parameters: - string: name: DISTROBRANCH default: '{branch}' description: 'Distribution GIT branch' - parameter: name: distribution-karaf-version # Arguments: # karaf-version: Provide, otherwise releng-defaults value is used. parameters: - string: name: KARAF_VERSION default: '{karaf-version}' description: 'karaf3 or karaf4, affects ODL deploy scripts' - parameter: name: integration-bundle-url parameters: - string: name: BUNDLE_URL default: '{bundle-url}' description: 'URL to karaf distribution zip' - parameter: name: integration-jdk-version parameters: - string: name: JDKVERSION default: '{jdkversion}' description: 'Parameter to indicate JAVA Version' - parameter: name: integration-controller-scope parameters: - string: name: CONTROLLERSCOPE default: '{controller-scope}' description: 'Feature Only or Feature All test' - parameter: name: integration-controller-features parameters: - string: name: CONTROLLERFEATURES default: '{controller-features}' description: 'Features to install in the controller separated by comma' - parameter: name: integration-distribution-stream parameters: - string: name: DISTROSTREAM default: '{stream}' description: 'Distribution stream string, for suites to know which behavior to expect' - parameter: name: integration-stream-test-plan parameters: - string: name: STREAMTESTPLAN default: '{stream-test-plan}' description: 'Stream-specific test plan we will run' - parameter: name: integration-test-plan parameters: - string: name: TESTPLAN default: '{test-plan}' description: 'General test plan we will run unless stream-specific one is found' - parameter: name: integration-test-options parameters: - string: name: TESTOPTIONS default: '{test-options}' description: 'Robot command options' - parameter: name: integration-distribution-git-url parameters: - string: name: DISTROGITURL default: '{git-url}/integration/distribution' description: 'Distribution GIT URL (do not modify)' - parameter: name: integration-patch-refspec parameters: - string: name: PATCHREFSPEC default: '{branch}' description: 'Integration Patch Refspec' # Macro: integration-gerrit-scm # Operation: this macro downloads a project gerrit # Used by: all csit jobs - scm: name: integration-gerrit-scm scm: - git: credentials-id: 'opendaylight-jenkins-ssh' url: '$GIT_BASE' basedir: '{basedir}' refspec: '{refspec}' branches: - 'origin/{branch}' skip-tag: true choosing-strategy: 'gerrit' # Macro: integration-distribution-scm # Operation: this macro downloads the integration/distribution repo using distribution as basedir # Used by: integration-patch-test-{stream} job template - scm: name: integration-distribution-scm scm: - git: credentials-id: 'opendaylight-jenkins-ssh' basedir: 'distribution' url: '$DISTROGITURL' refspec: '' branches: - 'origin/{branch}' skip-tag: true # Macro: integration-trigger-patch-submitted # This is a single macro to use for all csit jobs who vote on every (relevant) patch set. # Only 'recheck' trigger word is supported, it always triggers the full set of relevant jobs, # in order to prevent Jenkins from starting only a subset and still voting Verified+1. # Contrary to gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted, this votes +1 also on unstable runs. # Arguments: # server: name of gerrit server to listen to # project: pattern to match triggering projects # branch: triggering branch name # files: pattern to match triggering filepaths - trigger: name: integration-trigger-patch-submitted triggers: - gerrit: server-name: '{server}' trigger-on: - patchset-created-event: exclude-drafts: true exclude-trivial-rebase: false exclude-no-code-change: false - draft-published-event - comment-added-contains-event: comment-contains-value: recheck override-votes: true gerrit-build-unstable-verified-value: +1 gerrit-build-unstable-codereview-value: 0 projects: - project-compare-type: ANT project-pattern: '{project}' branches: - branch-compare-type: ANT branch-pattern: '**/{branch}' file-paths: - compare-type: ANT pattern: '{files}' # Macro: integration-csit-only # Operation: this macro sets a trigger on reverse job list # Used by: csit -only- job templates - trigger: name: integration-csit-trigger triggers: - reverse: jobs: '{jobs}' result: 'success' # Macro: integration-openstack-controller-mininet # Operation: this macro will spin the controller and mininet vms # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - wrapper: name: integration-openstack-controller-mininet wrappers: - openstack: instances: - cloud-name: 'ODLRPC' template-name: '{controller-image}' count: '{controller-vms}' - cloud-name: 'ODLRPC' template-name: '{mininet-image}' count: '{mininet-vms}' # Macro: integration-openstack-controller-devstack # Operation: this macro will spin the controller and devstack vms # Used by: {project}-csit-openstack job templates - wrapper: name: integration-openstack-controller-devstack wrappers: - openstack: instances: - cloud-name: 'ODLRPC' template-name: '{controller-image}' count: '{controller-vms}' - cloud-name: 'ODLRPC' template-name: '{openstack-image}' count: '{openstack-vms}' ################# # Shell Scripts # ################# # Macro: integration-infra-stack # Operation: Sets environment and then calls opendaylight-infra-stack to spin # up csit lab using openstack-heat. # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - builder: name: integration-infra-stack builders: - integration-cleanup-workspace - shell: | #!/bin/bash # Setup openstack envirnoment file for use by # the opendaylight-infra-stack macro cat > $WORKSPACE/opendaylight-infra-environment.yaml << EOF parameters: vm_0_count: {vm_0_count} vm_0_flavor: {vm_0_flavor} vm_0_image: {vm_0_image} vm_1_count: {vm_1_count} vm_1_flavor: {vm_1_flavor} vm_1_image: {vm_1_image} EOF echo "Contents of opendaylight-infra-environment.yaml ..." cat $WORKSPACE/opendaylight-infra-environment.yaml - opendaylight-infra-stack: stack-template: '{stack-template}' # Macro: integration-infra-stack-3-type # Operation: Sets environment and then calls opendaylight-infra-stack to spin # up csit lab using openstack-heat. # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - builder: name: integration-infra-stack-3-type builders: - integration-cleanup-workspace - shell: | #!/bin/bash # Setup openstack envirnoment file for use by # the opendaylight-infra-stack macro cat > $WORKSPACE/opendaylight-infra-environment.yaml << EOF parameters: vm_0_count: {vm_0_count} vm_0_flavor: {vm_0_flavor} vm_0_image: {vm_0_image} vm_1_count: {vm_1_count} vm_1_flavor: {vm_1_flavor} vm_1_image: {vm_1_image} vm_2_count: {vm_2_count} vm_2_flavor: {vm_2_flavor} vm_2_image: {vm_2_image} EOF echo "Contents of opendaylight-infra-environment.yaml ..." cat $WORKSPACE/opendaylight-infra-environment.yaml - opendaylight-infra-stack: stack-template: 'csit-3-instance-type.yaml' # Macro: integration-get-slave-addresses # Operation: this macro gets the IP addresses of the dynamic vms # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - builder: name: integration-get-slave-addresses builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-get-slave-addresses.sh - builder: name: integration-set-variables # Operation: Construct variables not requiring online detection and export using set_variables.env # Required bash variables: # KARAF_VERSION: 'karaf4' or 'karaf3'. Use distribution-karaf-version macro to set. builders: - shell: !include-raw: integration-set-variables.sh - inject: properties-file: set_variables.env - builder: name: integration-detect-variables # Operation: Construct variables including online detection and export using detect_variables.env # This calls integration-set-variables internally. # Required bash variables: # KARAF_VERSION: 'karaf4' or 'karaf3'. Use distribution-karaf-version macro to set. builders: - integration-set-variables - shell: !include-raw: integration-detect-variables.sh - inject: properties-file: detect_variables.env - builder: name: integration-distribution-check # Operation: Locally deploy ODL with all fetures, check it is not broken. # Required bash variables: # KARAF_VERSION: 'karaf4' or 'karaf3'. # Use distribution-karaf-version macro to customize. builders: - integration-set-variables - shell: !include-raw: integration-distribution-check.sh - builder: name: distribution-deploy-verify # Operation: Deploy ODL with all fetures and check it is not broken. # Required bash variables: # KARAF_VERSION: 'karaf4' or 'karaf3'. # Use distribution-karaf-version macro to customize. builders: - integration-detect-variables - shell: !include-raw: distribution-deploy-verify.sh - builder: name: distribution-deploy-offline # Operation: Deploys ODL on the current system, with no external repo configuration, check it works. # Required bash variables: # KARAF_VERSION: 'karaf4' or 'karaf3'. # Use distribution-karaf-version macro to customize. builders: - integration-detect-variables - shell: !include-raw: distribution-deploy-offline.sh # Macro: integration-deply-controller-run-test # Operation: this macro deploys single contoller and runs test # Used by: {project}-csit-1node-* job templates - builder: name: integration-deploy-controller-run-test builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-deploy-controller-run-test.sh # Macro: integration-configure-clustering # Operation: this macro configures the clustering # Used by: {project}-csit-3node-* job templates - builder: name: integration-configure-clustering builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-configure-clustering.sh # Macro: integration-start-cluster-run-test # Operation: this macro starts the 3-node cluster and runs test # Used by: {project}-csit-3node-* job templates - builder: name: integration-start-cluster-run-test builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-start-cluster-run-test.sh # Macro: integration-install-robotframework # Operation: Installs robotframework using pip to a virtualenv # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - builder: name: integration-install-robotframework builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-install-robotframework.sh # Macro: integration-cleanup-tmp # Operation: Cleans up temporary files created by build # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - builder: name: integration-cleanup-tmp builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-cleanup-tmp.sh # Macro: integration-multipatch-builder # Operation: checks out multiple patches and builds custom distribution # Used by: integration-multipatch-test-* job templates - builder: name: integration-multipatch-builder builders: - shell: !include-raw: multipatch-distribution.sh # Macro: integration-cleanup-workspace # Operation: Cleans up files possibly left there by the previous build # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - builder: name: integration-cleanup-workspace builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-cleanup-workspace.sh # Macro: integration-rebase-patch # Operation: For cloned project, rebase checked-out Gerrit patch onto $DISTROBRANCH. # Used by: integration-patch-distribution-* job template - builder: name: integration-rebase-gerrit-patch builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-rebase-gerrit-patch.sh - builder: name: integration-deploy-openstack-run-test builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-deploy-openstack-run-test.sh # Macro: integration-list-jobs # Operation: queries Jenkins jobs from jenkins.opendaylight.org and # writes a list of the jobs corresponding to the search terms to a file. # Used by: builder-merge job template # # This script requires the following JJB variables to be passed in: # {search_string} Job type to act as a primary filter (e.g. csit) # {blacklist} List of sub-projects to filter out (e.g. longevity) # {stream} Development release name (e.g. boron) # {jobs-filename} Filename to write list into (e.g. carbon-jobs.lst) # NOTE: Requires xmlstarlet installed on node. - builder: name: integration-list-jobs builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-list-jobs.sh # Macro: integration-replace-block-text # Operation: using starting and ending regex to # replace a block of text in a file with the text in # another file. Regex should be basic and work with sed # Used by: builder-merge job template # # This script requires the following JJB variables to be passed in: # {starting-regex} # {ending-regex} # {file-with-changes-to-insert} # {file-to-change} - builder: name: integration-replace-block-text builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-replace-block-text.sh - builder: name: integration-compare-distributions # Operation: will compare an already created distribtion (probably last # published to nexus) to the current distribution being created. # The comparison is done to find the list of patches that are new to the # current distribution. # Required bash variables: # KARAF_ARTIFACT: 'karaf' or 'distribution-karaf'. Use integration-set-variables. builders: - shell: !include-raw: include-raw-integration-compare-distributions.sh - builder: name: integration-upload-distribution # Upload distribution karaf artifact to Nexus SNAPSHOT repo for testing. # Arguments: # {dist-pom} path to pom file containing the version # Required bash variables: # KARAF_VERSION: 'karaf4' or 'karaf3'. # Use distribution-karaf-version macro to customize. builders: - config-file-provider: files: - file-id: global-settings variable: GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE - file-id: integration-settings variable: SETTINGS_FILE - integration-set-variables - inject: properties-content: BUNDLE_POM={dist-pom} - shell: !include-raw-escape: integration-upload-distribution.sh - inject: properties-file: integration-upload-distribution.env ############## # Publishers # ############## # Macro: integration-robot # Operation: this macro publishes robot results # Used by: {project}-csit-* job templates - publisher: name: integration-robot publishers: - robot: output-path: '' other-files: '' unstable-threshold: '{unstable-if}' pass-threshold: '{pass-if}' only-critical: false - publisher: name: integration-robot-tempest publishers: - robot: output-path: '' other-files: - tempest_results.html unstable-threshold: '{unstable-if}' pass-threshold: '{pass-if}' only-critical: false - publisher: name: integration-csit-archive-build publishers: - postbuildscript: builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/archives curl --output robot-plugin.zip "$BUILD_URL/robot/report/*zip*/robot-plugin.zip" unzip -d $WORKSPACE/archives robot-plugin.zip mv *log* *.log *.log.gz *.csv *.png $WORKSPACE/archives || true # Don't fail if file missing script-only-if-succeeded: 'False' script-only-if-failed: 'False' mark-unstable-if-failed: 'True' - publisher: name: integration-csit-run-postscript publishers: - postbuildscript: builders: - config-file-provider: files: - file-id: 'odl-elastic-cloud' target: '${HOME}/.netrc' - shell: | #!/bin/bash #The following script runs any configurable postplan stored in test/csit/postplans. if [ -f "${WORKSPACE}/test/csit/postplans/${TESTPLAN}" ]; then echo "postplan exists!!!" echo "Changing the postplan path..." script_name=${WORKSPACE}/test/csit/postplans/${TESTPLAN} cat ${script_name} | sed "s:integration:${WORKSPACE}:" > postplan.txt cat postplan.txt egrep -v '(^[[:space:]]*#|^[[:space:]]*$)' postplan.txt | while read -r line ; do echo "Executing ${line}..." ${line} done fi rm ${HOME}/.netrc script-only-if-succeeded: 'False' script-only-if-failed: 'False' mark-unstable-if-failed: 'True'