--- - project: name: mdsal-csit-bindingv1 jobs: - '{project}-csit-1node-periodic-{functionality}-{install}-{stream}' # The project name project: 'mdsal' # The functionality under test functionality: 'bindingv1' # Project branches. Boron for actual testing, Beryllium for sanity. stream: - oxygen: branch: 'master' jre: 'openjdk8' - nitrogen: branch: 'stable/nitrogen' jre: 'openjdk8' - carbon: branch: 'stable/carbon' jre: 'openjdk8' karaf-version: karaf3 robot-options: '-v JAVA_OPTIONS:-Xmx6656m' install: - only: scope: 'only' # No tools system VMs needed, but ODL system needs RAM and benefits from CPUs. tools_system_count: 0 odl_system_flavor: 8 GB General Purpose v1 # Features to install install-features: 'odl-restconf' # Additional patterns to archive archive-artifacts: '*.xml'