#!/bin/bash virtualenv "$WORKSPACE/.venv-openstack" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$WORKSPACE/.venv-openstack/bin/activate" pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade python-openstackclient python-heatclient pip freeze cd /builder/openstack-hot || exit 1 JOB_SUM=$(echo "$JOB_NAME" | sum | awk '{{ print $1 }}') VM_NAME="$JOB_SUM-$BUILD_NUMBER" OS_TIMEOUT=10 # Minutes to wait for OpenStack VM to come online STACK_RETRIES=3 # Number of times to retry creating a stack before fully giving up STACK_SUCCESSFUL=false # seq X refers to waiting for X minutes for OpenStack to return # a status that is not CREATE_IN_PROGRESS before giving up. openstack limits show --absolute openstack limits show --rate echo "Trying up to $STACK_RETRIES times to create $STACK_NAME." for try in $(seq $STACK_RETRIES); do # shellcheck disable=SC1083 openstack stack create --timeout "$OS_TIMEOUT" -t {stack-template} -e "$WORKSPACE/opendaylight-infra-environment.yaml" --parameter "job_name=$VM_NAME" --parameter "silo=$SILO" "$STACK_NAME" openstack stack list echo "$try: Waiting for $OS_TIMEOUT minutes to create $STACK_NAME." for i in $(seq $OS_TIMEOUT); do sleep 60 OS_STATUS=$(openstack stack show -f json -c stack_status "$STACK_NAME" | jq -r '.stack_status') echo "$i: $OS_STATUS" case "$OS_STATUS" in CREATE_COMPLETE) echo "Stack initialized on infrastructure successful." STACK_SUCCESSFUL=true break ;; CREATE_FAILED) echo "ERROR: Failed to initialize infrastructure. Deleting stack and possibly retrying to create..." openstack stack list openstack stack delete --yes "$STACK_NAME" openstack stack show "$STACK_NAME" # after stack delete, poll for 10m to know when stack is fully removed # the logic here is that when "stack show $STACK_NAME" does not contain $STACK_NAME # we assume it's successfully deleted and we can break to retry for j in $(seq 20); do sleep 30; STACK_SHOW=$(openstack stack show "$STACK_NAME") echo "$j: $STACK_SHOW" if [[ $STACK_SHOW == *"DELETE_FAILED"* ]]; then echo "stack delete failed. trying to stack abandon now" openstack stack abandon "$STACK_NAME" STACK_SHOW=$(openstack stack show "$STACK_NAME") echo "$STACK_SHOW" fi if [[ $STACK_SHOW != *"$STACK_NAME"* ]]; then echo "stack show on $STACK_NAME came back empty. Assuming successful delete" break fi done # if we still see $STACK_NAME in $STACK_SHOW it means the delete hasn't fully # worked and we can exit forcefully if [[ $STACK_SHOW == *"$STACK_NAME"* ]]; then echo "stack $STACK_NAME still in stack show output after polling. Quitting!" exit 1 fi break ;; CREATE_IN_PROGRESS) echo "Waiting to initialize infrastructure." continue ;; *) echo "Unexpected status: $OS_STATUS" exit 1 ;; esac done if $STACK_SUCCESSFUL; then break fi done # capture stack info in console logs openstack stack show "$STACK_NAME" if ! $STACK_SUCCESSFUL; then exit 1 fi