#!/bin/bash -l # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2021 The Linux Foundation and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ############################################################################## # shellcheck disable=SC2153,SC2034 echo "---> Export K8S cluster config and view nodes" set -eux -o pipefail # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . ~/lf-env.sh OS_TIMEOUT=5 # Wait time in minutes for OpenStack cluster nodes to come up. CLUSTER_NODE_RETRIES=15 # Number of times to retry waiting for a cluster nodes. CLUSTER_NODE_SUCCESSFUL=false os_cloud="${OS_CLOUD:-vex}" cluster_name="${CLUSTER_NAME}" node_count="${NODE_COUNT:-2}" echo "INFO: Wait for the ${CLUSTER_NODE_RETRIES} nodes to come up ...." for try in $(seq $CLUSTER_NODE_RETRIES); do sleep 30 mapfile -t OS_NODES < <(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" server list -f value -c "Name" | grep -E ".*k8s.*") if (( ${#OS_NODES[@]} == $((node_count+1)) )); then break fi done echo "INFO: Wait until K8S Cluster nodes are active." for node in "${OS_NODES[@]}"; do echo "node: $node" # Get the main node name if [[ "$node" =~ .*k8s.*master.* ]]; then MAIN_NODE="${node}" elif [[ "$node" =~ .*k8s.*node.* ]]; then K8S_NODE="${node}" else echo "ERROR: K8S nodes not online." exit 1 fi done # Get Internal IP of master and update ${KUBECONFIG} if [[ -n "${MAIN_NODE}" ]]; then # Add a network for allowing Jenkins node to connect with the K8S nodes JOB_SUM=$(echo "$JOB_NAME" | sum | awk '{ print $1 }') VM_NAME="$JOB_NAME-$BUILD_NUMBER" SERVER_ID="$(openstack --os-cloud vex server show -f value -c id "$(hostname -s)")" NETWORK_ID="$(openstack --os-cloud vex network show -f value -c id "$SILO-$VM_NAME")" openstack --os-cloud vex server add network "$SERVER_ID" "$NETWORK_ID" FACTER_OS=$(/usr/bin/facter operatingsystem | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') FACTER_OSVER=$(/usr/bin/facter operatingsystemrelease) if [ "$FACTER_OS" == "centos" ]; then ETH1_MAC=$(ip address show eth1 | grep ether | awk -F' ' '{print $2}') ETH1_SCRIPT="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1" sudo cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 "$ETH1_SCRIPT" sudo sed -i "s/eth0/eth1/; s/^HWADDR=.*/HWADDR=$ETH1_MAC/" "$ETH1_SCRIPT" sudo echo 'PEERDNS=no' | sudo tee -a "$ETH1_SCRIPT" sudo echo 'DEFROUTE=no' | sudo tee -a "$ETH1_SCRIPT" cat "$ETH1_SCRIPT" sudo ifup eth1 elif [ "$FACTER_OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then case "$FACTER_OSVER" in 18.04) ENS3_MAC=$(ip address show ens3 | grep ether | awk -F' ' '{print $2}') ENS7_MAC=$(ip address show ens7 | grep ether | awk -F' ' '{print $2}') ENS3_SCRIPT="/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" ENS7_SCRIPT="/etc/netplan/51-cloud-init.yaml" sudo cp "$ENS3_SCRIPT" "$ENS7_SCRIPT" sudo sed -i "s/ens3/ens7/; s/macaddress: $ENS3_MAC/macaddress: $ENS7_MAC/" "$ENS7_SCRIPT" sudo sed -i "s/dhcp: true/d" "$ENS7_SCRIPT" cat "$ENS7_SCRIPT" sudo netplan apply ;; *) echo "---> Unknown Ubuntu version $FACTER_OSVER" exit 1 ;; esac else echo "---> Unknown OS $FACTER_OS" exit 1 fi # print network interfaces ip address show # Get internal IP of main node MAIN_IP=$(openstack --os-cloud "${os_cloud}" server list -f value -c Networks -c Name --name "${SILO}-.*k8s.*-master" | awk -F"'" '{print $4}') # Get internal IP of worker node in the cluster mapfile -t NODE_IPS < <(openstack --os-cloud "${os_cloud}" server list -f value -c Networks -c Name --name "${SILO}-.*k8s.*-node" | awk -F"'" '{print $4}') if (( ${#NODE_IPS[@]} != $((node_count)) )); then echo "ERROR: Cluster nodes disappered." exit 1 fi echo "INFO: Testing Connectivity between the main and Jenkins minon" ping -c3 "$MAIN_IP" echo "INFO: Testing Connectivity between the nodes and Jenkins minon" for nip in "${NODE_IPS[@]}"; do if [[ -n "${nip}" ]]; then echo "Ping Node IP Address: $nip" ping -c3 "${nip}" fi done else echo "ERROR: Main node did not come up." exit 1 fi # Export cluster config. openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster config "${cluster_name}" KUBECONFIG="${WORKSPACE}/config" export KUBECONFIG # Update main node IP in KUBECONFIG if [[ -n ${MAIN_IP} ]]; then sed -i "s#server:.*#server: https://${MAIN_IP}:6443#" "$KUBECONFIG" cat "${KUBECONFIG}" fi # Print helm and kubectl version echo "INFO: helm version:" helm3.7 version echo "INFO: kubectl version:" kubectl version