#!/bin/bash # Uninstall any previous installation sudo yum remove opendaylight -y # Delete the ODL directory to ensure a clean working enviroment sudo rm -rf /opt/opendaylight # Install OpenDaylight with custom config via repo using example Ansible playbook sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local $WORKSPACE/ansible/examples/rpm_10_devel_odl_api.yml --extra-vars "@$WORKSPACE/ansible/examples/log_vars.json" # Create Ansible custom module directories sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules # Copy the custom module to the directory above sudo cp $WORKSPACE/ansible/library/odl_usermod.py /usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules/ # Execute the odl-user-test playbook sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local $WORKSPACE/ansible/tests/test-odl-users.yaml -v # Test the custom log configurations sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local $WORKSPACE/ansible/tests/test-odl-logs.yaml -e test_log_level=DEBUG -e test_log_mechanism=console -v