# OLD Releng macros - parameter: name: project-parameter parameters: - string: name: PROJECT default: '{project}' description: "JJB configured PROJECT parameter to identify an ODL Gerrit project" - parameter: name: gerrit-parameter parameters: - string: name: GERRIT_BRANCH default: '{branch}' description: "JJB configured GERRIT_BRANCH parameter" - scm: name: git-scm scm: - git: credentials-id: '{credentials-id}' url: '$GIT_BASE' refspec: '' branches: - 'origin/{branch}' skip-tag: true wipe-workspace: true - scm: name: gerrit-trigger-scm scm: - git: credentials-id: '{credentials-id}' url: '$GIT_BASE' refspec: '{refspec}' branches: - 'origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH' skip-tag: true choosing-strategy: '{choosing-strategy}' - wrapper: name: build-timeout wrappers: - timeout: type: absolute timeout: 360 fail: true - trigger: name: gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted triggers: - gerrit: trigger-on: - patchset-created-event: exclude-drafts: 'false' exclude-trivial-rebase: 'false' exclude-no-code-change: 'false' - draft-published-event - comment-added-contains-event: comment-contains-value: 'recheck' projects: - project-compare-type: 'ANT' project-pattern: '{name}' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'ANT' branch-pattern: '**/{branch}' - trigger: name: gerrit-trigger-patch-merged triggers: - gerrit: trigger-on: - change-merged-event - comment-added-contains-event: comment-contains-value: 'remerge' projects: - project-compare-type: 'ANT' project-pattern: '{name}' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'ANT' branch-pattern: '**/{branch}' - publisher: name: archive-artifacts publishers: - archive: artifacts: '{artifacts}' allow-empty: true fingerprint: true latest-only: true - publisher: name: email-notification publishers: - email-ext: recipients: 'jenkins@lists.opendaylight.org' reply-to: content-type: default subject: '{email-prefix} $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!' body: | $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS: Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results. unstable: true fixed: true send-to: - developers - recipients - publisher: name: jacoco-report publishers: - jacoco: exec-pattern: "**/**.exec" class-pattern: "**/classes" source-pattern: "**/src/main/java" status-update: true targets: - branch: healthy: 10 unhealthy: 20 - method: healthy: 50 unhealthy: 40 - builder: name: wipe-org-opendaylight-repo builders: - shell: 'if [ -d /tmp/r/org/opendaylight ]; then rm -rf /tmp/r/org/opendaylight; fi'