module unimgr-dhcp { namespace "urn:opendaylight:unimgr:unimgr-dhcp"; prefix "unimgr-dhcp"; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date "2013-07-15"; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import mef-types { prefix mef-types; } revision "2016-12-14" { description "It provides required datastore containers to handle DHCP requests coming from access or external tunnel ports"; } container unimgr-dhcp { config true; description "contains non-neutron DHCP allocation"; list unimgr-services { key "svc-id"; leaf svc-id { description "unimgr service id"; type mef-types:retail-svc-id-type; } list network { key "network-id"; leaf network-id { description "unimgr network id"; type string; } list unimgr-allocations { key "subnet"; leaf subnet { description "subnet for the dhcp to allocate ip addresses"; type inet:ip-prefix; } list unimgr-allocation-instance { key "mac"; leaf mac { description "requesting mac"; type yang:phys-address; } leaf allocated-ip { description "allocated ip address"; type inet:ip-address; } } } list unimgr-allocation-pool { key "subnet"; leaf subnet { description "subnet for the dhcp to allocate ip addresses"; type inet:ip-prefix; } leaf allocate-from { description "low allocation limit"; type inet:ip-address; } leaf allocate-to { description "high allocation limit"; type inet:ip-address; } leaf gateway { description "default gateway for dhcp allocation"; type inet:ip-address; } leaf-list dns-servers { description "dns server list"; type inet:ip-address; } } } } } }