/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.libraries.liblldp; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * BitBufferHelper class that provides utility methods to - fetch specific bits * from a serialized stream of bits - convert bits to primitive data type - like * short, int, long - store bits in specified location in stream of bits - * convert primitive data types to stream of bits. */ public abstract class BitBufferHelper { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BitBufferHelper.class); public static final long BYTE_MASK = 0xFF; // Getters // data: array where data are stored // startOffset: bit from where to start reading // numBits: number of bits to read // All this function return an exception if overflow or underflow /** * Returns the first byte from the byte array. * * @return byte value */ public static byte getByte(final byte[] data) { if (data.length * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE > Byte.SIZE) { LOG.error("getByte", new BufferException("Container is too small for the number of requested bits")); } return data[0]; } /** * Returns the short value for the byte array passed. Size of byte array is * restricted to Short.SIZE * * @return short value */ public static short getShort(final byte[] data) { if (data.length > Short.SIZE) { LOG.error("getShort", new BufferException("Container is too small for the number of requested bits")); } return (short) toNumber(data); } /** * Returns the short value for the last numBits of the byte array passed. * Size of numBits is restricted to Short.SIZE * * @return short - the short value of byte array */ public static short getShort(final byte[] data, final int numBits) { if (numBits > Short.SIZE) { LOG.error("getShort", new BufferException("Container is too small for the number of requested bits")); } int startOffset = data.length * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBits; try { byte[] bits = BitBufferHelper.getBits(data, startOffset, numBits); return (short) toNumber(bits, numBits); } catch (final BufferException e) { LOG.error("getBits failed", e); } return 0; } /** * Returns the int value for the byte array passed. Size of byte array is * restricted to Integer.SIZE * * @return int - the integer value of byte array */ public static int getInt(final byte[] data) { if (data.length > Integer.SIZE) { LOG.error("getInt", new BufferException("Container is too small for the number of requested bits")); } return (int) toNumber(data); } /** * Returns the int value for the last numBits of the byte array passed. Size * of numBits is restricted to Integer.SIZE * * @return int - the integer value of byte array */ public static int getInt(final byte[] data, final int numBits) { if (numBits > Integer.SIZE) { LOG.error("getInt", new BufferException("Container is too small for the number of requested bits")); } int startOffset = data.length * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBits; try { byte[] bits = BitBufferHelper.getBits(data, startOffset, numBits); return (int) toNumber(bits, numBits); } catch (final BufferException e) { LOG.error("getBits failed", e); } return 0; } /** * Returns the long value for the byte array passed. Size of byte array is * restricted to Long.SIZE * * @return long - the integer value of byte array */ public static long getLong(final byte[] data) { if (data.length > Long.SIZE) { LOG.error("getLong", new BufferException("Container is too small for the number of requested bits")); } return toNumber(data); } /** * Returns the long value for the last numBits of the byte array passed. * Size of numBits is restricted to Long.SIZE * * @return long - the integer value of byte array */ public static long getLong(final byte[] data, final int numBits) { if (numBits > Long.SIZE) { LOG.error("getLong", new BufferException("Container is too small for the number of requested bits")); } if (numBits > data.length * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE) { try { throw new BufferException("Trying to read more bits than contained in the data buffer"); } catch (final BufferException e) { LOG.error("", e); } } int startOffset = data.length * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBits; try { byte[] bits = BitBufferHelper.getBits(data, startOffset, numBits); return toNumber(bits, numBits); } catch (final BufferException e) { LOG.error("getBits failed", e); } return 0; } /** * Reads the specified number of bits from the passed byte array starting to * read from the specified offset The bits read are stored in a byte array * which size is dictated by the number of bits to be stored. The bits are * stored in the byte array LSB aligned. * *

* Ex. Read 7 bits at offset 10 0 9 10 16 17 0101000010 | 0000101 | * 1111001010010101011 will be returned as {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1} * * @param startOffset * - offset to start fetching bits from data from * @param numBits * - number of bits to be fetched from data * @return byte [] - LSB aligned bits * * @throws BufferException * when the startOffset and numBits parameters are not congruent * with the data buffer size */ @Nonnull public static byte[] getBits(final byte[] data, final int startOffset, final int numBits) throws BufferException { int startByteOffset; int extranumBits = numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; final int extraOffsetBits = startOffset % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int numBytes = numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE != 0 ? 1 + numBits / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE : numBits / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; startByteOffset = startOffset / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; byte[] bytes = new byte[numBytes]; if (numBits == 0) { return bytes; } checkExceptions(data, startOffset, numBits); if (extraOffsetBits == 0) { if (extranumBits == 0) { System.arraycopy(data, startByteOffset, bytes, 0, numBytes); return bytes; } else { System.arraycopy(data, startByteOffset, bytes, 0, numBytes - 1); bytes[numBytes - 1] = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + numBytes - 1] & getMSBMask(extranumBits)); } } else { int index; int valfromcurr; int valfromnext; for (index = 0; index < numBits / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; index++) { // Reading numBytes starting from offset valfromcurr = data[startByteOffset + index] & getLSBMask(NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits); valfromnext = data[startByteOffset + index + 1] & getMSBMask(extraOffsetBits); bytes[index] = (byte) (valfromcurr << extraOffsetBits | valfromnext >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits); } // Now adding the rest of the bits if any if (extranumBits != 0) { if (extranumBits < NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits) { valfromnext = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + index] & getMSBMask(extranumBits) >> extraOffsetBits); bytes[index] = (byte) (valfromnext << extraOffsetBits); } else if (extranumBits == NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits) { valfromcurr = data[startByteOffset + index] & getLSBMask(NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits); bytes[index] = (byte) (valfromcurr << extraOffsetBits); } else { valfromcurr = data[startByteOffset + index] & getLSBMask(NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits); valfromnext = data[startByteOffset + index + 1] & getMSBMask(extranumBits - (NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits)); bytes[index] = (byte) (valfromcurr << extraOffsetBits | valfromnext >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits); } } } // Aligns the bits to LSB return shiftBitsToLSB(bytes, numBits); } // Setters // data: array where data will be stored // input: the data that need to be stored in the data array // startOffset: bit from where to start writing // numBits: number of bits to read /** * Bits are expected to be stored in the input byte array from LSB. * * @param data * to set the input byte * @param input * byte to be inserted * @param startOffset * offset of data[] to start inserting byte from * @param numBits * number of bits of input to be inserted into data[] * * @throws BufferException * when the input, startOffset and numBits are not congruent * with the data buffer size */ public static void setByte(final byte[] data, final byte input, final int startOffset, final int numBits) throws BufferException { byte[] inputByteArray = new byte[1]; Arrays.fill(inputByteArray, 0, 1, input); setBytes(data, inputByteArray, startOffset, numBits); } /** * Bits are expected to be stored in the input byte array from LSB. * * @param data * to set the input byte * @param input * bytes to be inserted * @param startOffset * offset of data[] to start inserting byte from * @param numBits * number of bits of input to be inserted into data[] * @throws BufferException * when the startOffset and numBits parameters are not congruent * with data and input buffers' size */ public static void setBytes(final byte[] data, final byte[] input, final int startOffset, final int numBits) throws BufferException { checkExceptions(data, startOffset, numBits); insertBits(data, input, startOffset, numBits); } /** * Returns numBits 1's in the MSB position. */ public static int getMSBMask(final int numBits) { int mask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++) { mask = mask | 1 << 7 - i; } return mask; } /** * Returns numBits 1's in the LSB position. */ public static int getLSBMask(final int numBits) { int mask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++) { mask = mask | 1 << i; } return mask; } /** * Returns the numerical value of the byte array passed. * * @return long - numerical value of byte array passed */ public static long toNumber(final byte[] array) { long ret = 0; long length = array.length; int value; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { value = array[i]; if (value < 0) { value += 256; } ret = ret | (long) value << (length - i - 1) * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; } return ret; } /** * Returns the numerical value of the last numBits (LSB bits) of the byte array passed. * * @return long - numerical value of byte array passed */ public static long toNumber(final byte[] array, final int numBits) { int length = numBits / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int bitsRest = numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int startOffset = array.length - length; long ret = 0; int value; value = array[startOffset - 1] & getLSBMask(bitsRest); value = array[startOffset - 1] < 0 ? array[startOffset - 1] + 256 : array[startOffset - 1]; ret = ret | value << (array.length - startOffset) * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; for (int i = startOffset; i < array.length; i++) { value = array[i]; if (value < 0) { value += 256; } ret = ret | (long) value << (array.length - i - 1) * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; } return ret; } /** * Accepts a number as input and returns its value in byte form in LSB * aligned form example: input = 5000 [1001110001000] bytes = 19, -120 * [00010011] [10001000]. */ public static byte[] toByteArray(final Number input) { Class dataType = input.getClass(); short size; long longValue = input.longValue(); if (dataType == Byte.class || dataType == byte.class) { size = Byte.SIZE; } else if (dataType == Short.class || dataType == short.class) { size = Short.SIZE; } else if (dataType == Integer.class || dataType == int.class) { size = Integer.SIZE; } else if (dataType == Long.class || dataType == long.class) { size = Long.SIZE; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter must one of the following: Short/Int/Long\n"); } int length = size / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; // Getting the bytes from input value for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte) (longValue >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE * (length - i - 1) & BYTE_MASK); } return bytes; } /** * Accepts a number as input and returns its value in byte form in MSB * aligned form example: input = 5000 [1001110001000] bytes = -114, 64 * [10011100] [01000000]. * * @param numBits * - the number of bits to be returned * @return byte[] * */ public static byte[] toByteArray(final Number input, final int numBits) { Class dataType = input.getClass(); short size; long longValue = input.longValue(); if (dataType == Short.class) { size = Short.SIZE; } else if (dataType == Integer.class) { size = Integer.SIZE; } else if (dataType == Long.class) { size = Long.SIZE; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter must one of the following: Short/Int/Long\n"); } int length = size / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; byte[] inputbytes = new byte[length]; byte[] shiftedBytes; // Getting the bytes from input value for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte) (longValue >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE * (length - i - 1) & BYTE_MASK); } if (bytes[0] == 0 && dataType == Long.class || bytes[0] == 0 && dataType == Integer.class) { int index; for (index = 0; index < length; ++index) { if (bytes[index] != 0) { bytes[0] = bytes[index]; break; } } System.arraycopy(bytes, index, inputbytes, 0, length - index); Arrays.fill(bytes, length - index + 1, length - 1, (byte) 0); } else { System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, inputbytes, 0, length); } shiftedBytes = shiftBitsToMSB(inputbytes, numBits); return shiftedBytes; } /** * Takes an LSB aligned byte array and returned the LSB numBits in a MSB * aligned byte array. * *

* It aligns the last numBits bits to the head of the byte array following * them with numBits % 8 zero bits. * *

* Example: For inputbytes = [00000111][01110001] and numBits = 12 it * returns: shiftedBytes = [01110111][00010000] * * @param numBits * - number of bits to be left aligned * @return byte[] */ public static byte[] shiftBitsToMSB(final byte[] inputBytes, final int numBits) { int numBitstoShiftBy; int leadZeroesMSB = 8; int numEndRestBits; int size = inputBytes.length; byte[] shiftedBytes = new byte[size]; for (int i = 0; i < Byte.SIZE; i++) { if ((byte) (inputBytes[0] & getMSBMask(i + 1)) != 0) { leadZeroesMSB = i; break; } } if (numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE == 0) { numBitstoShiftBy = 0; } else { numBitstoShiftBy = NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE < leadZeroesMSB ? NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE : leadZeroesMSB; } if (numBitstoShiftBy == 0) { return inputBytes; } if (numBits < NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE) { // inputbytes.length = 1 OR read less than a byte shiftedBytes[0] = (byte) ((inputBytes[0] & getLSBMask(numBits)) << numBitstoShiftBy); } else { // # of bits to read from last byte numEndRestBits = NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - (inputBytes.length * NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBits - numBitstoShiftBy); for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { if (i + 1 == size - 1) { if (numEndRestBits > numBitstoShiftBy) { shiftedBytes[i] = (byte) (inputBytes[i] << numBitstoShiftBy | (inputBytes[i + 1] & getMSBMask(numBitstoShiftBy)) >> numEndRestBits - numBitstoShiftBy); shiftedBytes[i + 1] = (byte) ((inputBytes[i + 1] & getLSBMask(numEndRestBits - numBitstoShiftBy)) << numBitstoShiftBy); } else { shiftedBytes[i] = (byte) (inputBytes[i] << numBitstoShiftBy | (inputBytes[i + 1] & getMSBMask(numEndRestBits)) >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numEndRestBits); } } shiftedBytes[i] = (byte) (inputBytes[i] << numBitstoShiftBy | (inputBytes[i + 1] & getMSBMask(numBitstoShiftBy)) >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBitstoShiftBy); } } return shiftedBytes; } /** * It aligns the first numBits bits to the right end of the byte array * preceding them with numBits % 8 zero bits. * *

* Example: For inputbytes = [01110111][00010000] and numBits = 12 it * returns: shiftedBytes = [00000111][01110001] * * @param inputBytes input bytes * @param numBits * - number of bits to be right aligned * @return byte[] */ public static byte[] shiftBitsToLSB(final byte[] inputBytes, final int numBits) { int numBytes = inputBytes.length; int numBitstoShift = numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; byte[] shiftedBytes = new byte[numBytes]; int inputLsb; int inputMsb; if (numBitstoShift == 0) { return inputBytes; } for (int i = 1; i < numBytes; i++) { inputLsb = inputBytes[i - 1] & getLSBMask(NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBitstoShift); inputLsb = inputLsb < 0 ? inputLsb + 256 : inputLsb; inputMsb = inputBytes[i] & getMSBMask(numBitstoShift); inputMsb = inputBytes[i] < 0 ? inputBytes[i] + 256 : inputBytes[i]; shiftedBytes[i] = (byte) (inputLsb << numBitstoShift | inputMsb >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBitstoShift); } inputMsb = inputBytes[0] & getMSBMask(numBitstoShift); inputMsb = inputMsb < 0 ? inputMsb + 256 : inputMsb; shiftedBytes[0] = (byte) (inputMsb >> NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - numBitstoShift); return shiftedBytes; } /** * Insert in the data buffer at position dictated by the offset the number * of bits specified from the input data byte array. The input byte array * has the bits stored starting from the LSB */ public static void insertBits(final byte[] data, final byte[] inputdataLSB, final int startOffset, final int numBits) { byte[] inputdata = shiftBitsToMSB(inputdataLSB, numBits); // Align to // MSB the // passed // byte // array int numBytes = numBits / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int startByteOffset = startOffset / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int extraOffsetBits = startOffset % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int extranumBits = numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int restBits = numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; int inputMSBbits; int inputLSBbits = 0; if (numBits == 0) { return; } if (extraOffsetBits == 0) { if (extranumBits == 0) { numBytes = numBits / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; System.arraycopy(inputdata, 0, data, startByteOffset, numBytes); } else { System.arraycopy(inputdata, 0, data, startByteOffset, numBytes); data[startByteOffset + numBytes] = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + numBytes] | inputdata[numBytes] & getMSBMask(extranumBits)); } } else { int index; for (index = 0; index < numBytes; index++) { if (index != 0) { inputLSBbits = inputdata[index - 1] & getLSBMask(extraOffsetBits); } inputMSBbits = (byte) (inputdata[index] & getMSBMask(NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits)); inputMSBbits = inputMSBbits >= 0 ? inputMSBbits : inputMSBbits + 256; data[startByteOffset + index] = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + index] | inputLSBbits << NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits | inputMSBbits >> extraOffsetBits); inputMSBbits = inputLSBbits = 0; } if (restBits < NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits) { if (numBytes != 0) { inputLSBbits = inputdata[index - 1] & getLSBMask(extraOffsetBits); } inputMSBbits = (byte) (inputdata[index] & getMSBMask(restBits)); inputMSBbits = inputMSBbits >= 0 ? inputMSBbits : inputMSBbits + 256; data[startByteOffset + index] = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + index] | inputLSBbits << NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits | inputMSBbits >> extraOffsetBits); } else if (restBits == NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits) { if (numBytes != 0) { inputLSBbits = inputdata[index - 1] & getLSBMask(extraOffsetBits); } inputMSBbits = (byte) (inputdata[index] & getMSBMask(NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits)); inputMSBbits = inputMSBbits >= 0 ? inputMSBbits : inputMSBbits + 256; data[startByteOffset + index] = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + index] | inputLSBbits << NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits | inputMSBbits >> extraOffsetBits); } else { if (numBytes != 0) { inputLSBbits = inputdata[index - 1] & getLSBMask(extraOffsetBits); } inputMSBbits = (byte) (inputdata[index] & getMSBMask(NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits)); inputMSBbits = inputMSBbits >= 0 ? inputMSBbits : inputMSBbits + 256; data[startByteOffset + index] = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + index] | inputLSBbits << NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits | inputMSBbits >> extraOffsetBits); inputLSBbits = inputdata[index] & getLSBMask(restBits - (NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits)) << NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - restBits; data[startByteOffset + index + 1] = (byte) (data[startByteOffset + index + 1] | inputLSBbits << NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE - extraOffsetBits); } } } /** * Checks for overflow and underflow exceptions. * * @throws BufferException * when the startOffset and numBits parameters are not congruent * with the data buffer's size */ public static void checkExceptions(final byte[] data, final int startOffset, final int numBits) throws BufferException { int endOffsetByte; int startByteOffset; endOffsetByte = startOffset / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE + numBits / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE + (numBits % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE != 0 ? 1 : startOffset % NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE != 0 ? 1 : 0); startByteOffset = startOffset / NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE; if (data == null) { throw new BufferException("data[] is null\n"); } if (startOffset < 0 || startByteOffset >= data.length || endOffsetByte > data.length || numBits < 0 || numBits > NetUtils.NUM_BITS_IN_A_BYTE * data.length) { throw new BufferException("Illegal arguement/out of bound exception - data.length = " + data.length + " startOffset = " + startOffset + " numBits " + numBits); } } }