#!/bin/bash # This script compiles documenatation from asciidoc source by # converting asciidoc to reStructedText automatically using # asciidoctor maven plug in and pandoc (http://www.pandoc.org/). # # Please make sure you have pandoc (http://www.pandoc.org/) and sphinx # (http://www.sphinx-doc.org/) installed. cwd=$(pwd) cp -r $cwd/docs/getting-started-guide $cwd/docs_autotranslation/getting-started-guide cp -r $cwd/docs/_static $cwd/docs_autotranslation/_static docs='howto-openstack developer-guide user-guide' for i in $docs do echo "Translating $i ..." cd $cwd/manuals/$i mvn clean compile cp -r $cwd/manuals/$i/target/generated-docs $cwd/docs_autotranslation/$i mvn clean cd $cwd/docs_autotranslation/$i pandoc -f docbook -t rst -s *.xml -o index.rst done sphinx-build -b html $cwd/docs_autotranslation $cwd/docs_autotranslation/html