# == Class opendaylight::config # # This class handles ODL config changes. # It's called from the opendaylight class. # class opendaylight::config { # Configuration of Karaf features to install file { 'org.apache.karaf.features.cfg': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg', # Set user:group owners owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', } $features_csv = join($opendaylight::features, ',') file_line { 'featuresBoot': path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg', line => "featuresBoot=${features_csv}", match => '^featuresBoot=.*$', } # Modify karaf to include Java options file_line {'Karaf Java Options': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/bin/karaf', line => "EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS=${opendaylight::java_opts}", match => '^EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS=.*$', after => '^PROGNAME=.*$' } file { 'org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', # Set user:group owners owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', } $ha_node_count = count($::opendaylight::ha_node_ips) if $::opendaylight::enable_ha and $ha_node_count < 2 { fail("Number of HA nodes less than 2: ${ha_node_count} and HA Enabled") } # Configuration of ODL NB REST port to listen on if $opendaylight::enable_tls { if $::opendaylight::tls_keystore_password == undef { fail('Enabling TLS requires setting a TLS password for the ODL keystore') } if $::opendaylight::tls_key_file or $::opendaylight::tls_cert_file { if $::opendaylight::tls_key_file and $::opendaylight::tls_cert_file { odl_keystore { 'controller': password => $::opendaylight::tls_keystore_password, cert_file => $::opendaylight::tls_cert_file, key_file => $::opendaylight::tls_key_file, ca_file => $::opendaylight::tls_ca_cert_file, require => File['/opt/opendaylight/configuration/ssl'] } } else { fail('Must specify both TLS key file path AND certificate file path') } } augeas {'Remove HTTP ODL REST Port': incl => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml', context => '/files/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml/Configure', lens => 'Xml.lns', changes => ["rm Call[1]/Arg/New/Set[#attribute[name='port']]"] } augeas {'ODL SSL REST Port': incl => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml', context => '/files/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml/Configure', lens => 'Xml.lns', changes => ["set New[1]/Set[#attribute[name='securePort']]/Property/#attribute/default ${opendaylight::odl_rest_port}"] } file_line { 'set pax TLS port': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => "org.osgi.service.http.port.secure = ${opendaylight::odl_rest_port}", match => '^#?org.osgi.service.http.port.secure.*$', require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } file_line { 'enable pax TLS': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => 'org.osgi.service.http.secure.enabled = true', match => '^#?org.osgi.service.http.secure.enabled.*$', require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } file_line { 'disable pax HTTP': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => 'org.osgi.service.http.enabled = false', match => '^#?org.osgi.service.http.enabled.*$', require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } file {'aaa-cert-config.xml': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/aaa-cert-config.xml', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', content => template('opendaylight/aaa-cert-config.xml.erb'), } file_line {'set pax TLS keystore location': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => 'org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.keystore = configuration/ssl/ctl.jks', match => '^#?org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.keystore.*$', require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } file_line {'set pax TLS keystore integrity password': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => "org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.password = ${opendaylight::tls_keystore_password}", match => '^#?org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.password.*$', require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } file_line {'set pax TLS keystore password': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => "org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.keypassword = ${opendaylight::tls_keystore_password}", match => '^#?org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.keypassword.*$', require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } # Enable TLS with OVSDB file { 'org.opendaylight.ovsdb.library.cfg': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.opendaylight.ovsdb.library.cfg', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', source => 'puppet:///modules/opendaylight/org.opendaylight.ovsdb.library.cfg', } # Configure OpenFlow plugin to use TLS $transport_protocol = 'TLS' } else { $transport_protocol = 'TCP' augeas { 'ODL REST Port': incl => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml', context => '/files/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml/Configure', lens => 'Xml.lns', changes => [ "set Call[1]/Arg/New/Set[#attribute[name='port']]/Property/#attribute/default ${opendaylight::odl_rest_port}"] } file_line { 'set pax bind port': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => "org.osgi.service.http.port = ${opendaylight::odl_rest_port}", match => '^#?org.osgi.service.http.port\s.*$', require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } } # Configure OpenFlow plugin to use TCP/TLS file { 'default-openflow-connection-config.xml': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/default-openflow-connection-config.xml', # Set user:group owners owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', content => template('opendaylight/default-openflow-connection-config.xml.erb'), } $initial_config_dir = '/opt/opendaylight/configuration/initial' file { $initial_config_dir: ensure => directory, mode => '0755', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', } if $opendaylight::odl_bind_ip != '' { # Configuration of ODL NB REST IP to listen on augeas { 'ODL REST IP': incl => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml', context => '/files/opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml/Configure', lens => 'Xml.lns', changes => [ "set Call[1]/Arg/New/Set[#attribute[name='host']]/Property/#attribute/default ${opendaylight::odl_bind_ip}" ] } file_line { 'set pax bind IP': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg', line => "org.ops4j.pax.web.listening.addresses = ${opendaylight::odl_bind_ip}", require => File['org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg'] } # Configure websocket address file { '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.opendaylight.restconf.cfg': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.opendaylight.restconf.cfg', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', } -> file_line { 'websocket-address': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.opendaylight.restconf.cfg', line => "websocket-address=${::opendaylight::odl_bind_ip}", match => '^websocket-address=.*$', } } # Set any custom log levels $opendaylight::log_levels.each |$log_name, $logging_level| { $underscored_version = regsubst($log_name, '\.', '_', 'G') file_line {"logger-${log_name}-level": ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg', line => "log4j2.logger.${underscored_version}.level = ${logging_level}", match => "log4j2.logger.${underscored_version}.level = .*$" } file_line {"logger-${log_name}-name": ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg', line => "log4j2.logger.${underscored_version}.name = ${log_name}", match => "log4j2.logger.${underscored_version}.name = .*$" } } # set logging mechanism if $opendaylight::log_mechanism == 'console' { file_line { 'consoleappender': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg', line => 'karaf.log.console=INFO', after => 'log4j2.rootLogger.appenderRef.Console.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter', match => '^karaf.log.console.*$' } } else { # Set maximum ODL log file size file_line { 'logmaxsize': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg', line => "log4j2.appender.rolling.policies.size.size = ${::opendaylight::log_max_size}", match => '^log4j2.appender.rolling.policies.size.size.*$' } file_line { 'rolloverstrategy': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg', line => 'log4j2.appender.rolling.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy' } # Set maximum number of ODL log file rollovers to preserve -> file_line { 'logmaxrollover': ensure => present, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg', line => "log4j2.appender.rolling.strategy.max = ${::opendaylight::log_max_rollover}", match => '^log4j2.appender.rolling.strategy.max.*$' } } # Configure ODL HA if enabled if $::opendaylight::enable_ha { # Configure ODL OSVDB Clustering file {'akka.conf': ensure => file, path => "${initial_config_dir}/akka.conf", owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', content => template('opendaylight/akka.conf.erb'), require => File[$initial_config_dir] } file {'modules.conf': ensure => file, path => "${initial_config_dir}/modules.conf", owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', content => template('opendaylight/modules.conf.erb'), require => File[$initial_config_dir] } file {'module-shards.conf': ensure => file, path => "${initial_config_dir}/module-shards.conf", owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', content => template('opendaylight/module-shards.conf.erb'), require => File[$initial_config_dir] } } $odl_dirs = [ '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight', '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/karaf', '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore', '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial', '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config', '/opt/opendaylight/configuration/ssl' ] file { $odl_dirs: ensure => directory, mode => '0755', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', } if ('odl-netvirt-openstack' in $opendaylight::features or 'odl-netvirt-sfc' in $opendaylight::features) { # Configure SNAT file { 'netvirt-natservice-config.xml': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/netvirt-natservice-config.xml', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', content => template('opendaylight/netvirt-natservice-config.xml.erb'), require => File['/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config'], } } # SFC Config if ('odl-netvirt-sfc' in $opendaylight::features) { file { 'genius-itm-config.xml': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/genius-itm-config.xml', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', source => 'puppet:///modules/opendaylight/genius-itm-config.xml', require => File['/opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config'], } } #configure VPP routing node if ! empty($::opendaylight::vpp_routing_node) { file { 'org.opendaylight.groupbasedpolicy.neutron.vpp.mapper.startup.cfg': ensure => file, path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.opendaylight.groupbasedpolicy.neutron.vpp.mapper.startup.cfg', owner => 'odl', group => 'odl', } file_line { 'routing-node': path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.opendaylight.groupbasedpolicy.neutron.vpp.mapper.startup.cfg', line => "routing-node=${::opendaylight::vpp_routing_node}", match => '^routing-node=.*$', } } # Configure username/password odl_user { $::opendaylight::username: password => $::opendaylight::password, before => Service['opendaylight'], } }