# == Class: opendaylight::repos # # Manages the installation of the OpenDaylight repositories for RedHat and # Debian # # === Parameters # # [*deb_repo*] # The name of the debppa repo to configure. Ignored if on a RHEL based system. # Defaults to $::opendaylight::deb_repo # # [*rpm_repo*] # The name of the rpm repo to configure. Ignored if on a Debian based system # Defaults to $::opendaylight::rpm_repo # # [*rpm_repo_enabled*] # Flag to indicate if the the rpm repo should be enabled or disabled. # Defualts to 1. # # [*rpm_repo_gpgcheck*] # Flag to indicate if the rpm repo should be configured with gpgcheck. # Defaults to 0. # class opendaylight::repos ( $deb_repo = $::opendaylight::deb_repo, $rpm_repo = $::opendaylight::rpm_repo, $rpm_repo_enabled = 1, $rpm_repo_gpgcheck = 0, ) inherits ::opendaylight { if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' { # Add OpenDaylight's Yum repository yumrepo { $rpm_repo: # 'ensure' isn't supported with Puppet <3.5 # Seems to default to present, but docs don't say # https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/3.4.0/type.html#yumrepo # https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/3.5.0/type.html#yumrepo baseurl => "http://cbs.centos.org/repos/nfv7-${rpm_repo}/\$basearch/os/", descr => 'OpenDaylight SDN Controller', enabled => $rpm_repo_enabled, # NB: RPM signing is an active TODO, but is not done. We will enable # this gpgcheck once the RPM supports it. gpgcheck => $rpm_repo_gpgcheck, } } elsif ($::osfamily == 'Debian') { include ::apt # Add ODL ppa repository apt::ppa{ $deb_repo: } } else { fail("Unknown operating system method: ${::osfamily}") } }