== UNI Manager Plug-In Developer Guide The UNI Manager plug in exposes capabilities of OpenDaylight to configure networked equipment to operate according to Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) requirements for User Network Interface (UNI) and to support the creation of an Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) according to MEF requirements. UNI Manager adheres to a minimum set of functionality defined by MEF 7.2 and 10.2 specifications. === Functionality The UNI manager plugin enables the creation of Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVC) as defined by the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF). An EVC provides a simulated Ethernet connection among LANs existing at different geographical locations. This version of the plugin is limited to connecting two LANS. As defined by MEF, each location to be connected must have a User Network Interface, (UNI) which is a device that connects the user LAN to the EVC providers network. UNI and EVC are implemented via Open vSwitch, leveraging the OVSDB project: creating a UNI will end up creating an OVSDB node with an _ovsbr0_ bridge, interface and port. While creating a UNI, based on the MEF requirement, one can specify a desired QoS; this leverages the QoS and Queue tables from the OVS database. (see documentation bellow for full details). Same goes with the EVC, to which one can apply a given QoS to control the speed of the connection. Creating an EVC will add two additional ports to the _ovsbr0_ bridge: - _eht0_: the interface connected to a client laptop - _gre1_, interface used to for gre tunnelling between two clients (VXLAN). Finally, within this release, UniMgr is more a Proof Of Concept than a framework to be used in production. Previous demonstrations were made using Raspberry Pis, having a low NIC bandwith, thus the speed as defined in the API is actually mapped as follow: - `speed-10M` => 1 Mb - `speed-100M` => 2 Mb - `speed-1G` => 3 Mb - `speed-10G` => 4 Mb === UNI Manager REST APIs This API enables the creation and management of both UNI's and EVCs. In order to create an EVC using this interface you would first create two UNI's via the following REST API (see documentation below for full details) ---- PUT http://:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:uni/node/ ---- You would then create an EVC, indicating that it is a connection between the two UNI's that were just created, via the following REST API (see documentation below for full details) ---- PUT http://:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:evc/link/ ---- You can then change attributes of the UNI's or EVCs, and delete these entities using this API (see documentation below for full details). This plugin uses the OpenDaylight OVSDB plugin to provision and the manage devices which implement the OVSDB REST interface, as needed to realize the UNI and EVC life-cycles NOTE: Both the configuration and operational databases can be operated upon by the unimgr REST API. The only difference between the two is in the REST Path. The configuration datastore represents the desired state, the operational datastore represents the actual state. For operating on the config database ---- http://:8181/restconf/config/ ---- For operating on the operational database ---- http://:8181/restconf/operational/ ---- The documentation below shows examples of both ==== CREATE UNI ---- PUT http://:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:uni/node/ ---- NOTE: uni-id is determined by and supplied by the caller both in the path and the body of the rest message Request Body ---- { "network-topology:node": [ { "node-id": "uni-id", "speed": { "speed-1G": 1 }, "uni:mac-layer": "IEEE 802.3-2005", "uni:physical-medium": "100BASE-T", "uni:mode": "syncEnabled" "uni:type": "UNITYPE", "uni:mtu-size": 1600, "uni:mac-address": "68:5b:35:bb:f8:3e", "uni:ip-address": "", } ] } ---- Response on success: 200 Input Options ---- "speed" "speed-10M" "speed-100M" "speed-1G" "speed-10G" "uni:mac-layer" "IEEE 802.3-2005" uni:physical-medium "10BASE-T" "100BASE-T" "1000BASE-T" "10GBASE-T" "uni:mode" "syncEnabled" "syncDisabled" "uni:type" "UNITYPE" "uni:mtu-size" 1600 reccomended ---- On OVS, the QoS, the Queue were updated, and a bridge was added: ---- mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl list QoS _uuid : 341c6e9d-ecb4-44ff-a21c-db644b466f4c external_ids : {opendaylight-qos-id="qos://18db2a79-5655-4a94-afac-94015245e3f6"} other_config : {dscp="0", max-rate="3000000"} queues : {} type : linux-htb mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl list Queue _uuid : 8a0e1fc1-5d5f-4e7a-9c4d-ec412a5ec7de dscp : 0 external_ids : {opendaylight-queue-id="queue://740a3809-5bef-4ad4-98d6-2ba81132bd06"} other_config : {dscp="0", max-rate="3000000"} mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show 0b8ed0aa-67ac-4405-af13-70249a7e8a96 Manager "tcp:" is_connected: true Bridge "ovsbr0" Port "ovsbr0" Interface "ovsbr0" type: internal ovs_version: "2.4.0" ---- ==== RETRIEVE UNI GET http://:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:uni/node/ Response : 200 ---- { "node": [ { "node-id": "uni-id", "cl-unimgr-mef:speed": { "speed-1G": [null] }, "cl-unimgr-mef:mac-layer": "IEEE 802.3-2005", "cl-unimgr-mef:physical-medium": "1000BASE-T", "cl-unimgr-mef:mode": "syncEnabled", "cl-unimgr-mef:type": "UNITYPE", "cl-unimgr-mef:mtu-size": "1600", "cl-unimgr-mef:mac-address": "00:22:22:22:22:22", "cl-unimgr-mef:ip-address": "" } ] } ---- Output Options ---- "cl-unimgr-mef:speed" "speed-10M" "speed-100M" "speed-1G" "speed-10G" "cl-unimgr-mef::mac-layer" "IEEE 802.3-2005" "cl-unimgr-mef:physical-medium" "10BASE-T" "100BASE-T" "1000BASE-T" "10GBASE-T" "cl-unimgr-mef::mode" "syncEnabled" "syncDisabled" "cl-unimgr-mef::type" "UNITYPE" ---- ==== UPDATE UNI ---- PUT http://:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:uni/node/ ---- NOTE: uni-id is determined by and supplied by the caller both in the path and the body of the rest message Request Body ---- { "network-topology:node": [ { "node-id": "uni-id", "speed": { "speed-1G": 1 }, "uni:mac-layer": "IEEE 802.3-2005", "uni:physical-medium": "100BASE-T", "uni:mode": "syncEnabled" "uni:type": "UNITYPE", "uni:mtu-size": 1600, "uni:mac-address": "68:5b:35:bb:f8:3e", "uni:ip-address": "", } ] } ---- Response on success: 200 Input Options ---- "speed" "speed-10M" "speed-100M" "speed-1G" "speed-10G" "uni:mac-layer" "IEEE 802.3-2005" uni:physical-medium "10BASE-T" "100BASE-T" "1000BASE-T" "10GBASE-T" "uni:mode" "syncEnabled" "syncDisabled" "uni:type" "UNITYPE" "uni:mtu-size" 1600 reccomended ---- ==== DELETE UNI ---- DELETE http://:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:uni/node/ ---- Response on success: 200 ==== CREATE EVC ---- PUT http://:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:evc/link/ ---- NOTE: evc-id is determined by and supplied by the caller both in the path and the body of the rest message Request Body ---- { "link": [ { "link-id": "evc-1", "source": { "source-node": "/network-topology/topology/node/uni-1" }, "destination": { "dest-node": "/network-topology/topology/node/uni-2" }, "cl-unimgr-mef:uni-source": [ { "order": "0", "ip-address": "" } ], "cl-unimgr-mef:uni-dest": [ { "order": "0", "ip-address": "" } ], "cl-unimgr-mef:cos-id": "gold", "cl-unimgr-mef:ingress-bw": { "speed-10G": {} }, "cl-unimgr-mef:egress-bw": { "speed-10G": {} } } ] } ---- Response on success: 200 Input Optionss ---- ["source"]["source-node"] Id of 1st UNI to assocate EVC with ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-source"][0]["ip-address"] IP address of 1st UNI to associate EVC with ["destination"]["dest-node"] Id of 2nd UNI to assocate EVC with ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-dest"][0]["ip-address"] IP address of 2nd UNI to associate EVC with "cl-unimgr-mef:cos-id" class of service id to associate with the EVC "cl-unimgr-mef:ingress-bw" "cl-unimgr-mef:egress-bw" "speed-10M" "speed-100M" "speed-1G" "speed-10G" ---- On OVS, the QoS, the Queue were updated, and two ports were added: ---- mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl list QoS _uuid : 341c6e9d-ecb4-44ff-a21c-db644b466f4c external_ids : {opendaylight-qos-id="qos://18db2a79-5655-4a94-afac-94015245e3f6"} other_config : {dscp="0", max-rate="3000000"} queues : {} type : linux-htb mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl list Queue _uuid : 8a0e1fc1-5d5f-4e7a-9c4d-ec412a5ec7de dscp : 0 external_ids : {opendaylight-queue-id="queue://740a3809-5bef-4ad4-98d6-2ba81132bd06"} other_config : {dscp="0", max-rate="3000000"} mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show 0b8ed0aa-67ac-4405-af13-70249a7e8a96 Manager "tcp:" is_connected: true Bridge "ovsbr0" Port "ovsbr0" Interface "ovsbr0" type: internal Port "eth1" Interface "eth1" Port "gre1" Interface "gre1" type: gre options: {remote_ip=""} ovs_version: "2.4.0" ---- ==== RETRIEVE EVC ---- GET http://:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:evc/link/ ---- Response on success: 200 ---- { "link": [ { "link-id": "evc-5", "source": { "source-node": "/network-topology/topology/node/uni-9" }, "destination": { "dest-node": "/network-topology/topology/node/uni-10" }, "cl-unimgr-mef:uni-dest": [ { "order": 0, "uni": "/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology:topology[network-topology:topology-id='unimgr:uni']/network-topology:node[network-topology:node-id='uni-10']", "ip-address": "" } ], "cl-unimgr-mef:ingress-bw": { "speed-1G": [null] }, "cl-unimgr-mef:cos-id": "new1", "cl-unimgr-mef:uni-source": [ { "order": 0, "uni": "/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology:topology[network-topology:topology-id='unimgr:uni']/network-topology:node[network-topology:node-id='uni-9']", "ip-address": "" } ], "cl-unimgr-mef:egress-bw": { "speed-1G": [null] } } ] } ---- Output Options ---- ["source"]["source-node"] ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-source"][0]["uni"] Id of 1st UNI assocated with EVC ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-source"][0]["ip-address"] IP address of 1st UNI assocated with EVC ["destination"]["dest-node"] ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-dest"][0]["uni"] Id of 2nd UNI assocated with EVC ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-dest"][0]["ip-address"] IP address of 2nd UNI assocated with EVC "cl-unimgr-mef:cos-id" class of service id associated with the EVC "cl-unimgr-mef:ingress-bw" "cl-unimgr-mef:egress-bw" "speed-10M" "speed-100M" "speed-1G" "speed-10G" ---- ==== UPDATE EVC ---- PUT http://:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:evc/link/ ---- NOTE: evc-id is determined by and supplied by the caller both in the path and the body of the rest message Request Body ---- { "link": [ { "link-id": "evc-1", "source": { "source-node": "/network-topology/topology/node/uni-1" }, "destination": { "dest-node": "/network-topology/topology/node/uni-2" }, "cl-unimgr-mef:uni-source": [ { "order": "0", "ip-address": "" } ], "cl-unimgr-mef:uni-dest": [ { "order": "0", "ip-address": "" } ], "cl-unimgr-mef:cos-id": "gold", "cl-unimgr-mef:ingress-bw": { "speed-10G": {} }, "cl-unimgr-mef:egress-bw": { "speed-10G": {} } } ] } ---- Response on success: 200 Input Optionss ---- ["source"]["source-node"] Id of 1st UNI to assocate EVC with ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-source"][0]["ip-address"] IP address of 1st UNI to associate EVC with ["destination"]["dest-node"] Id of 2nd UNI to assocate EVC with ["cl-unimgr-mef:uni-dest"][0]["ip-address"] IP address of 2nd UNI to associate EVC with "cl-unimgr-mef:cos-id" class of service id to associate with the EVC "cl-unimgr-mef:ingress-bw" "cl-unimgr-mef:egress-bw" "speed-10M" "speed-100M" "speed-1G" "speed-10G" ---- ==== DELETE EVC ---- DELETE http://host-ip:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/unimgr:evc/link/evc-id ---- Response on success: 200