=== NETCONF testtool *NETCONF testtool is a set of standalone runnable jars that can:* * Simulate NETCONF devices(suitable for scale testing) * Stress/Performance test NETCONF devices * Stress/Performance test RESTCONF devices These jars are part of OpenDaylight's controller project and are built from the NETCONF codebase in OpenDaylight. TIP: Download testtool from OpenDaylight Nexus at: http://nexus.opendaylight.org/#nexus-search;quick~netconf-testtool *Nexus contains 3 executable tools:* * executable.jar - device simulator * stress.client.tar.gz - NETCONF stress/performance measuring tool * perf-client.jar - RESTCONF stress/performance measuring tool TIP: Each executable tool provides help. Just invoke +java -jar --help+ ==== NETCONF device simulator Detailed information for NETCONF device simulator can be found at: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:Netconf:Testtool //// TODO migrate the guide from wiki here //// ==== NETCONF stress/performance measuring tool This is basically a NETCONF client that puts NETCONF servers under heavy load of NETCONF RPCs and measures the time until a configurable amount of them is processed. //// TODO add a guide on how to do this with OpenDaylight //// ==== RESTCONF stress-performance measuring tool Very similar to NETCONF stress tool with the difference of using RESTCONF protocol instead of NETCONF. //// TODO add a guide on how to do this with OpenDaylight ////