==== How to configure VTN Renderer The NIC Model provides an abstract model for expressing the desired state and operation of the network. ===== Requirement * Configure mininet and create a topology: Replace based on your environment ---- $ mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --topo tree,2 ---- ---- mininet> net h1 h1-eth0:s2-eth1 h2 h2-eth0:s2-eth2 h3 h3-eth0:s3-eth1 h4 h4-eth0:s3-eth2 s1 lo: s1-eth1:s2-eth3 s1-eth2:s3-eth3 s2 lo: s2-eth1:h1-eth0 s2-eth2:h2-eth0 s2-eth3:s1-eth1 s3 lo: s3-eth1:h3-eth0 s3-eth2:h4-eth0 s3-eth3:s1-eth2 c0 ---- ===== Downloading and deploy Karaf distribution * Get the Lithium Distribution. * Unzip the downloaded zip distribution * To run the Karaf ---- ./bin/karaf ---- * Once the console is up, type as below to install feature. ---- feature:install odl-nic-renderer-vtn ---- ===== Configuration Please execute the following curl commands to test network intent using mininet: * Create Intent ---- curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034 -d '{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034", "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""}} ] } }' ---- ---- curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035 -d '{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035", "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""}} ] } }' ---- .Verification ---- mininet> pingall Ping: testing ping reachability h1 -> h2 X X h2 -> h1 h3 X h3 -> X h2 X h4 -> X X X ---- * Update an Intent ---- curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034 -d '{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034", "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "block" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""}} ] } }' ---- .Verification ---- mininet> pingall Ping: testing ping reachability h1 -> X X X h2 -> X h3 X h3 -> X h2 X h4 -> X X X ---- NOTE: Old actions and hosts are replaced by the new action and hosts. * Delete an Intent ---- curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035 ---- .Verification ---- mininet> pingall Ping: testing ping reachability h1 -> X X X h2 -> X X X h3 -> X X X h4 -> X X X ---- NOTE: Ping between two hosts can also be done using MAC Address ---- curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035 -d '{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035", "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":"6e:4f:f7:27:15:c9"} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {"name":"aa:7d:1f:4a:70:81"}} ] } }' ----