[[odl-ofp-test-provider-topoogy_test-provider]] ==== Topology : Notification Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to get notifications for the topology related events like Link-Discovered , Link-Removed events. ===== Link Discovered Event : Testing Run the controller by executing: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-base-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-osgipackage/opendaylight ./run.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Point your mininet to the controller by giving the parameters --controller=remote,ip=. Once the controller is connected to the switch, Link-Discovered event can be tested by initially configuring the specific flows on the switch. For Link Discovered event either table-miss flow or LLDP ether-type flow can be configured. Configuring Table-Miss flow using OpenflowpluginTestCommandProvider ------------------------ addMDFlow Openflow:1 fTM ------------------------ as per this OpenDaylight_OpenFlow_Plugin:Test_Provider#Flows_:_Test_Provider[link]. 'fTM' is the table-miss scenario here. Once the table-miss flow is configured through above command, we can see the Link-Discovered event in the debug logs on the controller console. Configuring LLDP ether-type flow using OpenflowpluginTestCommandProvider ------------------------------------ addMDFlow Openflow:1 0(table-id) f81 ------------------------------------ You can confirm that they were created on the switch. Once the LLDP ether-type flow is configured through above command, we can see the Link-Discovered event in the debug logs on the controller console. ===== Link Removed Event : Testing Having configured either table-miss or lldp ether-type flow on switch, once the switch is disconnected we see the Link-Removed event