/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.config.ConfigIni; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.dsbackend.DataStoreBackEnd; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation.timebucket.implementation.TimeBucketMappingTimeoutService; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation.timebucket.interfaces.ISouthBoundMappingTimeoutService; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation.util.DSBEInputUtil; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation.util.LoggingUtil; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation.util.MSNotificationInputUtil; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.implementation.util.MappingMergeUtil; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.dao.ILispDAO; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.dao.SubKeys; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.dao.Subscriber; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.mapcache.IAuthKeyDb; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.mapcache.ILispMapCache; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.mapcache.IMapCache; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.mapcache.IMappingSystem; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.mappingservice.IMappingService; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.type.LispMessage; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.type.MappingData; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.util.LispAddressStringifier; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.util.LispAddressUtil; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.util.MappingRecordUtil; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.util.MaskUtil; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.util.SourceDestKeyHelper; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.mapcache.AuthKeyDb; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.mapcache.MultiTableMapCache; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.mapcache.SimpleMapCache; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.mapcache.lisp.LispMapCacheStringifier; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.api.NotificationPublishService; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.lisp.address.types.rev151105.SimpleAddress; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.lisp.address.types.rev151105.lisp.address.address.ExplicitLocatorPath; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.lisp.address.types.rev151105.lisp.address.address.Ipv4; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.lisp.address.types.rev151105.lisp.address.address.Ipv6; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.lisp.address.types.rev151105.lisp.address.address.ServicePath; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.lisp.address.types.rev151105.lisp.address.address.SourceDestKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.lisp.address.types.rev151105.lisp.address.address.explicit.locator.path.explicit.locator.path.Hop; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.inet.binary.types.rev160303.IpAddressBinary; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.binary.address.types.rev160504.Ipv4PrefixBinaryAfi; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.binary.address.types.rev160504.Ipv6PrefixBinaryAfi; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.binary.address.types.rev160504.augmented.lisp.address.address.Ipv4PrefixBinary; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.binary.address.types.rev160504.augmented.lisp.address.address.Ipv6PrefixBinary; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.XtrId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.eid.container.Eid; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.locatorrecords.LocatorRecord; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.locatorrecords.LocatorRecordBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.mapping._record.container.MappingRecord; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.mapping._record.container.MappingRecordBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.mapping.authkey.container.MappingAuthkey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.rloc.container.Rloc; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.mappingservice.rev150906.MappingChange; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.mappingservice.rev150906.MappingOrigin; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.mappingservice.rev150906.db.instance.AuthenticationKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.mappingservice.rev150906.db.instance.Mapping; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Mapping System coordinates caching of md-sal stored mappings and if so configured enables longest prefix match * mapping lookups. * * @author Florin Coras * @author Lorand Jakab * */ public class MappingSystem implements IMappingSystem { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MappingSystem.class); private static final String AUTH_KEY_TABLE = "authentication"; //private static final int TTL_RLOC_TIMED_OUT = 1; private static final int TTL_NO_RLOC_KNOWN = ConfigIni.getInstance().getNegativeMappingTTL(); private final NotificationPublishService notificationPublishService; private boolean mappingMerge; private final ILispDAO dao; private ILispDAO sdao; private ILispMapCache smc; private IMapCache pmc; private final ConcurrentHashMap> subscriberdb = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private IAuthKeyDb akdb; private final EnumMap tableMap = new EnumMap<>(MappingOrigin.class); private DataStoreBackEnd dsbe; private boolean isMaster = false; private final ISouthBoundMappingTimeoutService sbMappingTimeoutService; public MappingSystem(ILispDAO dao, boolean iterateMask, NotificationPublishService nps, boolean mappingMerge) { this.dao = dao; notificationPublishService = nps; this.mappingMerge = mappingMerge; buildMapCaches(); sbMappingTimeoutService = new TimeBucketMappingTimeoutService(ConfigIni.getInstance() .getNumberOfBucketsInTimeBucketWheel(), ConfigIni.getInstance().getRegistrationValiditySb(), this); } public void setDataStoreBackEnd(DataStoreBackEnd dataStoreBackEnd) { dsbe = dataStoreBackEnd; } @Override public void setMappingMerge(boolean mappingMerge) { this.mappingMerge = mappingMerge; } @Override public void setIterateMask(boolean iterate) { LOG.error("Non-longest prefix match lookups are not properly supported, variable is set to true"); } public void initialize() { restoreDaoFromDatastore(); } private void buildMapCaches() { /* * There exists a direct relationship between MappingOrigins and the tables that are part of the MappingSystem. * Therefore, if a new origin is added, probably a new table should be instantiated here as well. Here we * instantiate a SimpleMapCache for southbound originated LISP mappings and a MultiTableMapCache for northbound * originated mappings. Use of FlatMapCache would be possible when no longest prefix match is needed at all, * but that option is no longer supported in the code, since it was never tested and may lead to unexpected * results. */ sdao = dao.putTable(MappingOrigin.Southbound.toString()); pmc = new MultiTableMapCache(dao.putTable(MappingOrigin.Northbound.toString())); smc = new SimpleMapCache(sdao); akdb = new AuthKeyDb(dao.putTable(AUTH_KEY_TABLE)); tableMap.put(MappingOrigin.Northbound, pmc); tableMap.put(MappingOrigin.Southbound, smc); } @Override public void updateMapping(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key, MappingData mappingData) { addMapping(origin, key, mappingData, MappingChange.Updated); } @Override public void addMapping(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key, MappingData mappingData) { addMapping(origin, key, mappingData, MappingChange.Created); } private void addMapping(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key, MappingData mappingData, MappingChange changeType) { sbMappingTimeoutService.removeExpiredMappings(); if (mappingData == null) { LOG.warn("addMapping() called with null mapping, ignoring"); return; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("DAO: Adding {} mapping for EID {}", origin, LispAddressStringifier.getString(key)); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("mappingData = {}", mappingData.getString()); } // Save the old mapping for the key before we modify anything, so that we can detect changes later final MappingRecord oldMapping = getMappingRecord(getMapping(key)); if (origin == MappingOrigin.Southbound) { XtrId xtrId = mappingData.getXtrId(); if (xtrId == null && mappingMerge && mappingData.isMergeEnabled()) { LOG.warn("addMapping() called will null xTR-ID in MappingRecord, while merge is set, ignoring"); return; } if (xtrId != null && mappingMerge) { if (mappingData.isMergeEnabled()) { smc.addMapping(key, xtrId, mappingData); handleMergedMapping(key); return; } else { clearPresentXtrIdMappings(key); smc.addMapping(key, xtrId, mappingData); } } addOrRefreshMappingInTimeoutService(key, mappingData); } tableMap.get(origin).addMapping(key, mappingData); // We need to check if the newly added mapping is covering negatives in SB, and remove those (with notification) if (mappingData.isPositive().orElse(true)) { handleSbNegativeMappings(key); } MappingRecord newMapping = getMappingRecord(getMapping(key)); handleAddMappingNotifications(origin, key, mappingData, oldMapping, newMapping, changeType); } private static MappingRecord getMappingRecord(MappingData mappingData) { return mappingData != null ? mappingData.getRecord() : null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void clearPresentXtrIdMappings(Eid key) { List allXtrMappingList = (List) (List) smc.getAllXtrIdMappings(key); if (((MappingData) smc.getMapping(key, (XtrId) null)).isMergeEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Different xTRs have different merge configuration!"); } for (MappingData mappingData : allXtrMappingList) { removeSbXtrIdSpecificMapping(key, mappingData.getXtrId(), mappingData); } } private void addOrRefreshMappingInTimeoutService(Eid key, MappingData mappingData) { Integer oldBucketId = (Integer) smc.getData(key, SubKeys.TIME_BUCKET_ID); Integer updatedBucketId; if (oldBucketId != null) { //refresh mapping updatedBucketId = sbMappingTimeoutService.refreshMapping(key, mappingData, oldBucketId); } else { updatedBucketId = sbMappingTimeoutService.addMapping(key, mappingData); } smc.addData(key, SubKeys.TIME_BUCKET_ID, updatedBucketId); } private void handleSbNegativeMappings(Eid key) { Set childPrefixes = getSubtree(MappingOrigin.Southbound, key); LOG.trace("handleSbNegativeMappings(): subtree prefix set for EID {}: {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), LispAddressStringifier.getString(childPrefixes)); for (Eid prefix : childPrefixes) { handleSbNegativeMapping(prefix); } Eid parentPrefix = smc.getCoveringLessSpecific(key); LOG.trace("handleSbNegativeMappings(): parent prefix for EID {}: {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), LispAddressStringifier.getString(parentPrefix)); handleSbNegativeMapping(parentPrefix); } private void handleSbNegativeMapping(Eid key) { MappingData mappingData = getSbMappingWithExpiration(null, key, null); if (mappingData != null && mappingData.isNegative().orElse(false)) { removeSbMapping(mappingData.getRecord().getEid(), mappingData); } } private void handleAddMappingNotifications(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key, MappingData mappingData, MappingRecord oldMapping, MappingRecord newMapping, MappingChange changeType) { // Non-southbound origins are MD-SAL first, so they only get to call addMapping() if there is a change // Southbound is different, so we need to check if there is a change in the mapping. This check takes into // account policy as well if (origin != MappingOrigin.Southbound || MappingRecordUtil.mappingChanged(oldMapping, newMapping)) { notifyChange(key, mappingData.getRecord(), changeType); Eid dstKey = key; // Since the above notifyChange() already notifies the dest part of source/dest addresses, we save the dest // for the checks that we do afterwards if (key.getAddress() instanceof SourceDestKey) { dstKey = SourceDestKeyHelper.getDstBinary(key); } // If the old mapping had a different EID than what was just added, notify those subscribers too if (oldMapping != null && !oldMapping.getEid().equals(key) && !oldMapping.getEid().equals(dstKey)) { notifyChange(oldMapping.getEid(), oldMapping, changeType); } // If the new mapping has a different EID than what was just added (e.g., due to NB_AND_SB), notify those // subscribers too if (newMapping != null && !newMapping.getEid().equals(key) && !newMapping.getEid().equals(dstKey)) { notifyChange(newMapping.getEid(), newMapping, changeType); } } } @Override public MappingData addNegativeMapping(Eid key) { MappingRecord mapping = buildNegativeMapping(key); MappingData mappingData = new MappingData(mapping); LOG.debug("Adding negative mapping for EID {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(mapping.getEid())); LOG.trace(mappingData.getString()); smc.addMapping(mapping.getEid(), mappingData); dsbe.addMapping(DSBEInputUtil.toMapping(MappingOrigin.Southbound, mapping.getEid(), null, mappingData)); return mappingData; } private MappingRecord buildNegativeMapping(Eid eid) { MappingRecordBuilder recordBuilder = new MappingRecordBuilder(); recordBuilder.setAuthoritative(false); recordBuilder.setMapVersion((short) 0); recordBuilder.setEid(eid); if (Ipv4PrefixBinaryAfi.VALUE.equals(eid.getAddressType()) || Ipv6PrefixBinaryAfi.VALUE.equals(eid.getAddressType())) { Eid widestNegativePrefix = getWidestNegativePrefix(eid); if (widestNegativePrefix != null) { recordBuilder.setEid(widestNegativePrefix); } } recordBuilder.setAction(LispMessage.NEGATIVE_MAPPING_ACTION); //if (getAuthenticationKey(eid) != null) { // recordBuilder.setRecordTtl(TTL_RLOC_TIMED_OUT); //} else { recordBuilder.setRecordTtl(TTL_NO_RLOC_KNOWN); //} return recordBuilder.build(); } /* * Since this method is only called when there is a hit in the southbound Map-Register cache, and that cache is * not used when merge is on, it's OK to ignore the effects of timestamp changes on merging for now. */ @Override public void refreshMappingRegistration(Eid key, XtrId xtrId, Long timestamp) { sbMappingTimeoutService.removeExpiredMappings(); if (timestamp == null) { timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } MappingData mappingData = (MappingData) smc.getMapping(null, key); if (mappingData != null) { mappingData.setTimestamp(new Date(timestamp)); addOrRefreshMappingInTimeoutService(key, mappingData); } else { LOG.warn("Could not update timestamp for EID {}, no mapping found", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key)); } if (mappingMerge && xtrId != null) { MappingData xtrIdMappingData = (MappingData) smc.getMapping(key, xtrId); if (xtrIdMappingData != null) { xtrIdMappingData.setTimestamp(new Date(timestamp)); } else { LOG.warn("Could not update timestamp for EID {} xTR-ID {}, no mapping found", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), LispAddressStringifier.getString(xtrId)); } } } private MappingData updateServicePathMappingRecord(MappingData mappingData, Eid eid) { // keep properties of original record MappingRecordBuilder recordBuilder = new MappingRecordBuilder(mappingData.getRecord()); recordBuilder.setLocatorRecord(new ArrayList()); // there should only be one locator record if (mappingData.getRecord().getLocatorRecord().size() != 1) { LOG.warn("MappingRecord associated to ServicePath EID has more than one locator!"); return mappingData; } LocatorRecord locatorRecord = mappingData.getRecord().getLocatorRecord().get(0); long serviceIndex = ((ServicePath) eid.getAddress()).getServicePath().getServiceIndex().toJava(); int index = LispAddressUtil.STARTING_SERVICE_INDEX - (int) serviceIndex; Rloc rloc = locatorRecord.getRloc(); if (rloc.getAddress() instanceof Ipv4 || rloc.getAddress() instanceof Ipv6) { if (index != 0) { LOG.warn("Service Index should be 255 for simple IP RLOCs!"); } return mappingData; } else if (rloc.getAddress() instanceof ExplicitLocatorPath) { ExplicitLocatorPath elp = (ExplicitLocatorPath) rloc.getAddress(); List hops = elp.getExplicitLocatorPath().getHop(); if (index < 0 || index > hops.size()) { LOG.warn("Service Index out of bounds!"); return mappingData; } SimpleAddress nextHop = hops.get(index).getAddress(); LocatorRecordBuilder lrb = new LocatorRecordBuilder(locatorRecord); lrb.setRloc(LispAddressUtil.toRloc(nextHop)); recordBuilder.getLocatorRecord().add(lrb.build()); return new MappingData(recordBuilder.build()); } else { LOG.warn("Nothing to do with ServicePath mapping record"); return mappingData; } } private MappingData handleMergedMapping(Eid key) { LOG.trace("Merging mappings for EID {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key)); List expiredMappingDataList = new ArrayList<>(); Set sourceRlocs = new HashSet<>(); MappingData mergedMappingData = MappingMergeUtil.mergeXtrIdMappings(smc.getAllXtrIdMappings(key), expiredMappingDataList, sourceRlocs); for (MappingData mappingData : expiredMappingDataList) { removeSbXtrIdSpecificMapping(key, mappingData.getXtrId(), mappingData); } if (mergedMappingData != null) { smc.addMapping(key, mergedMappingData, sourceRlocs); dsbe.addMapping(DSBEInputUtil.toMapping(MappingOrigin.Southbound, key, mergedMappingData)); addOrRefreshMappingInTimeoutService(key, mergedMappingData); } else { removeSbMapping(key, mergedMappingData); } return mergedMappingData; } @Override public MappingData getMapping(Eid src, Eid dst) { // NOTE: Currently we have two lookup algorithms implemented, which are configurable IMappingService.LookupPolicy policy = ConfigIni.getInstance().getLookupPolicy(); LOG.debug("DAO: Looking up mapping for {}, source EID {} with policy {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(dst), LispAddressStringifier.getString(src), policy); if (policy == IMappingService.LookupPolicy.NB_AND_SB) { return getMappingNbSbIntersection(src, dst); } else { return getMappingNbFirst(src, dst); } } @Override public MappingData getMapping(Eid dst) { return getMapping((Eid) null, dst); } @Override public MappingData getMapping(Eid src, Eid dst, XtrId xtrId) { // Note: If xtrId is null, we need to go through regular policy checking else Policy doesn't matter if (xtrId == null) { return getMapping(src, dst); } return getSbMappingWithExpiration(src, dst, xtrId); } @Override public MappingData getMapping(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key) { if (origin.equals(MappingOrigin.Southbound)) { return getSbMappingWithExpiration(null, key, null); } return (MappingData) tableMap.get(origin).getMapping(null, key); } private MappingData getMappingNbFirst(Eid src, Eid dst) { // Default lookup policy is northboundFirst //lookupPolicy == NB_FIRST MappingData nbMappingData = (MappingData) pmc.getMapping(src, dst); if (nbMappingData == null) { return getSbMappingWithExpiration(src, dst, null); } if (dst.getAddress() instanceof ServicePath) { return updateServicePathMappingRecord(nbMappingData, dst); } return nbMappingData; } private MappingData getMappingNbSbIntersection(Eid src, Eid dst) { //lookupPolicy == NB_AND_SB, we return intersection //of NB and SB mappings, or NB mapping if intersection is empty. MappingData nbMappingData = (MappingData) pmc.getMapping(src, dst); if (nbMappingData == null) { return nbMappingData; } // no intersection for Service Path mappings if (dst.getAddress() instanceof ServicePath) { return updateServicePathMappingRecord(nbMappingData, dst); } MappingData sbMappingData = getSbMappingWithExpiration(src, dst, null); if (sbMappingData == null) { return nbMappingData; } // both NB and SB mappings exist. Compute intersection of the mappings return MappingMergeUtil.computeNbSbIntersection(nbMappingData, sbMappingData); } private MappingData getSbMappingWithExpiration(Eid src, Eid dst, XtrId xtrId) { MappingData mappingData = (MappingData) smc.getMapping(dst, xtrId); while (mappingData != null && MappingMergeUtil.mappingIsExpired(mappingData)) { // If the mappingData is expired, handleSbExpiredMapping() will run merge for it if merge is enabled, // otherwise it will remove the expired mapping, returning null. MappingData mergedMappingData = handleSbExpiredMapping(dst, xtrId, mappingData); if (mergedMappingData != null) { return mergedMappingData; } // If the expired mapping was removed, we look up the original query again mappingData = (MappingData) smc.getMapping(dst, xtrId); } return mappingData; } public MappingData handleSbExpiredMapping(Eid key, XtrId xtrId, MappingData mappingData) { if (mappingMerge && mappingData.isMergeEnabled()) { return handleMergedMapping(key); } if (xtrId != null) { removeSbXtrIdSpecificMapping(key, xtrId, mappingData); } else { removeSbMapping(key, mappingData); } return null; } private void removeSbXtrIdSpecificMapping(Eid key, XtrId xtrId, MappingData mappingData) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("DAO: Removing southbound mapping for EID {}, xTR-ID {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), LispAddressStringifier.getString(xtrId)); } smc.removeMapping(key, xtrId); dsbe.removeXtrIdMapping(DSBEInputUtil.toXtrIdMapping(mappingData)); } private void removeSbMapping(Eid key, MappingData mappingData) { if (mappingData != null && mappingData.getXtrId() != null) { removeSbXtrIdSpecificMapping(key, mappingData.getXtrId(), mappingData); } removeFromSbTimeoutService(key); final Set subscribers = getSubscribers(key); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("DAO: Removing southbound mapping for EID {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key)); } smc.removeMapping(key); dsbe.removeMapping(DSBEInputUtil.toMapping(MappingOrigin.Southbound, key, mappingData)); publishNotification(mappingData.getRecord(), null, subscribers, null, MappingChange.Removed); removeSubscribersConditionally(MappingOrigin.Southbound, key); } private void removeFromSbTimeoutService(Eid key) { Integer bucketId = (Integer) smc.getData(key, SubKeys.TIME_BUCKET_ID); if (bucketId != null) { sbMappingTimeoutService.removeMappingFromTimeoutService(key, bucketId); } } @Override public Eid getWidestNegativePrefix(Eid key) { if (!MaskUtil.isMaskable(key.getAddress())) { LOG.warn("Widest negative prefix only makes sense for maskable addresses!"); return null; } // We assume that ILispMapCache#getWidestNegativeMapping() returns null for positive mappings, and 0/0 // for empty cache. Eid nbPrefix = pmc.getWidestNegativeMapping(key); if (nbPrefix == null) { LOG.trace("getWidestNegativePrefix NB: positive mapping, returning null"); return null; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("getWidestNegativePrefix NB: {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(nbPrefix)); } Eid sbPrefix = smc.getWidestNegativeMapping(key); if (sbPrefix == null) { LOG.trace("getWidestNegativePrefix SB: positive mapping, returning null"); return null; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("getWidestNegativePrefix SB: {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(sbPrefix)); } // since prefixes overlap, just return the more specific (larger mask) if (LispAddressUtil.getIpPrefixMask(nbPrefix) < LispAddressUtil.getIpPrefixMask(sbPrefix)) { return sbPrefix; } else { return nbPrefix; } } @Override public Set getSubtree(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key) { if (!MaskUtil.isMaskable(key.getAddress())) { LOG.warn("Child prefixes only make sense for maskable addresses!"); return Collections.emptySet(); } return tableMap.get(origin).getSubtree(key); } @Override public void removeMapping(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key) { Eid dstAddr = null; Set subscribers = null; Set dstSubscribers = null; MappingData mapping = (MappingData) tableMap.get(origin).getMapping(null, key); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Removing mapping for EID {} from {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), origin); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled() && mapping != null) { LOG.trace(mapping.getString()); } MappingRecord notificationMapping = null; if (mapping != null) { notificationMapping = mapping.getRecord(); subscribers = getSubscribers(key); // For SrcDst LCAF also send SMRs to Dst prefix if (key.getAddress() instanceof SourceDestKey) { dstAddr = SourceDestKeyHelper.getDstBinary(key); dstSubscribers = getSubscribers(dstAddr); } } removeSubscribersConditionally(origin, key); if (origin == MappingOrigin.Southbound) { removeFromSbTimeoutService(key); } if (origin == MappingOrigin.Southbound && mapping != null && mapping.isPositive().orElse(false)) { mergeNegativePrefixes(key); } else { // mergeNegativePrefixes() above removes the mapping, so addNegativeMapping() will work correctly tableMap.get(origin).removeMapping(key); } if (notificationMapping != null) { publishNotification(notificationMapping, key, subscribers, dstSubscribers, MappingChange.Removed); notifyChildren(key, notificationMapping, MappingChange.Removed); if (dstAddr != null) { notifyChildren(dstAddr, notificationMapping, MappingChange.Removed); } } } public void notifyChange(Eid eid, MappingRecord mapping, MappingChange mappingChange) { Set subscribers = getSubscribers(eid); Set dstSubscribers = null; // For SrcDst LCAF also send SMRs to Dst prefix if (eid.getAddress() instanceof SourceDestKey) { Eid dstAddr = SourceDestKeyHelper.getDstBinary(eid); dstSubscribers = getSubscribers(dstAddr); notifyChildren(dstAddr, mapping, mappingChange); } // No reason to send a notification when no subscribers exist if (subscribers != null || dstSubscribers != null) { publishNotification(mapping, eid, subscribers, dstSubscribers, mappingChange); } notifyChildren(eid, mapping, mappingChange); } private void notifyChildren(Eid eid, MappingRecord mapping, MappingChange mappingChange) { // Update/created only happens for NB mappings. We assume no overlapping prefix support for NB mappings - so // this NB mapping should not have any children. Both for NB first and NB&SB cases all subscribers for SB // prefixes that are equal or more specific to this NB prefix have to be notified of the potential change. // Each subscriber is notified for the prefix that it is currently subscribed to, and MS should return to them // a Map-Reply with the same prefix and update mapping in cases of EID_INTERSECTION_RLOC_NB_FIRST which is a // new option we are creating TODO Set childPrefixes = getSubtree(MappingOrigin.Southbound, eid); if (childPrefixes == null || childPrefixes.isEmpty()) { return; } childPrefixes.remove(eid); for (Eid prefix : childPrefixes) { Set subscribers = getSubscribers(prefix); // No reason to send a notification when no subscribers exist if (subscribers != null) { publishNotification(mapping, prefix, subscribers, null, mappingChange); } } } private void publishNotification(MappingRecord mapping, Eid eid, Set subscribers, Set dstSubscribers, MappingChange mappingChange) { try { // The notifications are used for sending SMR. notificationPublishService.putNotification(MSNotificationInputUtil.toMappingChanged( mapping, eid, subscribers, dstSubscribers, mappingChange)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Notification publication interrupted!"); } } /* * Merges adjacent negative prefixes and notifies their subscribers. */ private void mergeNegativePrefixes(Eid eid) { LOG.debug("Merging negative prefixes starting from EID {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(eid)); // If we delete nodes while we walk up the radix trie the algorithm will give incorrect results, because // removals rearrange relationships in the trie. So we save prefixes to be removed into a HashMap. Map mergedMappings = new HashMap<>(); Eid currentNode = smc.getSiblingPrefix(eid); MappingData mapping = (MappingData) smc.getMapping(null, currentNode); if (mapping != null && mapping.isNegative().orElse(false)) { mergedMappings.put(currentNode, mapping); } else { return; } Eid previousNode = currentNode; currentNode = smc.getVirtualParentSiblingPrefix(currentNode); while (currentNode != null) { mapping = (MappingData) smc.getMapping(null, currentNode); if (mapping != null && mapping.isNegative().orElse(false)) { mergedMappings.put(currentNode, mapping); } else { break; } previousNode = currentNode; currentNode = smc.getVirtualParentSiblingPrefix(previousNode); } for (Eid key : mergedMappings.keySet()) { removeSbMapping(key, mergedMappings.get(key)); } smc.removeMapping(eid); addNegativeMapping(getVirtualParent(previousNode)); } private static Eid getVirtualParent(Eid eid) { if (eid.getAddress() instanceof Ipv4PrefixBinary) { Ipv4PrefixBinary prefix = (Ipv4PrefixBinary) eid.getAddress(); short parentPrefixLength = (short) (prefix.getIpv4MaskLength().toJava() - 1); byte[] parentPrefix = MaskUtil.normalizeByteArray(prefix.getIpv4AddressBinary().getValue(), parentPrefixLength); return LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid(eid, parentPrefix, parentPrefixLength); } else if (eid.getAddress() instanceof Ipv6PrefixBinary) { Ipv6PrefixBinary prefix = (Ipv6PrefixBinary) eid.getAddress(); short parentPrefixLength = (short) (prefix.getIpv6MaskLength().toJava() - 1); byte[] parentPrefix = MaskUtil.normalizeByteArray(prefix.getIpv6AddressBinary().getValue(), parentPrefixLength); return LispAddressUtil.asIpv6PrefixBinaryEid(eid, parentPrefix, parentPrefixLength); } return null; } @Override public synchronized void subscribe(Subscriber subscriber, Eid subscribedEid) { Set subscribers = getSubscribers(subscribedEid); if (subscribers == null) { subscribers = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); } else if (subscribers.contains(subscriber)) { // If there is an entry already for this subscriber, remove it, so that it gets the new timestamp subscribers.remove(subscriber); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Adding new subscriber {} for EID {}", subscriber.getString(), LispAddressStringifier.getString(subscribedEid)); } subscribers.add(subscriber); addSubscribers(subscribedEid, subscribers); } private void addSubscribers(Eid address, Set subscribers) { LoggingUtil.logSubscribers(LOG, address, subscribers); subscriberdb.put(address, subscribers); } @Override public Set getSubscribers(Eid address) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Retrieving subscribers for EID {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(address)); } Set subscribers = subscriberdb.get(address); LoggingUtil.logSubscribers(LOG, address, subscribers); return subscribers; } /* * Only remove subscribers if there is no exact match mapping in the map-cache other than the one specified by * origin. Right now we only have two origins, but in case we will have more, we only need to update this method, * not the callers. We use getData() instead of getMapping to do exact match instead of longest prefix match. */ private void removeSubscribersConditionally(MappingOrigin origin, Eid address) { if (origin == MappingOrigin.Southbound) { if (pmc.getData(address, SubKeys.RECORD) == null) { removeSubscribers(address); } } else if (origin == MappingOrigin.Northbound) { if (smc.getData(address, SubKeys.RECORD) == null) { removeSubscribers(address); } } } private void removeSubscribers(Eid address) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Removing subscribers for EID {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(address)); } subscriberdb.remove(address); } @Override public void addAuthenticationKey(Eid key, MappingAuthkey authKey) { LOG.debug("Adding authentication key '{}' with key-ID {} for {}", authKey.getKeyString(), authKey.getKeyType(), LispAddressStringifier.getString(key)); akdb.addAuthenticationKey(key, authKey); } @Override public MappingAuthkey getAuthenticationKey(Eid key) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Retrieving authentication key for {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key)); } return akdb.getAuthenticationKey(key); } @Override public void removeAuthenticationKey(Eid key) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Removing authentication key for {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key)); } akdb.removeAuthenticationKey(key); } @Override public void addData(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key, String subKey, Object data) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Add data of {} for key {} and subkey {}", data.getClass(), LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), subKey); } tableMap.get(origin).addData(key, subKey, data); } @Override public Object getData(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key, String subKey) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Retrieving data for key {} and subkey {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), subKey); } return tableMap.get(origin).getData(key, subKey); } @Override public void removeData(MappingOrigin origin, Eid key, String subKey) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Removing data for key {} and subkey {}", LispAddressStringifier.getString(key), subKey); } tableMap.get(origin).removeData(key, subKey); } @Override public Eid getParentPrefix(Eid key) { return smc.getParentPrefix(key); } /** * Restore all mappings and keys from mdsal datastore. */ private void restoreDaoFromDatastore() { List authKeys = dsbe.getAllAuthenticationKeys(); List mappings = dsbe.getAllMappings(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION); /* * XXX By default, the operational datastore is not persisted to disk, either at run-time, or on shutdown, * so the following will have no effect (getLastUpdateTimestamp() will fail, since it's reading from * the operational datastore, and even if it didn't getAllMappings() will fail anyway). According to rovarga it * should be possible to turn on persistence for the operational datastore editing * etc/opendaylight/karaf/05-clustering.xml, by setting true. At the time of writing * the below code block that didn't seem to work though. */ Long lastUpdateTimestamp = dsbe.getLastUpdateTimestamp(); if (lastUpdateTimestamp != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdateTimestamp > ConfigIni.getInstance().getRegistrationValiditySb()) { LOG.warn("Restore threshold passed, not restoring operational datastore into DAO"); } else { mappings.addAll(dsbe.getAllMappings(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL)); } dsbe.removeLastUpdateTimestamp(); LOG.info("Restoring {} mappings and {} keys from datastore into DAO", mappings.size(), authKeys.size()); for (Mapping mapping : mappings) { addMapping(mapping.getOrigin(), mapping.getMappingRecord().getEid(), new MappingData(mapping.getMappingRecord())); } for (AuthenticationKey authKey : authKeys) { addAuthenticationKey(authKey.getEid(), authKey.getMappingAuthkey()); } } public void destroy() { LOG.info("Mapping System is being destroyed!"); dsbe.saveLastUpdateTimestamp(); } @Override public String printMappings() { sbMappingTimeoutService.removeExpiredMappings(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Policy map-cache\n----------------\n"); sb.append(pmc.printMappings()); sb.append("\nSouthbound map-cache\n--------------------\n"); sb.append(smc.printMappings()); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String prettyPrintMappings() { sbMappingTimeoutService.removeExpiredMappings(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Policy map-cache\n----------------\n"); sb.append(pmc.prettyPrintMappings()); sb.append("\nSouthbound map-cache\n--------------------\n"); sb.append(smc.prettyPrintMappings()); sb.append("\nSubscribers\n-----------\n"); sb.append(prettyPrintSubscribers(subscriberdb)); return sb.toString(); } private static String prettyPrintSubscribers(Map> subscribers) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Eid eid: subscribers.keySet()) { sb.append("\n "); sb.append(LispAddressStringifier.getString(eid)); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(LispMapCacheStringifier.prettyPrintSubscriberSet(subscribers.get(eid), 4)); sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String printKeys() { return akdb.printKeys(); } @Override public String prettyPrintKeys() { return akdb.prettyPrintKeys(); } public void cleanCaches() { dao.removeAll(); subscriberdb.clear(); buildMapCaches(); } public void cleanSBMappings() { smc = new SimpleMapCache(sdao); } @Override public void setIsMaster(boolean isMaster) { this.isMaster = isMaster; } @Override public boolean isMaster() { return isMaster; } }