/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.inmemorydb; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.dao.ILispDAO; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.dao.MappingEntry; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.dao.SubKeys; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.lisp.util.LispAddressUtil; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.lfm.lisp.proto.rev151105.eid.container.Eid; /** * Test for {@link HashMapDb} class. */ public class HashMapDbTest { private HashMapDb map; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { map = new HashMapDb(); } /** * Test insertion of one entry to the {@link HashMapDb}. */ @Test public void testPutGet_oneEntry() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry<>(mapKey1, mapValue1)); Assert.assertEquals("Map entry did not match", Collections.singletonMap(mapKey1, mapValue1), map.get(dbEntryKey)); } /** * Test insertion of three entries to the {@link HashMapDb}. */ @Test public void testPutGet_threeEntries() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; String mapKey2 = "mapKey2"; String mapValue2 = "mapValue2"; String mapKey3 = "mapKey3"; String mapValue3 = "mapValue3"; map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry(mapKey1, mapValue1), new MappingEntry(mapKey2, mapValue2), new MappingEntry(mapKey3, mapValue3)); Map resultMap = new HashMap<>(); resultMap.put(mapKey1, mapValue1); resultMap.put(mapKey2, mapValue2); resultMap.put(mapKey3, mapValue3); Assert.assertEquals("Presence of all 3 entries was expected", resultMap, map.get(dbEntryKey)); } /** * Test retrieving a specific value. */ @Test public void testGetSpecific() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull("Should return the null when map is empty", map.getSpecific("dnEntryKey", "mapEntryKey")); Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry(mapKey1, mapValue1)); Assert.assertEquals(mapValue1, map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey1)); } /** * Test {@link HashMapDb#getBest} with IP prefix. */ @Test public void testGetBest_withIpPrefix() throws Exception { final Eid ipv4PrefixEid1 = LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid("" + "/16"); final Eid ipv4PrefixEid2 = LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid("" + "/16"); final Eid ipv4PrefixEid3 = LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid("" + "/32"); final String mapSubKey1 = "mapSubKey1"; final String mapSubKey2 = "mapSubKey2"; final String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; final String mapValue2 = "mapValue2"; final MappingEntry mapEntry1 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey1, mapValue1); final MappingEntry mapEntry2 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey2, mapValue2); map.put(ipv4PrefixEid1, mapEntry1); map.put(ipv4PrefixEid2, mapEntry2); Map res = map.getBest(ipv4PrefixEid3); Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singletonMap(mapSubKey1, mapValue1), res); } /** * Test {@link HashMapDb#getBest} with non-IP prefix. */ @Test public void testGetBest_withNonIpPrefix() throws Exception { final Eid mac1 = LispAddressUtil.asMacEid("01:02:03:04:05:06"); final Eid mac2 = LispAddressUtil.asMacEid("01:02:03:04:05:07"); final String mapSubKey1 = "mapSubKey1"; final String mapSubKey2 = "mapSubKey2"; final String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; final String mapValue2 = "mapValue2"; final MappingEntry mapEntry1 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey1, mapValue1); final MappingEntry mapEntry2 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey2, mapValue2); map.put(mac1, mapEntry1); map.put(mac2, mapEntry2); Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singletonMap(mapSubKey1, mapValue1), map.getBest(mac1)); } /** * Test {@link HashMapDb#getBestPair} with IP prefix. */ @Test public void testGetBestPair_withIpPrefix() throws Exception { final Eid ipv4PrefixEid1 = LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid("" + "/16"); final Eid ipv4PrefixEid2 = LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid("" + "/16"); final Eid ipv4PrefixEid3 = LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid("" + "/32"); final String mapSubKey1 = "mapSubKey1"; final String mapSubKey2 = "mapSubKey2"; final String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; final String mapValue2 = "mapValue2"; final MappingEntry mapEntry1 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey1, mapValue1); final MappingEntry mapEntry2 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey2, mapValue2); map.put(ipv4PrefixEid1, mapEntry1); map.put(ipv4PrefixEid2, mapEntry2); SimpleImmutableEntry> res = map.getBestPair(ipv4PrefixEid3); Assert.assertEquals(ipv4PrefixEid1, res.getKey()); Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singletonMap(mapSubKey1, mapValue1), res.getValue()); } /** * Test {@link HashMapDb#getBestPair} with non-IP prefix. */ @Test public void testGetBestPair_withNonIpPrefix() throws Exception { final Eid mac1 = LispAddressUtil.asMacEid("01:02:03:04:05:06"); final Eid mac2 = LispAddressUtil.asMacEid("01:02:03:04:05:07"); final String mapSubKey1 = "mapSubKey1"; final String mapSubKey2 = "mapSubKey2"; final String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; final String mapValue2 = "mapValue2"; final MappingEntry mapEntry1 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey1, mapValue1); final MappingEntry mapEntry2 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey2, mapValue2); map.put(mac1, mapEntry1); map.put(mac2, mapEntry2); SimpleImmutableEntry> res = map.getBestPair(mac1); Assert.assertEquals(mac1, res.getKey()); Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singletonMap(mapSubKey1, mapValue1), res.getValue()); } @Test public void testGetAll() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; String mapKey2 = "mapKey2"; String mapValue2 = "mapValue2"; String mapKey3 = "mapKey3"; String mapValue3 = "mapValue3"; map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry(mapKey1, mapValue1), new MappingEntry(mapKey2, mapValue2), new MappingEntry(mapKey3, mapValue3)); Map mapResult = new HashMap<>(); Map mapSample = new HashMap<>(); mapSample.put(mapKey1, mapValue1); mapSample.put(mapKey2, mapValue2); mapSample.put(mapKey3, mapValue3); map.getAll((keyId, valueKey, value) -> { Assert.assertEquals(dbEntryKey, keyId); mapResult.put(valueKey, value); }); Assert.assertEquals(mapSample, mapResult); } @Test public void testRemove() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry(mapKey1, mapValue1)); map.remove(dbEntryKey); Assert.assertNull("DB should be empty after entry removal", map.get(dbEntryKey)); } /** * Test {@link HashMapDb#remove} with IP-prefix. */ @Test public void testRemove_withIpPrefix() throws Exception { final Eid ipv4PrefixEid1 = LispAddressUtil.asIpv4PrefixBinaryEid("" + "/16"); final String mapSubKey1 = "mapSubKey1"; final String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; final MappingEntry mapEntry1 = new MappingEntry<>(mapSubKey1, mapValue1); map.put(ipv4PrefixEid1, mapEntry1); map.remove(ipv4PrefixEid1); Assert.assertNull(map.getBest(ipv4PrefixEid1)); Assert.assertNull(map.getBestPair(ipv4PrefixEid1)); } @Test public void testRemoveSpecific() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; String mapValue1 = "mapValue1"; String mapKey2 = "mapKey2"; String mapValue2 = "mapValue2"; String mapKey3 = "mapKey3"; String mapValue3 = "mapValue3"; map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry(mapKey1, mapValue1), new MappingEntry(mapKey2, mapValue2), new MappingEntry(mapKey3, mapValue3)); map.removeSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey1); Assert.assertNull("Entry should not be present in DB", map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey1)); map.removeSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey2); Assert.assertNull("Entry should not be present in DB", map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey2)); map.removeSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey3); Assert.assertNull("Entry should not be present in DB", map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey3)); Assert.assertEquals("MapEntry should be empty after removal the last entry", 0, map.get(dbEntryKey).size()); } @Test public void testRemoveAll() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey1 = "dbEntryKey"; map.put(dbEntryKey1, new MappingEntry<>("mapKey1", "mapValue1")); Object dbEntryKey2 = "dbEntryKey"; map.put(dbEntryKey2, new MappingEntry<>("mapKey2", "mapValue2")); map.removeAll(); map.getAll((keyId, valueKey, value) -> Assert.fail("DB should be empty")); } @Test public void testCleanOld() throws Exception { map.setRecordTimeOut(240); map.setTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS); Object entry1Key = "entry1Key"; String entry1recordKey = SubKeys.RECORD; String entry1recordValue = "record1"; String entry1regdateKey = SubKeys.REGDATE; Date entry1regdateValue = new Date(); Object entry2Key = "entry2Key"; String entry2recordKey = SubKeys.RECORD; String entry2recordValue = "record2"; String entry2regdateKey = SubKeys.REGDATE; Date entry2regdateValue = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(map.getRecordTimeOut(), map.getTimeUnit())); map.put(entry1Key, new MappingEntry<>(entry1recordKey, entry1recordValue), new MappingEntry<>(entry1regdateKey, entry1regdateValue)); map.put(entry2Key, new MappingEntry<>(entry2recordKey, entry2recordValue), new MappingEntry<>(entry2regdateKey, entry2regdateValue)); map.cleanOld(); Assert.assertEquals("Entry should be present in the DB due to its time didn't expired", entry1recordValue, map.getSpecific(entry1Key, entry1recordKey)); Assert.assertNull("Entry should not be present in the DB due to its time expired", map.getSpecific(entry2Key, entry2recordKey)); } @Test public void testSetGetTimeUnit() throws Exception { TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS; map.setTimeUnit(timeUnit); Assert.assertEquals(timeUnit, map.getTimeUnit()); } @Test public void testSetGetRecordTimeOut() throws Exception { int recordTimeOut = 12345; map.setRecordTimeOut(recordTimeOut); Assert.assertEquals(recordTimeOut, map.getRecordTimeOut()); } @Test public void testClose() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey1 = "dbEntryKey"; map.put(dbEntryKey1, new MappingEntry<>("mapKey1", "mapValue1")); Object dbEntryKey2 = "dbEntryKey"; map.put(dbEntryKey2, new MappingEntry<>("mapKey2", "mapValue2")); map.close(); map.getAll((keyId, valueKey, value) -> Assert.fail("DB should be empty")); } @Test public void testPutNestedTable_newEntry() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; map.putNestedTable(dbEntryKey, mapKey1); Assert.assertTrue(map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey1) instanceof ILispDAO); } @Test public void testPutNestedTable_entryExists() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "dbEntryKey"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; ILispDAO mapValue1 = new HashMapDb(); map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry<>(mapKey1, mapValue1)); Assert.assertEquals(mapValue1, map.putNestedTable(dbEntryKey, mapKey1)); Assert.assertEquals(mapValue1, map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey1)); } @Test public void testPutTable_newEntry() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "tables"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; map.putTable(mapKey1); Assert.assertTrue(map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey1) instanceof ILispDAO); } @Test public void testPutTable_entryExists() throws Exception { Object dbEntryKey = "tables"; String mapKey1 = "mapKey1"; ILispDAO mapValue1 = new HashMapDb(); map.put(dbEntryKey, new MappingEntry<>(mapKey1, mapValue1)); Assert.assertEquals(mapValue1, map.putTable(mapKey1)); Assert.assertEquals(mapValue1, map.getSpecific(dbEntryKey, mapKey1)); } }