module lisp-address-types { namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:lisp-address-types"; prefix laddr; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "IETF LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol) Working Group"; contact ""; description "This YANG module defines the LISP Canonical Address Formats (LCAF) for LISP. The module can be extended by vendors to define vendor-specific parameters. Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 6338; see the RFC itself for full legal notices. "; revision 2015-03-09 { description "Initial revision."; reference ""; } identity lisp-address-family { description "Base identity from which identities describing LISP address families are derived."; } identity no-address-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA Reserved."; } identity ipv4-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA IPv4 address family."; } identity ipv4-prefix-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA IPv4 address family prefix."; } identity ipv6-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA IPv6 address family."; } identity ipv6-prefix-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA IPv6 address family prefix."; } identity mac-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA MAC address family."; } identity distinguished-name-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA Distinguished Name address family."; } identity as-number-afi { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA AS Number address family."; } identity lcaf { base lisp-address-family; description "IANA LISP Canonical Address Format address family."; } identity null-address-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Null body LCAF type."; } identity afi-list-lcaf { base lcaf; description "AFI-List LCAF type."; } identity instance-id-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Instance-ID LCAF type."; } identity as-number-lcaf { base lcaf; description "AS Number LCAF type."; } identity application-data-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Application Data LCAF type."; } identity geo-coordinates-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Geo-coordinates LCAF type."; } identity opaque-key-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Opaque Key LCAF type."; } identity nat-traversal-lcaf { base lcaf; description "NAT-Traversal LCAF type."; } identity nonce-locator-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Nonce-Locator LCAF type."; } identity multicast-info-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Multicast Info LCAF type."; } identity explicit-locator-path-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Explicit Locator Path LCAF type."; } identity security-key-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Security Key LCAF type."; } identity source-dest-key-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Source/Dest LCAF type."; } identity replication-list-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Replication-List LCAF type."; } identity json-data-model-lcaf { base lcaf; description "JSON Data Model LCAF type."; } identity key-value-address-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Key-Value LCAF type."; } identity encapsulation-format-lcaf { base lcaf; description "Encapsulation Format LCAF type."; } typedef instance-id-type { type uint32 { range "0..16777214"; } description "Defines the range of values for an Instance ID."; } typedef distinguished-name-type { type string; description "Distinguished Name address."; reference " address-family-numbers.xhtml"; } typedef simple-address { type union { type inet:ip-address; type inet:ip-prefix; type yang:mac-address; type distinguished-name-type; type inet:as-number; } description "Union of address types that can be part of LCAFs."; } typedef lisp-address-family-ref { type identityref { base lisp-address-family; } description "LISP address family reference."; } typedef lcaf-ref { type identityref { base lcaf; } description "LCAF types reference."; } grouping lcaf-address { description "Group of all the LCAF types."; leaf lcaf-type { type lcaf-ref; mandatory true; description "Enumeration of LCAF types."; } choice address { description "The LCAF addresses."; container null-address { when "../../lcaf-type = null-address-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type is null."; } description "Null body LCAF type"; leaf address { type empty; description "AFI address."; } } container afi-list { when "../../lcaf-type = afi-list-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type is AFI-List."; } description "AFI-List LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.16.1"; leaf-list address-list { type simple-address; description "List of AFI addresses."; } } container instance-id { when "../../lcaf-type = instance-id-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type is Instance-ID"; } description "Instance ID LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.2"; leaf iid { type instance-id-type; description "Instance ID value."; } leaf mask-length { type uint8; description "Mask length."; } leaf address { type simple-address; description "AFI address."; } } container as-number-lcaf { when "../../lcaf-type = as-number-lcaf-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type is AS-Number."; } description "AS Number LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.3"; leaf as { type inet:as-number; description "AS number."; } leaf address { type simple-address; description "AFI address."; } } container application-data { when "../../lcaf-type = application-data-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type is Application Data."; } description "Application Data LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.4"; leaf address { type simple-address; description "AFI address."; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol number."; } leaf ip-tos { type int32; description "Type of service field."; } leaf local-port-low { type inet:port-number; description "Low end of local port range."; } leaf local-port-high { type inet:port-number; description "High end of local port range."; } leaf remote-port-low { type inet:port-number; description "Low end of remote port range."; } leaf remote-port-high { type inet:port-number; description "High end of remote port range."; } } container geo-coordinates { when "../../lcaf-type = geo-coordinates-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type is Geo-coordinates."; } description "Geo-coordinates LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.5"; leaf latitude { type bits { bit N { description "Latitude bit."; } } description "Bit that selects between North and South latitude."; } leaf latitude-degrees { type uint8 { range "0 .. 90"; } description "Degrees of latitude."; } leaf latitude-minutes { type uint8 { range "0..59"; } description "Minutes of latitude."; } leaf latitude-seconds { type uint8 { range "0..59"; } description "Seconds of latitude."; } leaf longitude { type bits { bit E { description "Longitude bit."; } } description "Bit that selects between East and West longitude."; } leaf longitude-degrees { type uint16 { range "0 .. 180"; } description "Degrees of longitude."; } leaf longitude-minutes { type uint8 { range "0..59"; } description "Minutes of longitude."; } leaf longitude-seconds { type uint8 { range "0..59"; } description "Seconds of longitude."; } leaf altitude { type int32; description "Height relative to sea level in meters."; } leaf address { type simple-address; description "AFI address."; } } container nat-traversal { when "../../lcaf-type = nat-traversal-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type is NAT-Traversal."; } description "NAT-Traversal LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.6"; leaf ms-udp-port { type uint16; description "Map-Server UDP port (set to 4342)."; } leaf etr-udp-port { type uint16; description "ETR UDP port."; } leaf global-etr-rloc { type simple-address; description "Global ETR RLOC address."; } leaf ms-rloc { type simple-address; description "Map-Server RLOC address."; } leaf private-etr-rloc { type simple-address; description "Private ETR RLOC address."; } leaf-list rtr-rlocs { type simple-address; description "List of RTR RLOC addresses."; } } container explicit-locator-path { when "../../lcaf-type = explicit-locator-path-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type type is Explicit Locator Path."; } description "Explicit Locator Path LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.9"; list hop { key "address"; description "List of locator hops forming the explicit path."; leaf address { type simple-address; description "AFI address."; } leaf lrs-bits { type bits{ bit lookup { description "Lookup bit."; } bit rloc-probe { description "RLOC-probe bit."; } bit strict { description "Strict bit."; } } description "Flag bits per hop."; } } } container source-dest-key { when "../../lcaf-type = source-dest-key-lcaf" { description "When LCAF type type is Source/Dest."; } description "Source/Dest LCAF type."; reference " #section-4.11"; leaf source { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Source prefix."; } leaf dest { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Destination prefix."; } } } } grouping lisp-address { description "Generic LISP address."; leaf afi { type lisp-address-family-ref; mandatory true; description "LISP address family AFI."; } leaf virtual-network-id { type instance-id-type; description "Instance ID of the address."; } choice address { leaf no-address { when "../../afi = 'laddr:no-addr-afi'" { description "When AFI is 0."; } type empty; description "No address."; } leaf ipv4 { when "../../afi = 'laddr:ipv4-afi'" { description "When AFI is IPv4."; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address."; } leaf ipv4-prefix { when "../../afi = 'laddr:ipv4-prefix-afi'" { description "When AFI is IPv4."; } type inet:ipv4-prefix; description "IPv4 prefix."; } leaf ipv6 { when "../../afi = 'laddr:ipv6-afi'" { description "When AFI is IPv6."; } type inet:ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address."; } leaf ipv6-prefix { when "../../afi = 'laddr:ipv6-prefix-afi'" { description "When AFI is IPv6."; } type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "IPv6 address."; } leaf mac { when "../../afi = 'laddr:mac-afi'" { description "When AFI is MAC."; } type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address."; } leaf distinguished-name { when "../../afi = 'laddr:distinguished-name-afi'" { description "When AFI is distinguished-name."; } type distinguished-name-type; description "Distinguished Name address."; } leaf as-number { when "../../afi = 'laddr:as-number-afi'" { description "When AFI is as-number."; } type inet:as-number; description "AS Number."; } container lcaf { when "../../afi = 'laddr:lcaf'" { description "When AFI is LCAF."; } uses lcaf-address; description "LCAF address."; } description "Selection of address type."; } } }