/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.northbound; import java.util.List; import javax.ws.rs.Consumes; import javax.ws.rs.DELETE; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.PUT; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.PathParam; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.core.Context; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.StatusCodes; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.TypeHint; import org.opendaylight.controller.containermanager.IContainerManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.RestMessages; import org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.exception.BadRequestException; import org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.exception.InternalServerErrorException; import org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.exception.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.exception.ServiceUnavailableException; import org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.exception.UnauthorizedException; import org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.utils.NorthboundUtils; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.authorization.Privilege; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.ServiceHelper; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.interfaces.lisp.IFlowMapping; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.AddressFamilyNumberEnum; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.LispCanonicalAddressFormatEnum; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.EidRecord; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.MapRequest; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.address.LispAddress; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.address.LispAddressGeneric; import org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.address.LispIpv4Address; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.lispflowmapping.rev131031.MapNotify; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.lispflowmapping.rev131031.MapReply; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.lispflowmapping.rev131031.eidtolocatorrecords.EidToLocatorRecord; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.lispflowmapping.rev131031.lispaddress.LispAddressContainer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Path("/") public class LispMappingNorthbound implements ILispmappingNorthbound { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LispMappingNorthbound.class); private IFlowMapping mappingService; private String userName; // Based on code from controller project @Context public void setSecurityContext(SecurityContext context) { if (context != null && context.getUserPrincipal() != null) { userName = context.getUserPrincipal().getName(); } } protected String getUserName() { return userName; } public IFlowMapping getMappingService() { return this.mappingService; } void setFlowMappingService(IFlowMapping mappingService) { LOG.trace("FlowMapping set in LispNorthbound"); this.mappingService = mappingService; } void unsetFlowMappingService(IFlowMapping mappingService) { LOG.trace("LispDAO was unset in LISP Northbound"); this.mappingService = null; } public void init() { LOG.trace("LISP Northbound Service is initialized!"); } public void start() { LOG.info("LISP Northbound Service is up!"); } public void stop() { LOG.info("LISP Northbound Service is down!"); } public void destroy() { LOG.trace("LISP Northbound Service is destroyed!"); mappingService = null; } // Based on code from controller project private void handleContainerDoesNotExist(String containerName) { IContainerManager containerManager = (IContainerManager) ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(IContainerManager.class, this); if (containerManager == null) { throw new ServiceUnavailableException("Container " + containerName + RestMessages.NOCONTAINER.toString()); } List containerNames = containerManager.getContainerNames(); for (String cName : containerNames) { if (cName.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(containerName.trim())) { return; } } throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Container " + containerName + " " + RestMessages.NOCONTAINER.toString()); } private void authorizationCheck(String containerName, Privilege privilege) { if (!NorthboundUtils.isAuthorized(getUserName(), containerName, privilege, this)) { throw new UnauthorizedException("User is not authorized to perform this operation on container " + containerName); } } private EidToLocatorRecord lookupEID(String containerName, int mask, LispAddress EID) { ILispmappingNorthbound nbService = (ILispmappingNorthbound) ServiceHelper.getInstance(ILispmappingNorthbound.class, containerName, this); MapRequest mapRequest = new MapRequest(); EidRecord EIDRecord = new EidRecord((byte) mask, EID); mapRequest.addEidRecord(EIDRecord); mapRequest.setSourceEid(new LispIpv4Address("")); org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.lispflowmapping.rev131031.MapRequest mr = YangTransformerNB.transformMapRequest(mapRequest); MapReply mapReply; try { mapReply = nbService.getMappingService().handleMapRequest(mr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error looking up the EID"); } if (mapReply == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error looking up the EID"); } return mapReply.getEidToLocatorRecord().get(0); } private void keyCheck(IFlowMapping mappingService, MapRegisterNB mapRegisterNB) { String usedKey = mapRegisterNB.getKey(); LispAddressGeneric lispAddressGeneric; LispAddress lispAddress; int mask; String storedKey; int numEidRecords = mapRegisterNB.getMapRegister().getEidToLocatorRecords().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numEidRecords; i++) { lispAddressGeneric = mapRegisterNB.getMapRegister().getEidToLocatorRecords().get(i).getPrefixGeneric(); try { lispAddress = LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(lispAddressGeneric); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadRequestException(RestMessages.INVALIDDATA.toString() + " : Address is not valid"); } mask = mapRegisterNB.getMapRegister().getEidToLocatorRecords().get(i).getMaskLength(); try { storedKey = mappingService.getAuthenticationKey(YangTransformerNB.transformLispAddress(lispAddress), mask); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while retrieving the key"); } if (!usedKey.equals(storedKey)) { throw new UnauthorizedException("The key used to register the mapping " + "does not match with the stored key for that mapping"); } } } /** * Add a mapping to the LISP mapping system * * @param containerName * name of the container context in which the mapping needs to be * added * @param mapRegisterNB * JSON object that contains the mapping information * * @return Text plain confirming reception * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     * http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/mapping
     * Request body in JSON:
     * {
     * "key" : "asdf",
     * "mapregister" :
     *   {
     *   "wantMapNotify" : true,
     *   "proxyMapReply" : false,
     *   "eidToLocatorRecords" :
     *     [
     *       {
     *       "authoritative" : true,
     *       "prefixGeneric" :
     *         {
     *         "ipAddress" : "",
     *         "afi" : 1
     *         },
     *       "mapVersion" : 3,
     *       "maskLength" : 32,
     *       "action" : "NoAction",
     *       "locators" :
     *         [
     *           {
     *           "multicastPriority" : 3,
     *           "locatorGeneric" :
     *             {
     *             "ipAddress" : "",
     *             "afi" : 1
     *             },
     *           "routed" : true,
     *           "multicastWeight" : 3,
     *           "rlocProbed" : false,
     *           "localLocator" : false,
     *           "priority" : 3,
     *           "weight" : 3
     *           }
     *         ],
     *       "recordTtl" : 3
     *       }
     *     ],
     *   "nonce" : 3,
     *   "keyId" : 0
     *   }
     * }
*/ @Path("/{containerName}/mapping") @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 400, condition = "Invalid data passed"), @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 500, condition = "Internal Server Error: Addition of mapping failed"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public Response addMapping(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @TypeHint(MapRegisterNB.class) MapRegisterNB mapRegisterNB) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.WRITE); ILispmappingNorthbound nbService = (ILispmappingNorthbound) ServiceHelper.getInstance(ILispmappingNorthbound.class, containerName, this); try { keyCheck(nbService.getMappingService(), mapRegisterNB); LispAddressConvertorNB.convertGenericToLispAddresses(mapRegisterNB.getMapRegister()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadRequestException(RestMessages.INVALIDDATA.toString() + " : Address is not valid"); } // Always request MapNotify mapRegisterNB.getMapRegister().setWantMapNotify(true); org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.lispflowmapping.rev131031.MapRegister mr = null; try { mr = YangTransformerNB.transformMapRegister(mapRegisterNB.getMapRegister()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while converting the map register"); } MapNotify mapNotify; try { mapNotify = nbService.getMappingService().handleMapRegister(mr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while registering the mapping"); } if (mapNotify == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while registering the mapping"); } return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } /** * Retrieve a mapping from the LISP mapping system * * @param containerName * name of the container context from which the mapping is going * to be retrieved * @param iid * Instance-ID of the address (0 if none) * * @param afi * Address Family of the address (IPv4, IPv6 or MAC) * * @param address * Address of type defined by afi * * @param mask * Network mask length * * @return EidToLocatorRecord as a JSON object * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     * http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/mapping/0/1/
*/ private LispAddressGeneric parseAddressURL(int iid, int afi, String address, int mask) { LispAddressGeneric eidGeneric = new LispAddressGeneric(afi, address); if (iid != 0) { eidGeneric = new LispAddressGeneric(AddressFamilyNumberEnum.LCAF.getIanaCode(), eidGeneric); eidGeneric.setLcafType(LispCanonicalAddressFormatEnum.SEGMENT.getLispCode()); eidGeneric.setInstanceId(iid); } return eidGeneric; } private LispAddressGeneric parseSrcDstAddressURL(int iid, int afi, String srcAdd, int srcML, String dstAdd, int dstML) { LispAddressGeneric srcGeneric = new LispAddressGeneric(afi, srcAdd); LispAddressGeneric dstGeneric = new LispAddressGeneric(afi, dstAdd); if (iid != 0) { srcGeneric = new LispAddressGeneric(AddressFamilyNumberEnum.LCAF.getIanaCode(), srcGeneric); srcGeneric.setLcafType(LispCanonicalAddressFormatEnum.SEGMENT.getLispCode()); srcGeneric.setInstanceId(iid); dstGeneric = new LispAddressGeneric(AddressFamilyNumberEnum.LCAF.getIanaCode(), dstGeneric); dstGeneric.setLcafType(LispCanonicalAddressFormatEnum.SEGMENT.getLispCode()); dstGeneric.setInstanceId(iid); } LispAddressGeneric address = new LispAddressGeneric(AddressFamilyNumberEnum.LCAF.getIanaCode()); address.setLcafType(LispCanonicalAddressFormatEnum.SOURCE_DEST.getLispCode()); address.setSrcAddress(srcGeneric); address.setSrcMaskLength((byte) srcML); address.setDstAddress(dstGeneric); address.setDstMaskLength((byte) dstML); return address; } @Path("/{containerName}/mapping/{iid}/{afi}/{address}/{mask}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 400, condition = "Invalid data passed"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 500, condition = "Internal Server Error: Get mapping failed"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.EidToLocatorRecord getMapping(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @PathParam("iid") int iid, @PathParam("afi") int afi, @PathParam("address") String address, @PathParam("mask") int mask) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.READ); LispAddressGeneric eidGeneric = parseAddressURL(iid, afi, address, mask); LispAddress eid; try { eid = LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(eidGeneric); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadRequestException(RestMessages.INVALIDDATA.toString() + " : Address is not valid"); } EidToLocatorRecord record = lookupEID(containerName, mask, eid); org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.EidToLocatorRecord legacyRecord = YangTransformerNB.reTransformEidToLocatorRecord(record); LispAddressConvertorNB.convertRecordToGenericAddress(legacyRecord); return legacyRecord; } /** * Retrieve a mapping from the LISP mapping system, using Source-Destination * LCAF as EID * * @param containerName * name of the container context from which the mapping is going * to be retrieved * @param iid * Instance-ID of the addresses (0 if none) * * @param afi * Address Family of the addresses (IPv4, IPv6 or MAC) * * @param srcAdd * Source address of type defined by afi * * @param srcML * Network mask length of the source address * * @param dstAdd * Destination address of type defined by afi * * @param dstML * Network mask length of the destination address * * @return EidToLocatorRecord as a JSON object * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     *      http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/mapping/0/1/
*/ @Path("/{containerName}/mapping/{iid}/{afi}/{srcAdd}/{srcML}/{dstAdd}/{dstML}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.EidToLocatorRecord getMapping(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @PathParam("iid") int iid, @PathParam("afi") int afi, @PathParam("srcAdd") String srcAdd, @PathParam("srcML") int srcML, @PathParam("dstAdd") String dstAdd, @PathParam("dstML") int dstML) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.READ); LispAddressGeneric eidGeneric = parseSrcDstAddressURL(iid, afi, srcAdd, srcML, dstAdd, dstML); int mask = 0; // Not used here EidToLocatorRecord record = lookupEID(containerName, mask, LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(eidGeneric)); org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping.type.lisp.EidToLocatorRecord legacyRecord = YangTransformerNB.reTransformEidToLocatorRecord(record); LispAddressConvertorNB.convertRecordToGenericAddress(legacyRecord); return legacyRecord; } /** * Set the authentication key for an EID prefix * * @param containerName * name of the container context in which the key needs to be set * @param authKeyNB * JSON object that contains the key information * * @return Text plain confirming reception * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     * http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/key
     * Request body in JSON:
     * {
     * "key" : "asdf",
     * "maskLength" : 24,
     * "address" :
     * {
     * "ipAddress" : "",
     * "afi" : 1
     * }
     * }
*/ @Path("/{containerName}/key") @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 400, condition = "Invalid data passed"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 500, condition = "Internal Server Error: Addition of key failed"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public Response addAuthKey(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @TypeHint(AuthKeyNB.class) AuthKeyNB authKeyNB) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.WRITE); LispAddress lispAddress; try { lispAddress = LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(authKeyNB.getAddress()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadRequestException(RestMessages.INVALIDDATA.toString() + " : Address is not valid"); } ILispmappingNorthbound nbService = (ILispmappingNorthbound) ServiceHelper.getInstance(ILispmappingNorthbound.class, containerName, this); try { nbService.getMappingService().addAuthenticationKey(YangTransformerNB.transformLispAddress(lispAddress), authKeyNB.getMaskLength(), authKeyNB.getKey()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while adding the key"); } return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } /** * Retrieve the key used to register an EID prefix * * @param containerName * name of the container context from which the key is going to * be retrieved * * @param afi * Address Family of the address (IPv4, IPv6 or MAC) * * @param address * Address of type defined by afi * * @param mask * Network mask length * * @return AuthKeyNB as a JSON object * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     * http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/key/0/1/
*/ @Path("/{containerName}/key/{iid}/{afi}/{address}/{mask}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 400, condition = "Invalid data passed"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 500, condition = "Internal Server Error: Get key failed"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public AuthKeyNB getAuthKey(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @PathParam("iid") int iid, @PathParam("afi") int afi, @PathParam("address") String address, @PathParam("mask") int mask) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.READ); LispAddressGeneric lispAddressGeneric = parseAddressURL(iid, afi, address, mask); LispAddress lispAddress; try { lispAddress = LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(lispAddressGeneric); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadRequestException(RestMessages.INVALIDDATA.toString() + " : Address is not valid"); } ILispmappingNorthbound nbService = (ILispmappingNorthbound) ServiceHelper.getInstance(ILispmappingNorthbound.class, containerName, this); String key; try { key = nbService.getMappingService().getAuthenticationKey(YangTransformerNB.transformLispAddress(lispAddress), mask); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while retrieving the key"); } if (key == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(RestMessages.NORESOURCE.toString() + " : The requested key was not found"); } AuthKeyNB authKeyNB = new AuthKeyNB(); authKeyNB.setKey(key); authKeyNB.setAddress(lispAddressGeneric); authKeyNB.setMaskLength(mask); return authKeyNB; } /** * Retrieve a key used to register a Source-Destination LCAF EID prefix * * @param containerName * name of the container context from which the key is going to * be retrieved * * @param afi * Address Family of the addresses (IPv4, IPv6 or MAC) * * @param srcAdd * Source address of type defined by afi * * @param srcML * Network mask length of the source address * * @param dstAdd * Destination address of type defined by afi * * @param dstML * Network mask length of the destination address * * @return AuthKeyNB as a JSON object * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     * http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/key/0/1/
*/ @Path("/{containerName}/key/{iid}/{afi}/{srcAdd}/{srcML}/{dstAdd}/{dstML}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public AuthKeyNB getAuthKey(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @PathParam("iid") int iid, @PathParam("afi") int afi, @PathParam("srcAdd") String srcAdd, @PathParam("srcML") int srcML, @PathParam("dstAdd") String dstAdd, @PathParam("dstML") int dstML) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.READ); LispAddressGeneric lispAddressGeneric = parseSrcDstAddressURL(iid, afi, srcAdd, srcML, dstAdd, dstML); LispAddress lispAddress = LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(lispAddressGeneric); ILispmappingNorthbound nbService = (ILispmappingNorthbound) ServiceHelper.getInstance(ILispmappingNorthbound.class, containerName, this); int mask = 0; // Not used here LispAddressContainer yangAddress = YangTransformerNB.transformLispAddress(lispAddress); String key = nbService.getMappingService().getAuthenticationKey(yangAddress, mask); if (key == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(RestMessages.NORESOURCE.toString() + " : The requested key was not found"); } AuthKeyNB authKeyNB = new AuthKeyNB(); authKeyNB.setKey(key); authKeyNB.setAddress(lispAddressGeneric); authKeyNB.setMaskLength(mask); return authKeyNB; } /** * Delete the key used to register an EID prefix * * @param containerName * name of the container context from which the key is going to * be deleted * * @param afi * Address Family of the address (IPv4, IPv6 or MAC) * * @param address * Address of type defined by afi * * @param mask * Network mask length * * @return Text plain confirming deletion * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     * http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/key/0/1/
*/ @Path("/{containerName}/key/{iid}/{afi}/{address}/{mask}") @DELETE @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 400, condition = "Invalid data passed"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 500, condition = "Internal Server Error: Delete key failed"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public Response delAuthKey(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @PathParam("afi") int afi, @PathParam("iid") int iid, @PathParam("address") String address, @PathParam("mask") int mask) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.WRITE); LispAddressGeneric lispAddressGeneric = parseAddressURL(iid, afi, address, mask); LispAddress lispAddress; try { lispAddress = LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(lispAddressGeneric); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadRequestException(RestMessages.INVALIDDATA.toString() + " : Address is not valid"); } ILispmappingNorthbound nbService = (ILispmappingNorthbound) ServiceHelper.getInstance(ILispmappingNorthbound.class, containerName, this); try { nbService.getMappingService().removeAuthenticationKey(YangTransformerNB.transformLispAddress(lispAddress), mask); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while deleting the key"); } return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } /** * Delete the key used to register an EID prefix * * @param containerName * name of the container context from which the key is going to * be retrieved * * @param afi * Address Family of the addresses (IPv4, IPv6 or MAC) * * @param srcAdd * Source address of type defined by afi * * @param srcML * Network mask length of the source address * * @param dstAdd * Destination address of type defined by afi * * @param dstML * Network mask length of the destination address * * @return AuthKeyNB as a JSON object * *
     * Example:
     * Request URL:
     * http://localhost:8080/lispflowmapping/nb/v2/default/key/0/1/
*/ @Path("/{containerName}/key/{iid}/{afi}/{srcAdd}/{srcML}/{dstAdd}/{dstML}") @DELETE @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 401, condition = "User not authorized to perform this operation"), @ResponseCode(code = 400, condition = "Invalid data passed"), @ResponseCode(code = 404, condition = "The containerName passed was not found"), @ResponseCode(code = 500, condition = "Internal Server Error: Delete key failed"), @ResponseCode(code = 503, condition = "Service unavailable") }) public Response delAuthKey(@PathParam("containerName") String containerName, @PathParam("iid") int iid, @PathParam("afi") int afi, @PathParam("srcAdd") String srcAdd, @PathParam("srcML") int srcML, @PathParam("dstAdd") String dstAdd, @PathParam("dstML") int dstML) { handleContainerDoesNotExist(containerName); authorizationCheck(containerName, Privilege.WRITE); LispAddressGeneric lispAddressGeneric = parseSrcDstAddressURL(iid, afi, srcAdd, srcML, dstAdd, dstML); LispAddress lispAddress; try { lispAddress = LispAddressConvertorNB.convertToLispAddress(lispAddressGeneric); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadRequestException(RestMessages.INVALIDDATA.toString() + " : Address is not valid"); } ILispmappingNorthbound nbService = (ILispmappingNorthbound) ServiceHelper.getInstance(ILispmappingNorthbound.class, containerName, this); int mask = 0; // Not used here try { nbService.getMappingService().removeAuthenticationKey(YangTransformerNB.transformLispAddress(lispAddress), mask); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(RestMessages.INTERNALERROR.toString() + " : There was an error while deleting the key"); } return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } }