/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.vpnservice.mdsalutil.packet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.opendaylight.controller.liblldp.BitBufferHelper; import org.opendaylight.controller.liblldp.Packet; /** * Class that represents the ARP packet objects * taken from opendaylight(helium) adsal bundle * */ public class ARP extends Packet { private static final String HWTYPE = "HardwareType"; private static final String PTYPE = "ProtocolType"; private static final String HWADDRLENGTH = "HardwareAddressLength"; private static final String PADDRLENGTH = "ProtocolAddressLength"; private static final String OPCODE = "OpCode"; private static final String SENDERHWADDR = "SenderHardwareAddress"; private static final String SENDERPADDR = "SenderProtocolAddress"; private static final String TARGETHWADDR = "TargetHardwareAddress"; private static final String TARGETPADDR = "TargetProtocolAddress"; public static short HW_TYPE_ETHERNET = (short) 0x1; public static short REQUEST = (short) 0x1; public static short REPLY = (short) 0x2; public static short PROTO_TYPE_IP = 0x800; private static Map> fieldCoordinates = new LinkedHashMap>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { put(HWTYPE, new ImmutablePair(0, 16)); put(PTYPE, new ImmutablePair(16, 16)); put(HWADDRLENGTH, new ImmutablePair(32, 8)); put(PADDRLENGTH, new ImmutablePair(40, 8)); put(OPCODE, new ImmutablePair(48, 16)); put(SENDERHWADDR, new ImmutablePair(64, 48)); put(SENDERPADDR, new ImmutablePair(112, 32)); put(TARGETHWADDR, new ImmutablePair(144, 48)); put(TARGETPADDR, new ImmutablePair(192, 32)); } }; private Map fieldValues; /** * Default constructor that creates and sets the HashMap */ public ARP() { super(); fieldValues = new HashMap(); hdrFieldCoordMap = fieldCoordinates; hdrFieldsMap = fieldValues; } public ARP(boolean writeAccess) { super(writeAccess); fieldValues = new HashMap(); hdrFieldCoordMap = fieldCoordinates; hdrFieldsMap = fieldValues; } public short getHardwareType() { return (BitBufferHelper.getShort(fieldValues.get(HWTYPE))); } public short getProtocolType() { return (BitBufferHelper.getShort(fieldValues.get(PTYPE))); } public byte getHardwareAddressLength() { return (BitBufferHelper.getByte(fieldValues.get(HWADDRLENGTH))); } public byte getProtocolAddressLength() { return (BitBufferHelper.getByte(fieldValues.get(PADDRLENGTH))); } public short getOpCode() { return (BitBufferHelper.getShort(fieldValues.get(OPCODE))); } public byte[] getSenderHardwareAddress() { return (fieldValues.get(SENDERHWADDR)); } public byte[] getSenderProtocolAddress() { return (fieldValues.get(SENDERPADDR)); } public byte[] getTargetHardwareAddress() { return (fieldValues.get(TARGETHWADDR)); } public ARP setHardwareType(short hardwareType) { byte[] hwType = BitBufferHelper.toByteArray(hardwareType); fieldValues.put(HWTYPE, hwType); return this; } public ARP setProtocolType(short protocolType) { byte[] protType = BitBufferHelper.toByteArray(protocolType); fieldValues.put(PTYPE, protType); return this; } public ARP setHardwareAddressLength(byte hardwareAddressLength) { byte[] hwAddressLength = BitBufferHelper .toByteArray(hardwareAddressLength); fieldValues.put(HWADDRLENGTH, hwAddressLength); return this; } public ARP setProtocolAddressLength(byte protocolAddressLength) { byte[] protocolAddrLength = BitBufferHelper .toByteArray(protocolAddressLength); fieldValues.put(PADDRLENGTH, protocolAddrLength); return this; } public ARP setOpCode(short opCode) { byte[] operationCode = BitBufferHelper.toByteArray(opCode); fieldValues.put(OPCODE, operationCode); return this; } public ARP setSenderHardwareAddress(byte[] senderHardwareAddress) { fieldValues.put(SENDERHWADDR, senderHardwareAddress); return this; } public ARP setTargetHardwareAddress(byte[] targetHardwareAddress) { fieldValues.put(TARGETHWADDR, targetHardwareAddress); return this; } public ARP setTargetProtocolAddress(byte[] targetProtocolAddress) { fieldValues.put(TARGETPADDR, targetProtocolAddress); return this; } public ARP setSenderProtocolAddress(byte[] senderIP) { fieldValues.put(SENDERPADDR, senderIP); return this; } public byte[] getTargetProtocolAddress() { return fieldValues.get(TARGETPADDR); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((fieldValues == null) ? 0 : fieldValues.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } ARP other = (ARP) obj; if (fieldValues == null) { if (other.fieldValues != null) { return false; } } else if (!fieldValues.equals(other.fieldValues)) { return false; } return true; } }