/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.vpnservice.mdsalutil.packet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Enum represents the most common IP protocols numbers It provides the binding * between IP protocol names and numbers and provides APIs to read and parse * them in either of the two forms * * NOTE: Openflow 1.0 supports the IP Proto match only for ICMP, TCP and UDP * * references: * http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml */ public enum IPProtocols { ANY("any", -1), HOPOPT("HOPOPT",0), ICMP("ICMP", 1), IGMP("IGMP",2), GGP("GGP",3), IPV4("IPv4",4), ST("ST",5), TCP("TCP", 6), CBT("CBT",7), EGP("EGP",8), IGP("IGP",9), BBNRCCMON("BBN-RCC-MON",10), NVPII("NVP-II",11), PUP("PUP",12), ARGUS("ARGUS",13), EMCON("EMCON",14), XNET("XNET",15), CHAOS("CHAOS",16), UDP("UDP", 17), MUX("MUX",18), DCNMEAS("DCN-MEAS",19), HMP("HMP",20), PRM("PRM",21), XNSIDP("XNS-IDP",22), TRUNK1("TRUNK-1",23), TRUNK2("TRUNK-2",24), LEAF1("LEAF-1",25), LEAF2("LEAF-2",26), RDP("RDP",27), IRTP("IRTP",28), ISOTP4("ISO-TP4",29), NETBLT("NETBLT",30), MFENSP("MFE-NSP",31), MERITINP("MERIT-INP",32), DCCP("DCCP",33), THREEPC("3PC",34), IDPR("IDPR",35), XTP("XTP",36), DDP("DDP",37), IDPRCMTP("IDPR-CMTP",38), TPPLUSPLUS("TP++",39), IL("IL",40), IPV6("IPv6",41), SDRP("SDRP",42), IPV6Route("IPv6-Route",43), IPV6Frag("IPv6-Frag",44), IDRP("IDRP",45), RSVP("RSVP",46), GRE("GRE",47), DSR("DSR",48), BNA("BNA",49), ESP("ESP",50), AH("AH",51), INLSP("I-NLSP",52), SWIPE("SWIPE",53), NARP("NARP",54), MOBILE("MOBILE",55), TLSP("TLSP",56), SKIP("SKIP",57), IPV6ICMP("IPv6-ICMP", 58), IPV6NoNxt("IPv6-NoNxt",59), IPV6Opts("IPv6-Opts",60), ANYHOST("ANY-HOST",61), CFTP("CFTP",62), ANYNETWORK("ANY-NETWORK",63), SATEXPAK("SAT-EXPAK",64), KRYPTOLAN("KRYPTOLAN",65), RVD("RVD",66), IPPC("IPPC",67), ANYDISTFS("ANY-DIST-FS",68), SATMON("SAT-MON",69), VISA("VISA",70), IPCV("IPCV",71), CPNX("CPNX",72), CPHB("CPHB",73), WSN("WSN",74), PVP("PVP",75), BRSATMON("BR-SAT-MON",76), SUNND("SUN-ND",77), WBMON("WB-MON",78), WBEXPAK("WB-EXPAK",79), ISOIP("ISO-IP",80), VMTP("VMTP",81), SECUREVMTP("SECURE-VMTP",82), VINES("VINES",83), TTP("TTP",84), IPTM("IPTM",84), NSFNETIGP("NSFNET-IGP",85), DGP("DGP",86), TCF("TCF",87), EIGRP("EIGRP",88), OSPFIGP("OSPFIGP",89), SPRITERPC("Sprite-RPC",90), LARP("LARP",91), MTP("MTP",92), AX25("AX.25",93), IPIP("IPIP",94), MICP("MICP",95), SCCSP("SCC-SP",96), ETHERIP("ETHERIP",97), ENCAP("ENCAP",98), ANYENC("ANY-ENC",99), GMTP("GMTP",100), IFMP("IFMP",101), PNNI("PNNI",102), PIM("PIM",103), ARIS("ARIS",104), SCPS("SCPS",105), QNX("QNX",106), AN("A/N",107), IPComp("IPComp",108), SNP("SNP",109), COMPAQPEER("Compaq-Peer",110), IPXINIP("IPX-in-IP",111), VRRP("VRRP",112), PGM("PGM",113), ANY0HOP("ANY-0-HOP",114), L2TP("L2TP",115), DDX("DDX",116), IATP("IATP",117), STP("STP",118), SRP("SRP",119), UTI("UTI",120), SMP("SMP",121), SM("SM",122), PTP("PTP",123), ISIS("ISIS",124), FIRE("FIRE",125), CRTP("CRTP",126), CRUDP("CRUDP",127), SSCOPMCE("SSCOPMCE",128), IPLT("IPLT",129), SPS("SPS",130), PIPE("PIPE",131), SCTP("SCTP",132), FC("FC",133), RSVPE2EIGNORE("RSVP-E2E-IGNORE",134), MOBILITYHEADER("Mobility Header",135), UDPLITE("UDPLite",136), MPLSINIP("MPLS-in-IP",137), MANET("MANET",138), HIP("HIP",139), SHIM6("Shim6",140), WESP("WESP",141), ROHC("ROHC",142), /*143-252 Unassigned by IANA*/ //Experimebtal protocol numbers (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3692) EXP1("Experimental1", 253), EXP2("Experimental2", 254), RESERVED("RESERVED",255); private String protocolName; private int protocolNumber; private IPProtocols(String name, int number) { protocolName = name; protocolNumber = number; } public int intValue() { return protocolNumber; } public short shortValue() { return ((Integer) protocolNumber).shortValue(); } public byte byteValue() { return ((Integer) protocolNumber).byteValue(); } @Override public String toString() { return protocolName; } public static String getProtocolName(int number) { return getProtocolNameInternal(number); } public static String getProtocolName(short number) { return getProtocolNameInternal(number & 0xffff); } public static String getProtocolName(byte number) { return getProtocolNameInternal(number & 0xff); } private static String getProtocolNameInternal(int number) { for (IPProtocols proto : IPProtocols.values()) { if (proto.protocolNumber == number) { return proto.toString(); } } //TODO: this is for backwards compatibility return "0x" + Integer.toHexString(number); } public static short getProtocolNumberShort(String name) { IPProtocols p = fromString(name); if (p != null) { return p.shortValue(); } //This method should be called after validation only throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal IP protocol value: " + name); } public static int getProtocolNumberInt(String name) { IPProtocols p = fromString(name); if (p != null) { return p.intValue(); } //This method should be called after validation only throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal IP protocol value: " + name); } public static byte getProtocolNumberByte(String name) { IPProtocols p = fromString(name); if (p != null) { return p.byteValue(); } //This method should be called after validation only throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal IP protocol value: " + name); } public static List getProtocolNameList() { List protoList = new ArrayList(); for (IPProtocols proto : IPProtocols.values()) { protoList.add(proto.toString()); } return protoList; } /** * Method to parse an IPProtocol from a numeric string * * @param s * The IP protocol string to be parsed * @return The IP protocol Enum, or null if invalid protocol string is passed */ public static IPProtocols fromString(String s) { // null/empty/any/* evaluates to ANY if (s == null || s.isEmpty() || s.equalsIgnoreCase("any") || s.equals("*")) { return IPProtocols.ANY; } // Try parsing numeric and find the related ENUM try { int protoNum = Integer.decode(s); for (IPProtocols protoEnum : IPProtocols.values()) { if (protoEnum.protocolNumber == protoNum) { return protoEnum; } } // At this point it's an invalid number (i.e. out of range or not a valid proto num) return null; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // numeric failed try by NAME try { return valueOf(s); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // Neither numeric nor enum NAME, attempt human readable name for (IPProtocols protoEnum : IPProtocols.values()) { if (protoEnum.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { return protoEnum; } } //couldn't parse, signifies an invalid proto field! return null; } } } }