module deviation { namespace "deviation"; prefix "dev"; yang-version 1.1; import deviation-target { prefix dev-tgt; revision-date 2017-01-20; } revision 2017-01-20; deviation "/dev-tgt:my-leaf-list" { deviate add { config false; min-elements 5; max-elements 10; default 100; default 200; units "hours"; } } deviation "/dev-tgt:my-list" { deviate add { unique "my-leaf-a my-leaf-b"; unique "my-leaf-c my-leaf-d"; } } deviation "/dev-tgt:my-choice" { deviate add { default c2; } } deviation "/dev-tgt:my-rpc/dev-tgt:input" { deviate add { must "day or night"; must "black and white"; } } deviation "/dev-tgt:my-rpc/dev-tgt:output" { deviate add { must "day or night"; must "black and white"; } } deviation "/dev-tgt:my-notification" { deviate add { must "day or night"; must "black and white"; } } deviation "/dev-tgt:my-anyxml" { deviate add { mandatory true; dev:custom-property "arg"; dev:custom-property "another arg"; } } extension custom-property { argument name; } }