module bgp { namespace "urn:cisco:params:xml:ns:yang:bgp"; // replace with IANA namespace when assigned prefix bgp; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "Cisco Systems 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA"; contact "Aleksandr Zhdankin Keyur Patel Alexander Clemm"; description "This YANG module defines the generic configuration data for BGP, which is common across all of the vendor implementations of the protocol. It is intended that the module will be extended by vendors to define vendor-specific BGP configuration parameters and policies, for example route maps or route policies. Terms and Acronyms BGP (bgp): Border Gateway Protocol IP (ip): Internet Protocol IPv4 (ipv4):Internet Protocol Version 4 IPv6 (ipv6): Internet Protocol Version 6 MED(med): Multi Exit Discriminator IGP (igp): Interior Gateway Protocol MTU (mtu) Maximum Transmission Unit "; revision 2013-07-15 { description "Initial revision."; } typedef prefix-list-ref { description "A reference to the prefix list which a bgp-neighbor can use."; type leafref { path "/prefix-lists/prefix-list/prefix-list-name"; } } typedef neigbour-ref { description "A reference to the bgp-neighbor."; type leafref { path "/bgp-neighbors/bgp-neighbor/as-number"; } } typedef bgp-peer-admin-status { description "Administartive status of a BGP peer."; type enumeration { enum "unknown"; enum "up"; enum "down"; } } typedef actions-enum { description "Permit/deny action."; type enumeration { enum "permit"; enum "deny"; } } grouping ACTIONS { description "Permit/deny action."; leaf action { type actions-enum; mandatory true; } } grouping slow-peer-config { description "Configure a slow-peer."; container detection { leaf enable { type boolean; default "true"; } leaf threshold { type uint16 { range "120..3600"; } } } leaf split-update-group { type enumeration { enum "dynamic"; enum "static"; } } } grouping update-group-management { description "Manage peers in BGP update group."; leaf split-as-override { description "Keeps peers with as-override in different update groups."; type boolean; } } grouping neighbour-base-af-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to all neighbour address families."; leaf active { description "Enable the address family for this neighbor."; type boolean; default "false"; } leaf advertisement-interval { description "Minimum interval between sending BGP routing updates."; type uint32; } leaf allowas-in { description "Accept as-path with my AS present in it."; type boolean; default "false"; } leaf maximum-prefix { description "Maximum number of prefixes accepted from this peer."; type uint32; } leaf next-hop-self { description "Enable the next hop calculation for this neighbor."; type boolean; default "true"; } leaf next-hop-unchanged { description "Propagate next hop unchanged for iBGP paths to this neighbour."; type boolean; default "true"; } container remove-private-as { leaf remove-private-as-number { description "Remove private AS number from outbound updates."; type boolean; } leaf replace-with-local-as { description "Replace private AS number with local AS."; type boolean; } } leaf route-reflector-client { description "Configure a neighbor as Route Reflector client."; type boolean; default "false"; } leaf send-community { description "Send Community attribute to this neighbor."; type enumeration { enum "both"; enum "extended"; enum "standard"; } default "standard"; } uses slow-peer-config; leaf soo { description "Site-of-Origin extended community. Format is ASN:nn or IP-address:nn"; type string; } leaf weight { description "Set default weight for routes from this neighbor."; type uint16; } } grouping neighbour-common-af-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to all neighbour address families, except of nsap and rtfilter."; uses neighbour-base-af-config; leaf prefix-list { description "Reference to the prefix list of this neighbour."; type prefix-list-ref; } leaf soft-reconfiguration { description "Allow inbound soft reconfiguration."; type boolean; } } grouping neighbour-cast-af-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to both unicast and multicast sub-address families."; uses neighbour-common-af-config; leaf propagate-dmzlink-bw { description "Propagate the DMZ link bandwidth."; type boolean; } container default-originate { description "Originate default route to this neighbor."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; } } } grouping neighbour-ip-multicast-af-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to ip multicast."; uses neighbour-cast-af-config; leaf route-server-client-context { description "Specifies Route Server client context name."; type string; } } grouping neighbour-ip-unicast-af-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to ip unicast. This grouping is intended to be extended by vendors as necessary to describe the vendor-specific configuration parameters."; uses neighbour-ip-multicast-af-config; } grouping bgp-af-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to all address families of the BFP router."; leaf additional-paths { description "Additional paths in the BGP table."; type enumeration { enum "all"; enum "best-n"; enum "group-best"; } } leaf advertise-best-external { description "Advertise best external path to internal peers."; type boolean; } container aggregate-timer { description "Configure aggregation timer."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "true"; } leaf threshold { type uint16 { range "6..60"; } } } container bestpath { description "Change the default bestpath selection."; choice bestpath-selection { case as-path { description "Configures a BGP routrer to not consider the autonomous system (AS) path during best path route selection."; leaf ignore-as-path { type boolean; default "false"; } } case compare-routerid { description "Configures a BGP routrer to compare identical routes received from different external peers during the best path selection process and to select the route with the lowest router ID as the best path."; leaf ignore-routerid { type boolean; default "false"; } } case cost-community { description "Configures a BGP router to not evaluate the cost community attribute during the best path selection process."; leaf ignore-cost-community { type boolean; default "false"; } } case igp-metric { description "Configures the system to ignore the IGP metric during BGP best path selection."; leaf ignore-igp-metric { type boolean; default "false"; } } case mad-confed { description "Configure a BGP routing process to compare the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) between paths learned from confederation peers."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; } leaf missing-as-worst { description "Assigns a value of infinity to routes that are missing the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) attribute, making the path without a MED value the least desirable path"; type boolean; default "false"; } } } } leaf dampening { description "Enable route-flap dampening."; type boolean; default "false"; } leaf propagate-dmzlink-bw { description "Use DMZ Link Bandwidth as weight for BGP multipaths."; type boolean; } leaf redistribute-internal { description "Allow redistribution of iBGP into IGPs (dangerous)"; type boolean; } leaf scan-time { description "Configure background scanner interval in seconds."; type uint8 { range "5..60"; } } uses slow-peer-config; leaf soft-reconfig-backup { description "Use soft-reconfiguration inbound only when route-refresh is not negotiated."; type boolean; } } grouping bgp-af-vpn-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to vpn sub-address family on the BGP router."; uses bgp-af-config; uses update-group-management; } grouping bgp-af-mvpn-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to mvpn sub-address family on the BGP router."; leaf scan-time { description "Configure background scanner interval in seconds."; type uint8 { range "5..60"; } } uses slow-peer-config; leaf soft-reconfig-backup { description "Use soft-reconfiguration inbound only when route-refresh is not negotiated."; type boolean; } leaf propagate-dmzlink-bw { description "Use DMZ Link Bandwidth as weight for BGP multipaths."; type boolean; } leaf rr-group { description "Extended community list name."; type string; } uses update-group-management; } grouping redistribute { description "Redistribute information from another routing protocol. This grouping is intended to be augmented by vendors to implement vendor-specific protocol redistribution configuration options."; choice protocol { case bgp { leaf enable-bgp { type boolean; } } case ospf { leaf enable-ospf { type boolean; } } case isis { leaf enable-isis { type boolean; } } case connected { leaf enable-connected { type boolean; } } case eigrp { leaf enable-eigrp { type boolean; } } case mobile { leaf enable-mobile { type boolean; } } case static { leaf enable-static { type boolean; } } case rip { leaf enable-rip { type boolean; } } } } grouping router-af-config { description "A set of configuration parameters that is applicable to all address families on the BGP router."; leaf aggregate-address { description "Configure BGP aggregate address."; type inet:ip-address; } leaf distance { description "Define an administrative distance."; type uint8 { range "1..255"; } } leaf network { description "Specify a network to announce via BGP."; type inet:ip-address; } uses redistribute; } grouping maximum-paths { description "Configures packet forwarding over multiple paths."; leaf number-of-path { type uint8 { range "1..32"; } } leaf ibgp-number-of-path { type uint8 { range "1..32"; } } } container bgp-router { description "This is a top-level container for the BGP router."; leaf local-as-number { type uint32; } leaf local-as-identifier { type inet:ip-address; } container rpki-config { description "RPKI configuration parameters."; container cache-server-config { description "Configure the RPKI cache-server parameters in rpki-server configuration mode."; choice server { case ip-address { leaf ip-address { type inet:ip-address; mandatory true; } } case host-name { leaf ip-host-address { type inet:host; mandatory true; } } } choice transport { description "Specifies a transport method for the RPKI cache."; case tcp { leaf tcp-port { type uint32; } } case ssh { leaf ssh-port { type uint32; } } } leaf user-name { type string; } leaf password { type string; } leaf preference-value { description "Specifies a preference value for the RPKI cache. Setting a lower preference value is better."; type uint8 { range "1..10"; } } leaf purge-time { description "Configures the time BGP waits to keep routes from a cache after the cache session drops. Set purge time in seconds."; type uint16 { range "30..360"; } } choice refresh-time { description "Configures the time BGP waits in between sending periodic serial queries to the cache. Set refresh-time in seconds."; case disable { leaf refresh-time-disable { type boolean; } } case set-time { leaf refresh-interval { type uint16 { range "15..3600"; } } } } choice responce-time { description "Configures the time BGP waits for a response after sending a serial or reset query. Set response-time in seconds."; case disable { leaf responce-time-disable { type boolean; } } case set-time { leaf responce-interval { type uint16 { range "15..3600"; } } } } } container validation-config { description "Controls the behavior of RPKI prefix validation processing."; leaf enable { description "Enables RPKI origin-AS validation."; type boolean; default "true"; } leaf enable-ibgp { description "Enables the iBGP signaling of validity state through an extended-community."; type boolean; } choice validation-time { description "Sets prefix validation time (in seconds) or to set off the automatic prefix validation after an RPKI update."; case validation-off { leaf disable { type boolean; } } case set-time { leaf prefix-validation-time { description "Range in seconds."; type uint16 { range "5..60"; } } } } } container bestpath-computation { description "Configures RPKI bestpath computation options."; leaf enable { description "Enables the validity states of BGP paths to affect the path's preference in the BGP bestpath process."; type boolean; } leaf allow-invalid { description "Allows all 'invalid' paths to be considered for BGP bestpath computation."; type boolean; } } } container af-configuration { description "Top level container for address families specific configuration of the BGP router."; container ipv4 { container mdt { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for ipv4-mdt address family/sub-addess family combination."; leaf dampening { description "Enable route-flap dampening."; type boolean; default "false"; } leaf scan-time { description "Configure background scanner interval in seconds."; type uint8 { range "5..60"; } } uses slow-peer-config; leaf soft-reconfig-backup { description "Use soft-reconfiguration inbound only when route-refresh is not negotiated."; type boolean; } leaf propagate-dmzlink-bw { description "Use DMZ Link Bandwidth as weight for BGP multipaths."; type boolean; } } } container multicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for ipv4-multicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-config; } leaf auto-summary { description "Enable automatic network number summarization"; type boolean; } uses router-af-config; leaf default-metric { description "Set metric of redistributed routes."; type uint32; } } container unicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for ipv4-unicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-config; leaf always-compare-med { description "Allow comparing MED from different neighbors."; type boolean; default "false"; } leaf enforce-first-as { description "Enforce the first AS for EBGP routes(default)."; type boolean; default "true"; } leaf fast-external-fallover { description "Immediately reset session if a link to a directly connected external peer goes down."; type boolean; default "true"; } leaf suppress-inactive { description "Suppress routes that are not in the routing table."; type boolean; } leaf asnotation { description "Sets the default asplain notation."; type enumeration { enum "asplain"; enum "dot"; } } leaf enable-client-to-client-reflection { description "Manages client to client route reflection."; type boolean; default "true"; } leaf cluster-id { description "Configure Route-Reflector Cluster-id."; type string; } container confederation { description "AS confederation parameters."; leaf identifier { description "Confederation identifier."; type string; } list peers { description "Confederation peers."; key "as-name"; leaf as-name { type string; } } } container consistency-checker { description "Consistency-checker configuration."; leaf enable { type boolean; } leaf interval { description "Check interval in minutes."; type uint16 { range "5..1440"; } } choice inconsistency-action { case error-message { description "Specifies that when an inconsistency is found, the system will only generate a syslog message."; leaf generate-error-message-only { type boolean; } } case autorepair { description "Specifies that when an inconsistency is found, the system will generate a syslog message and take action based on the type of inconsistency found."; leaf perform-autorepair { type boolean; } } } } leaf deterministic-med { description "If enabled it enforce the deterministic comparison of the MED value between all paths received from within the same autonomous system."; type boolean; } container graceful-restart { description "Controls the BGP graceful restart capability."; leaf enable { type boolean; } leaf restart-time { description "Sets the maximum time period (in seconds) that the local router will wait for a graceful-restart-capable neighbor to return to normal operation after a restart event occurs."; type uint16 { range "1..3600"; } default "120"; } leaf stalepath-time { description "Sets the maximum time period that the local router will hold stale paths for a restarting peer."; type uint16 { range "5..3600"; } default "360"; } } container listener-congfig { description "Associates a subnet range with a BGP peer group and activate the BGP dynamic neighbors feature."; leaf enable { type boolean; } leaf limit { description "Sets a maximum limit number of BGP dynamic subnet range neighbors."; type uint16 { range "1..5000"; } default "100"; } leaf range { description "Specifies a subnet range that is to be associated with a specified peer group."; type uint16 { range "0..32"; } } leaf peer-group { description "Specifies a BGP peer group that is to be associated with the specified subnet range."; type string; } } leaf log-neighbor-changes { description "Log neighbor up/down and reset reason."; type boolean; } leaf max-as-limit { description "Configures BGP to discard routes that have a number of autonomous system numbers in AS-path that exceed the specified value."; type uint16 { range "1..254"; } } container router-id { description "Configures a fixed router ID for the local BGP routing process."; leaf enable { type boolean; } choice config-type { case static { leaf ip-address { type boolean; } } case auto-config { leaf enable-auto-config { type boolean; } } } } container transport { description "Manages transport session parameters."; leaf enable-path-mtu-discovery { description "Enables transport path MTU discovery."; type boolean; default "true"; } } } leaf auto-summary { description "Enable automatic network number summarization"; type boolean; } uses router-af-config; uses maximum-paths; leaf synchronization { description "Perform IGP synchronization."; type boolean; } } container mvpn { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for ipv4-mvpn address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-mvpn-config; } leaf auto-summary { description "Enable automatic network number summarization."; type boolean; } } } container ipv6 { container multicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for ipv6-multicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-config; } uses router-af-config; } container unicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for ipv6-unicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-config; } uses router-af-config; leaf default-metric { description "Set metric of redistributed routes."; type uint32; } uses maximum-paths; leaf synchronization { description "Perform IGP synchronization."; type boolean; } } container mvpn { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for ipv6-mvpn address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-mvpn-config; } } } container l2vpn { container vpls { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for l2vpn-vpls address family/sub-addess family combination."; leaf scan-time { description "Configure background scanner interval in seconds."; type uint8 { range "5..60"; } } uses slow-peer-config; } } } container nsap { container unicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for nsap-unicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; container aggregate-timer { description "Configure Aggregation Timer."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "true"; } leaf threshold { type uint16 { range "6..60"; } } } leaf dampening { description "Enable route-flap dampening."; type boolean; default "false"; } leaf propagate-dmzlink-bw { description "Use DMZ Link Bandwidth as weight for BGP multipaths."; type boolean; } leaf redistribute-internal { description "Allow redistribution of iBGP into IGPs (dangerous)"; type boolean; } leaf scan-time { description "Configure background scanner interval in seconds."; type uint8 { range "5..60"; } } uses slow-peer-config; leaf soft-reconfig-backup { description "Use soft-reconfiguration inbound only when route-refresh is not negotiated."; type boolean; } } leaf default-metric { description "Set metric of redistributed routes."; type uint32; } uses maximum-paths; leaf network { description "Specify a network to announce via BGP."; type inet:ip-address; } uses redistribute; leaf synchronization { description "Perform IGP synchronization."; type boolean; } } } } container rtfilter { container unicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for rtfilter-unicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses slow-peer-config; } uses maximum-paths; } } container vpnv4 { container unicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for vpnv4-unicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-vpn-config; } uses maximum-paths; } container multicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for vpnv4-multicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-vpn-config; } uses maximum-paths; } } container vpnv6 { container unicast { container bgp { description "BGP specific commands for vpnv6-unicast address family/sub-addess family combination."; uses bgp-af-vpn-config; } } } } container bgp-neighbors { description "The top level container for the list of neighbours of the BGP router."; list bgp-neighbor { key "as-number"; leaf as-number { type uint32; } choice peer-address-type { case ip-address { leaf ip-address { type inet:ip-address; mandatory true; } } case prefix { leaf prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; mandatory true; } } case host { leaf ip-host-address { type inet:host; mandatory true; } } } leaf prefix-list { type prefix-list-ref; } leaf default-action { type actions-enum; } container af-specific-config { description "Address family specific configuration parameters for the neighbours."; container ipv4 { container mdt { uses neighbour-common-af-config; } container unicast { uses neighbour-ip-unicast-af-config; } container multicast { uses neighbour-ip-multicast-af-config; } container mvpn { uses neighbour-cast-af-config; } } container ipv6 { container unicast { uses neighbour-ip-unicast-af-config; } container multicast { uses neighbour-ip-multicast-af-config; } container mvpn { uses neighbour-common-af-config; } } container l2vpn { container evpn { uses neighbour-common-af-config; } container vpls { uses neighbour-common-af-config; } } container nsap { container unicast { uses neighbour-base-af-config; leaf prefix-list { type prefix-list-ref; } } } container rtfilter { container unicast { uses neighbour-base-af-config; leaf soft-reconfiguration { description "Allow inbound soft reconfiguration."; type boolean; } } } container vpnv4 { container unicast { uses neighbour-cast-af-config; } container multicast { uses neighbour-cast-af-config; } } container vpnv6 { container unicast { uses neighbour-cast-af-config; } container multicast { uses neighbour-cast-af-config; } } } container bgp-neighbor-state { description "The operational parameters describing the neighbour state. It is intended that this container may be augmented by vendors to reflect the vendor-specific operational state parameters."; leaf adminStatus { type bgp-peer-admin-status; } leaf in-lastupdatetime { type yang:timestamp; } } container bgp-neighbor-statistics { description "The operational parameters describing the neighbour statistics. It is intended that this container may be augmented by vendors to reflect the vendor-specific staistical parameters."; leaf nr-in-updates { type uint32; } leaf nr-out-updates { type uint32; } } } } container prefix-lists { description "Contains all prefix lists defined on a router."; list prefix-list { key "prefix-list-name"; description "A prefix list."; leaf prefix-list-name { type string; } container prefixes { list prefix { key "seq-nr"; description "A prefix is a rule with a BGP filter. The left hand side of the rule is the prefix filter. It specifies a set of IP addresses. If a BGP announcement contains an address that matches, the rule is applied. The right hand side of the rule specifies the action that is to be applied."; leaf seq-nr { type uint16; description "Sequence number of the rule. The sequence number is included for compatibility purposes with CLI; from a machine-to-machine interface perspective, it would strictly speaking not be required as list elements can be arranged in a particular order."; } container prefix-filter { choice ip-address-group { case ip-address { leaf ip-address { type inet:ip-address; mandatory true; } } case prefix { leaf prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; mandatory true; } } case host { leaf ip-host-address { type inet:host; mandatory true; } } case ip-range { leaf lower { type inet:ip-address; } leaf upper { type inet:ip-address; } } } leaf action { type actions-enum; mandatory true; description "permit/deny action"; } container statistics { leaf prefix-hit-count { type uint32; config false; } } } } } } } }