define([], function () { 'use strict'; function RestrictionsService(){ var RestrictionObject = function(fnc, info) { = info; this.check = fnc; }; var convertToInteger = function(value) { var strVal = typeof value === 'string' ? value : value.toString(), radix = strVal.indexOf('0x') === 0 ? 16 : strVal.indexOf('0') === 0 ? 8 : 10; return parseInt(strVal, radix); }; var restrictions = {}; restrictions.getEqualsFnc = function (target) { var intTarget = parseInt(target); return new RestrictionObject( function (value) { var intVal = convertToInteger(value); return intVal === intTarget; }, 'Value must be equal to '+target ); }; restrictions.getMinMaxFnc = function (min, max) { var intMin = parseInt(min), intMax = parseInt(max); return new RestrictionObject( function (value) { var intVal = convertToInteger(value); return (intMin <= intVal) && (intVal <= intMax); }, 'Value must be in between '+min+' and '+max ); }; restrictions.getReqexpValidationFnc = function (patternString) { return new RestrictionObject( function (value) { var pattern = new RegExp(patternString); return pattern.test(value.toString()); }, 'Value must match '+patternString ); }; restrictions.getIsNumberFnc = function () { return new RestrictionObject( function (value) { var pattern = new RegExp('^[+-]?((0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(0[0-9]+)|([0-9]+))$'); return pattern.test(value.toString()); }, 'Value must be number (+/-, 0x and 0) prefixed are permitted' ); }; restrictions.getIsUNumberFnc = function () { return new RestrictionObject( function (value) { var pattern = new RegExp('^[+]?((0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(0[0-9]+)|([0-9]+))$'); return pattern.test(value.toString()); }, 'Value must be positive number (+, 0x and 0) prefixed are permitted' ); }; restrictions.getIsDecimalFnc = function () { return new RestrictionObject( function (value) { var pattern = new RegExp("^[-]?[1-9]?[0-9]+[.|,]?[0-9]*$"); return pattern.test(value.toString()); }, 'Value must be decimal number - prefix is permitted' ); }; restrictions.isInArray = function (array) { return new RestrictionObject( function (value) { return array.some(function(arrVal) { return arrVal === value; }); }, 'Value must be in ' + array.toString() ); }; return restrictions; } RestrictionsService.$inject=[]; return RestrictionsService; });