define([], function () { 'use strict'; function YinParserService($http, SyncService, constants, PathUtilsService, YangUiApisService, NodeUtilsService){ var augmentType = 'augment', path = './assets', service = { parseYang: parseYang, parseYangMP: parseYangMP, Augmentations: Augmentations, Module: Module, yangParser: new YangParser(), __test: { path: path, parentTag: parentTag, yangParser: new YangParser(), Augmentation: Augmentation, Module: Module, }, }; return service; // TODO: add service's description function parseYangMP(baseApiPath, name, rev, callback, errorCbk) { var path = baseApiPath + '/' + name + '/' + rev + '/schema'; YangUiApisService.getSingleModuleInfo(path) .then(function (data) { if ($.parseXML(data) !== null) { parseModule(data, callback); } else { loadStaticModule(name, callback, errorCbk); } }, function () { loadStaticModule(name, callback, errorCbk); }); } // TODO: add service's description function parseYang(name, rev, callback, errorCbk) { YangUiApisService.getModuleSchema(name, rev).get() .then(function (data) { if ($.parseXML(data) !== null) { parseModule(data, callback); } else { loadStaticModule(name, callback, errorCbk); } }, function () { loadStaticModule(name, callback, errorCbk); }); } // TODO: add service's description function parentTag(xml) { if (xml.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === 'module') { return xml.get(0); } else { return parentTag(xml.parent()); } } // TODO: add function's description function parseModule(data, callback) { var yangParser = new YangParser(); var moduleName = $($.parseXML(data).documentElement).attr('name'), moduleNamespace = $($.parseXML(data)).find('namespace').attr('uri'), moduleoduleRevision = $($.parseXML(data)).find('revision').attr('date'), moduleObj = new Module(moduleName, moduleoduleRevision, moduleNamespace); yangParser.setCurrentModuleObj(moduleObj); yangParser.parse($.parseXML(data).documentElement, moduleObj); yangParser.sync.waitFor(function () { callback(moduleObj); }); } // TODO: add function's description function loadStaticModule(name, callback, errorCbk) { var yinPath = '/yang2xml/' + name + '.yang.xml'; $http.get(path + yinPath).success(function (data) { console.warn('cannot load ' + name + 'from controller, trying loading from static storage'); parseModule(data, callback); }).error(function () { console.warn('cannot load file ' + yinPath + 'from static storage'); errorCbk(); return null; }); } /** * Base Module object * @param name * @param revision * @param namespace * @constructor */ function Module(name, revision, namespace) { this._name = name; this._revision = revision; this._namespace = namespace; this._statements = {}; this._roots = []; this._augments = []; this.getRoots = function () { return this._roots; }; this.getImportByPrefix = function (prefix) { var importNode = null; if (this._statements.hasOwnProperty('import')) { importNode = this._statements.import.filter(function (importItem) { return importItem._prefix === prefix; })[0]; } return importNode; }; this.getRawAugments = function () { return this._augments; }; this.getAugments = function () { var self = this; return this.getRawAugments().map(function (augNode) { augNode.path = PathUtilsService.translate(augNode.pathString, prefixConverter, self._statements.import, getDefaultModule); return new Augmentation(augNode); // TODO: add function's description function prefixConverter(prefix) { var importNode = self.getImportByPrefix(prefix); return importNode ? importNode.label : null; } // TODO: add function's description function getDefaultModule() { return null; } }); }; this.addChild = function (node) { if (!this._statements.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) { this._statements[node.type] = []; } var duplicates = this._statements[node.type].filter(function (item) { return node.label === item.label && node.nodeType === item.nodeType; }); if (duplicates && duplicates.length > 0) { console.warn('trying to add duplicate node', node, 'to module', this._statements); } else { this._statements[node.type].push(node); if (NodeUtilsService.isRootNode(node.type)) { this._roots.push(node); } if (node.type === 'augment') { this._augments.push(node); } } }; this.searchNode = function (type, name) { var searchResults = null, searchedNode = null; if (this._statements[type]) { searchResults = this._statements[type].filter(function (node) { return name === node.label; }); } if (searchResults && searchResults.length === 0) { // console.warn('no nodes with type', type, 'and name', name, 'found in', this); } else if (searchResults && searchResults.length > 1) { // console.warn('multiple nodes with type', type, 'and name', name, 'found in', this); } else if (searchResults && searchResults.length === 1) { searchedNode = searchResults[0]; } return searchedNode; }; } /** * Base Node element object * @param id * @param name * @param type * @param module * @param namespace * @param parent * @param nodeType * @param moduleRevision * @constructor */ function Node(id, name, type, module, namespace, parent, nodeType, moduleRevision) { = id; this.label = name; this.localeLabel = constants.LOCALE_PREFIX + name.toUpperCase(); this.type = type; this.module = module; this.children = []; this.parent = parent; this.nodeType = nodeType; this.namespace = namespace; this.moduleRevision = moduleRevision; this.appendTo = function (parentNode) { parentNode.addChild(this); }; this.addChild = function (node) { if (this.children.indexOf(node) === -1) { this.children.push(node); node.parent = this; } }; this.deepCopy = function deepCopy(additionalProperties) { var copy = new Node(, this.label, this.type, this.module, this.namespace, null, this.nodeType, this.moduleRevision), self = this; additionalProperties = (additionalProperties || []).concat(['pathString']); additionalProperties.forEach(function (prop) { if (prop !== 'children' && self.hasOwnProperty(prop) && copy.hasOwnProperty(prop) === false) { copy[prop] = self[prop]; } }); this.children.forEach(function (child) { var childCopy = child.deepCopy(additionalProperties); childCopy.parent = copy; copy.children.push(childCopy); }); return copy; }; this.getCleanCopy = function (){ return new Node(, this.label, this.type, this.module, this.namespace, null, this.nodeType, this.moduleRevision); }; this.getChildren = function (type, name, nodeType, property) { var filteredChildren = this.children.filter(function (item) { return (name != null ? name === item.label : true) && (type != null ? type === item.type : true) && (nodeType != null ? nodeType === item.nodeType : true); }); if (property) { return filteredChildren.filter(function (item) { return item.hasOwnProperty(property); }).map(function (item) { return item[property]; }); } else { return filteredChildren; } }; } /** * Base Augment group object * @constructor */ function AugmentationsGroup(){ this.obj = {}; this.addAugumentation = function (augumentation){ this.obj[] = augumentation; }; } /** * Base augment's groups object * @constructor */ function Augmentations(){ this.groups = {}; this.addGroup = function (groupId){ this.groups[groupId] = !this.groups.hasOwnProperty(groupId) ? new AugmentationsGroup() : this.groups[groupId]; }; this.getAugmentation = function (node, augId) { return this.groups[node.module + ':' + node.label] ? this.groups[node.module + ':' + node.label].obj[augId] : null; }; } /** * Base Augment object * @param node * @constructor */ function Augmentation(node) { var self = this; this.node = node; this.path = (node.path ? node.path : []); = node.module + ':' + node.label; this.expanded = true; // AUGMENT FIX // node.label = node.module + ':' + node.label; this.toggleExpand = function () { this.expanded = !this.expanded; }; this.setAugmentationGroup = function (targetNode, augumentations){ var targetNodeId = targetNode.module + ':' + targetNode.label; targetNode.augmentionGroups = targetNode.augmentionGroups ? targetNode.augmentionGroups : []; targetNode.augmentionGroups.push(; augumentations.addGroup(targetNodeId); augumentations.groups[targetNodeId].addAugumentation(self); }; this.apply = function (nodeList, augumentations) { var targetNode = this.getTargetNodeToAugment(nodeList); if (targetNode) { this.setAugmentationGroup(targetNode, augumentations); this.node.children.forEach(function (child) { child.appendTo(targetNode); child.augmentationId =; // AUGMENT FIX // child.children.forEach(function (moduleChild) { // moduleChild.label = moduleChild.module + ':' + moduleChild.label; // }); }); } else { console.warn('can\'t find target node for augmentation ', this.getPathString()); } }; this.getTargetNodeToAugment = function (nodeList) { return{ children: nodeList }, this.path.slice()); }; this.getPathString = function () { return (elem) { return elem.module + ':' +; }).join('/'); }; } /** * Base yang xml parser * @constructor */ function YangParser() { this.rootNodes = []; this.nodeIndex = 0; this.sync = SyncService.generateObj(); this.moduleObj = null; this.setCurrentModuleObj = function (moduleObj) { this.moduleObj = moduleObj; }; this.createNewNode = function (name, type, parentNode, nodeType) { var node = new Node(this.nodeIndex++, name, type, this.moduleObj._name, this.moduleObj._namespace, parentNode, nodeType, this.moduleObj._revision); if (parentNode) { parentNode.addChild(node); } return node; }; this.parse = function (xml, parent) { var self = this; $(xml).children().each(function (_, item) { var prop = item.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (self.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { self[prop](item, parent); } else { // self.parse(this, parent); } }); }; this.config = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'config', name = $(xml).attr('value'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER; this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); }; this.presence = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'presence', name = $(xml).attr('value'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER; this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); }; this.leaf = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'leaf', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this['leaf-list'] = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'leaf-list', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.container = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'container', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.choice = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'choice', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'case', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.list = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'list', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.key = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'key', name = $(xml).attr('value'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.description = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'description', name = $(xml).attr('text') ? $(xml).attr('text') : $(xml).children('text:first').text(), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.typedef = function (xml, parent, typedefName) { var type = 'typedef', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_LINK_TARGET, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.grouping = function (xml, parent, groupingName) { var type = 'grouping', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_LINK_TARGET, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.uses = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'uses', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_LINK, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.import = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'import', name = $(xml).attr('module'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); node._prefix = $(xml).children('prefix:first').attr('value'); node._revisionDate = $(xml).children('revision-date:first').attr('date'); }; this.augment = function (xml, parent) { var type = augmentType, nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER, augmentIndentifier = $(xml).children('ext\\:augment-identifier:first').attr('ext:identifier'), name = augmentIndentifier ? augmentIndentifier : 'augment' + (this.nodeIndex + 1).toString(), pathString = $(xml).attr('target-node'), augmentRoot = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); augmentRoot.pathString = pathString; this.parse(xml, augmentRoot); }; this.rpc = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'rpc', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.input = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'input', name = 'input', nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.output = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'output', name = 'output', nodeType = constants.NODE_UI_DISPLAY, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.pattern = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'pattern', name = $(xml).attr('value'), nodeType = constants.NODE_RESTRICTIONS; this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); }; this.range = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'range', name = $(xml).attr('value'), nodeType = constants.NODE_RESTRICTIONS; this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); }; this.length = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'length', name = $(xml).attr('value'), nodeType = constants.NODE_RESTRICTIONS; this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); }; this.enum = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'enum', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER; this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); }; this.bit = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'bit', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; this.position = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'position', name = $(xml).attr('value'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER; this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); }; this.type = function (xml, parent) { var type = 'type', name = $(xml).attr('name'), nodeType = constants.NODE_ALTER, node = this.createNewNode(name, type, parent, nodeType); this.parse(xml, node); }; } } YinParserService.$inject = ['$http', 'SyncService', 'constants', 'PathUtilsService', 'YangUiApisService', 'NodeUtilsService']; return YinParserService; });