define([ 'app/yangman/services/', ], function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('app.yangman').controller('ModulesListCtrl', ModulesListCtrl); ModulesListCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$mdToast', 'YangUtilsService', 'PluginsHandlerService', '$filter', '$timeout']; function ModulesListCtrl($scope, $rootScope, $mdToast, YangUtilsService, PluginsHandlerService, $filter, $timeout) { var modulesList = this; modulesList.treeApis = []; modulesList.showLoadingBox = true; modulesList.moduleListTitle = ''; = ''; // methods modulesList.clearFilter = clearFilter; modulesList.customSearch = customSearch; modulesList.checkSelectedModule = checkSelectedModule; modulesList.setDataStore = setDataStore; modulesList.setModule = setModule; // watchers $scope.$on('YANGMAN_GET_API_TREE_DATA', function (event, args) { (args.cbk || angular.noop)(modulesList.treeApis); }); // set tree apis data $scope.$on('YANGMAN_SET_API_TREE_DATA', function (event, args) { modulesList.treeApis = args.params; modulesList.showLoadingBox = false; showToastInfoBox('YANGMAN_LOADED_MODULES'); }); // show hide loading box $scope.$on('YANGMAN_SET_LOADING_BOX', function (event, args){ modulesList.showLoadingBox = args.params; (args.cbk || angular.noop)(); }); // show info box with custom title $scope.$on('YANGMAN_SHOW_TOAST', function (event, args) { showToastInfoBox(args.params); }); $scope.$on('YANGMAN_SET_MODULE_LIST_TITLE', function (event, args) { modulesList.moduleListTitle = args.params; }); /** * Initialization */ function init(){ loadApis(); } init(); /** * Check if module and one of it datastore is selected * @param module * @returns {boolean|*|Function|o} */ function checkSelectedModule(module){ var haveSelectedDS = []; if ( $scope.selectedDatastore && (module === $scope.selectedModule)) { haveSelectedDS = $scope.selectedModule.children.filter(function(item){ return item === $scope.selectedDatastore; }); } return haveSelectedDS.length; } /** * Custom search function for searching by api label * @param api */ function customSearch(api){ return api.label.toLowerCase().indexOf( > -1; } /** * Clear current ctrl search value */ function clearFilter(){ = ''; } /** * Load apis and modules */ function loadApis() { modulesList.allNodes = []; modulesList.treeApis = []; modulesList.showLoadingBox = true; YangUtilsService.generateNodesToApis(function (apis, allNodes, augGroups) { $scope.setGlobalParams(apis, augGroups); modulesList.allNodes = allNodes; //'INFO :: got data', apis, modulesList.allNodes, modulesList.augmentations); modulesList.treeApis = YangUtilsService.generateApiTreeData(apis); //'INFO :: tree api', modulesList.treeApis); // $scope.processingModulesSuccessCallback(); modulesList.showLoadingBox = false; showToastInfoBox('YANGMAN_LOADED_MODULES'); PluginsHandlerService.plugAll(apis, modulesList); // $scope.$broadcast('LOAD_REQ_DATA'); }, function () { showToastInfoBox('YANGMAN_LOADED_MODULES_ERROR'); modulesList.showLoadingBox = false; }); } /** * Set and expand module in tree */ function setModule(module, e){ if ( $('top-element') ) { module.expanded = !module.expanded; //$scope.setModule(module); } } /** * Set data store || rpc * @param dataStore * @param module */ function setDataStore(dataStore, module){ $scope.setModule(module); $scope.setDataStore(dataStore, true, 1); } /** * Method for showing toast box * @param text */ function showToastInfoBox(text){ $timeout(function(){ $ $mdToast.simple() .textContent($filter('translate')(text)) .position('bottom left') .parent(angular.element('.yangmanModule__left-panel')) .hideDelay(3000) ); }, 500); } } });