define([ 'app/yangman/controllers/save-req-dialog.controller', 'app/yangman/controllers/edit-collection-dialog.controller', 'app/yangman/services/', ], function (SaveReqDialogCtrl, EditCollectionDialogCtrl) { 'use strict'; angular.module('app.yangman').controller('RequestsListCtrl', RequestsListCtrl); RequestsListCtrl.$inject = [ '$filter', '$mdDialog', '$scope', 'HandleFileService', 'PathUtilsService', 'RequestsService', ]; function RequestsListCtrl($filter, $mdDialog, $scope, HandleFileService, PathUtilsService, RequestsService) { var vm = this; vm.collectionList = RequestsService.createEmptyCollectionList('yangman_collectionsList', vm.getApiCallback); vm.mainList = null; vm.requestList = RequestsService.createEmptyHistoryList('yangman_requestsList', vm.getApiCallback); = ''; vm.collectionsSortAsc = true; vm.clearFilter = clearFilter; vm.filterReq = filterReq; vm.filterCol = filterCol; vm.filterColName = filterColName; vm.colMatchingReqsCount = colMatchingReqsCount; vm.downloadCollection = downloadCollection; vm.fakeFilter = fakeFilter; vm.getApiCallback = getApiCallback; vm.loadRequests = loadRequests; vm.toggleCollectionsSort = toggleCollectionsSort; vm.selectRequest = selectRequest; vm.showDgDeleteCollection = showDgDeleteCollection; vm.showDgDeleteRequests = showDgDeleteRequests; vm.showDgEditCollection = showDgEditCollection; vm.readCollectionFromFile = readCollectionFromFile; vm.showDgSaveReq = showDgSaveReq; vm.showData = showData; vm.useAsMainList = useAsMainList; $scope.$on('YANGMAN_REFRESH_HISTORY', loadHistoryRequests); $scope.$on('YANGMAN_REFRESH_COLLECTIONS', loadCollectionRequest); loadRequests(); /** * Clear value of input file used to import collection */ function clearFileInputValue(){ angular.element(document).find('#importCollection').val(''); } /** * Importing collection from a file * todo: error handling - msgs for user * @param $fileContent */ function readCollectionFromFile($fileContent) { var data = $fileContent, checkArray = ['sentData', 'receivedData', 'path', 'collection', 'parametrizedPath', 'method', 'status', 'name', ]; if (data && RequestsService.validateFile(data, checkArray)){ try { vm.collectionList.loadListFromFile(data); vm.collectionList.saveToStorage(); clearFileInputValue(); } catch (e) { clearFileInputValue(); console.error('DataStorage error:', e); } } else { clearFileInputValue(); } } function toggleCollectionsSort() { vm.collectionsSortAsc = !vm.collectionsSortAsc; } /** * Export collection to json file * @param {Collection} collection */ function downloadCollection(collection) { var cListJSON = vm.collectionList.getCollectionInJSON(; HandleFileService.downloadFile( + '.json', cListJSON, 'json', 'charset=utf-8', function (){}, function (e){ console.error('ExportCollection error:', e); } ); } /** * Show current reqObj sent data in right panel section * @param reqObj * @param dataType */ function showData(reqObj, dataType) { $scope.setRequestToShow(reqObj, dataType); $scope.setRightPanelSection('req-data'); $scope.broadcastFromRoot('YANGMAN_REFRESH_CM_DATA'); $scope.rootBroadcast('YANGMAN_HEADER_INIT', { path: $scope.requestToShow.path }); } /** * Clear current ctrl search value */ function clearFilter(){ = ''; } /** * Dialog for deleting either selected requests or reqObj * * @param ev * @param reqObj */ function showDgDeleteRequests(ev, reqObj){ var confirm = $mdDialog.confirm() .title($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_DELETE_REQ_CONFIRM_TITLE')) .textContent($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_DELETE_REQ_CONFIRM_TEXT')) .ariaLabel($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_DELETE_REQ_CONFIRM_TITLE')) .targetEvent(ev) .ok($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_OK')) .cancel($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_CANCEL')); $ (){ if (reqObj){ vm.mainList.deleteRequestItem(reqObj); } else { vm.mainList.selectedRequests.forEach(function (elem){ vm.mainList.deleteRequestItem(elem); }); } vm.mainList.saveToStorage(); loadRequests(); }); } /** * Dialog for delete collection * @param ev * @param collObj */ function showDgDeleteCollection(ev, collObj){ var confirm = $mdDialog.confirm() .title($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_DELETE_COL_CONFIRM_TITLE')) .textContent($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_DELETE_COL_CONFIRM_TEXT')) .ariaLabel($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_DELETE_COL_CONFIRM_TITLE')) .targetEvent(ev) .ok($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_OK')) .cancel($filter('translate')('YANGMAN_CANCEL')); $ (){ vm.collectionList.deleteCollection(collObj); vm.collectionList.saveToStorage(); $scope.broadcastFromRoot('YANGMAN_REFRESH_COLLECTIONS'); }); } /** * Check if reqObj matches current search value * @param reqObj * @returns {boolean} */ function filterReq(reqObj){ return reqObj.path.indexOf( !== -1; } /** * Check if collection name matches current search value or any collection req matches * @param colObj */ function filterCol(colObj){ return filterColName(colObj) ||; } /** * Get count of requests matching filter in collection colObj * @param colObj * @returns {*} */ function colMatchingReqsCount(colObj){ return; } /** * Check if collection name matches current filter * @param colObj * @returns {boolean} */ function filterColName(colObj){ return !== -1; } /** * Returns true * @returns {boolean} */ function fakeFilter(){ return true; } /** * Show dialog for saving reqObj to collection (used for duplicate req too) * @param ev * @param reqObj * @param duplicate */ function showDgSaveReq(ev, reqObj, duplicate){ ${ controller: SaveReqDialogCtrl, controllerAs: 'dialog', templateUrl: $scope.globalViewPath + 'leftpanel/save-req-dialog.tpl.html', parent: angular.element('#yangmanModule'), targetEvent: ev, clickOutsideToClose: true, locals: { requests: reqObj ? [reqObj] : vm.requestList.selectedRequests, collectionNames: vm.collectionList.getCollectionNames(), duplicate: duplicate || false, }, }).then(saveRequests); } /** * Add each request from requests array to collectionList and save * @param requests */ function saveRequests(requests){ requests.forEach(function (reqObj){ vm.collectionList.addRequestToList(reqObj); vm.collectionList.saveToStorage(); $scope.broadcastFromRoot('YANGMAN_REFRESH_COLLECTIONS'); }); } /** * Dialog for editing collection name (used for duplicating collection too) * @param ev * @param collection * @param {boolean} duplicate */ function showDgEditCollection(ev, collection, duplicate){ ${ controller: EditCollectionDialogCtrl, controllerAs: 'dialog', templateUrl: $scope.globalViewPath + 'leftpanel/edit-collection-dialog.tpl.html', parent: angular.element('#yangmanModule'), targetEvent: ev, clickOutsideToClose: true, locals: { collection: collection, allCollections: vm.collectionList.collections, duplicate: duplicate, }, }).then(duplicate ? duplicateCollection : changeCollectionName); } /** * Rename collection * @param {array} names 0. element is old name, 1. element is new name */ function changeCollectionName(names){ vm.collectionList.renameCollection(names[0], names[1]); vm.collectionList.saveToStorage(); $scope.broadcastFromRoot('YANGMAN_REFRESH_COLLECTIONS'); } /** * Create collection duplicate and save * @param {array} names 0. element is old name, 1. element is new name */ function duplicateCollection(names){ vm.collectionList.duplicateCollection(names[0], names[1]); vm.collectionList.saveToStorage(); $scope.broadcastFromRoot('YANGMAN_REFRESH_COLLECTIONS'); } /** * * @param list collectionList or requestList object */ function useAsMainList(list){ vm.mainList = list; } /** * Loading history request and grouping by date */ function loadHistoryRequests(){ vm.requestList.loadListFromStorage(); vm.requestList.groupListByDate(); } /** * Loading collections */ function loadCollectionRequest(){ vm.collectionList.loadListFromStorage(); } /** * Loading both history and collections reqs */ function loadRequests(){ loadHistoryRequests(); loadCollectionRequest(); } /** * Request in list selection * For history reqs it is possible multiselect, thats why event.ctrlKey is used * @param event * @param requestObj */ function selectRequest(event, requestObj){ vm.mainList.toggleReqSelection(!event.ctrlKey, requestObj); $scope.setHistoryReqsSelected(vm.requestList.selectedRequests.length > 0); } /** * * @param pathString * @returns {*} */ function getApiCallback(pathString) { var snp = PathUtilsService.getStorageAndNormalizedPath(pathString), // if the path is for mountpoint then get the path to treedata structure mpSearchPath = MountPointsConnectorService.alterMpPath(pathString), apiIndexes = PathUtilsService.searchNodeByPath(mpSearchPath, $scope.treeApis, $scope.treeRows), selApi = apiIndexes ? $scope.apis[apiIndexes.indexApi] : null, selSubApi = selApi ? selApi.subApis[apiIndexes.indexSubApi] : null, copiedApi = selSubApi ? selSubApi.clone({ storage:, withoutNode: true, clonePathArray: true }) : null; if (copiedApi) { copiedApi.pathArray.forEach(function (p) { p.hover = false; }); PathUtilsService.fillPath(copiedApi.pathArray, snp.normalizedPath); } var searchedModule = PathUtilsService.getModuleNameFromPath(pathString); if (mpSearchPath.indexOf(mountPrefix) !== -1 && copiedApi){ copiedApi = $scope.selSubApi && searchedModule === $scope.selSubApi.pathArray[1].module ? copiedApi : null; } return copiedApi; } } });