define([ 'app/yangman/yangman.filters', 'app/yangman/controllers/modules-list.controller', 'app/yangman/controllers/module-detail.controller', 'app/yangman/controllers/yang-form.controller', 'app/yangman/controllers/requests-list.controller', 'app/yangman/controllers/request-header.controller', 'app/yangman/controllers/request-data.controller', 'app/yangman/services/', 'app/yangman/services/', 'app/yangman/services/', 'app/yangman/services/', 'app/yangman/services/', 'app/yangman/directives/ui-codemirror.directive', ], function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('app.yangman').controller('YangmanCtrl', YangmanCtrl); YangmanCtrl.$inject = [ '$mdDialog', '$scope', '$rootScope', 'YangmanDesignService', 'RequestBuilderService', 'EventDispatcherService', 'constants', 'ParametersService', 'PathUtilsService', 'PluginsUnsetterService', '$timeout', ]; function YangmanCtrl( $mdDialog, $scope, $rootScope, YangmanDesignService, RequestBuilderService, EventDispatcherService, constants, ParametersService, PathUtilsService, PluginsUnsetterService, $timeout ) { var main = this; $rootScope.section_logo = 'assets/images/logo_yangman.png'; $scope.globalViewPath = 'src/app/yangman/views/'; $scope.selectedModule = null; $scope.selectedDatastore = null; $scope.apis = []; $scope.node = null; $scope.rightPanelSection = 'req-data'; $scope.augmentations = {}; $scope.selectedApi = null; $scope.selectedSubApi = null; $scope.historyReqsSelected = false; $scope.requestToShow = null; $scope.requestDataToShow = ''; $scope.parametersList = ParametersService.createEmptyParametersList('yangman_parameters'); $scope.shownCMHint = false; main.selectedMainTab = 0; main.leftPanelTab = 0; main.jsonView = { received: true, sent: false, }; main.executingRequestProgress = false; // methods main.init = init; main.initModuleDetailHeight = initModuleDetailHeight; main.switchedTab = switchedTab; main.toggleLeftPanel = toggleLeftPanel; main.leftPanelShowModule = leftPanelShowModule; main.modulesTreeDisplayed = modulesTreeDisplayed; // scope global methods $scope.buildRootRequest = buildRootRequest; $scope.broadcastFromRoot = broadcastFromRoot; $scope.checkAddingListElement = checkAddingListElement; $scope.rootBroadcast = rootBroadcast; $scope.setApi = setApi; $scope.setDataStore = setDataStore; $scope.setGlobalParams = setGlobalParams; $scope.setHistoryReqsSelected = setHistoryReqsSelected; $scope.setJsonView = setJsonView; $scope.setLeftPanel = setLeftPanel; $scope.setModule = setModule; $scope.setNode = setNode; $scope.setRequestToShow = setRequestToShow; $scope.setRightPanelSection = setRightPanelSection; $scope.switchSection = switchSection; $scope.setParametersList = setParametersList; $scope.unsetPlugin = unsetPlugin; $scope.setCMHintShown = setCMHintShown; $scope.$on('YANGMAN_EXECUTING_REQUEST_PROGRESS_START', startExecutingRequestProgress); $scope.$on('YANGMAN_EXECUTING_REQUEST_PROGRESS_STOP', stopExecutingRequestProgress); init(); function setCMHintShown(shown) { $scope.shownCMHint = shown; } function startExecutingRequestProgress() { main.executingRequestProgress = true; } function stopExecutingRequestProgress() { main.executingRequestProgress = false; } /** * Set parametersList * @param parametersList */ function setParametersList(parametersList) { console.debug('setting params to $scope', parametersList); $scope.parametersList = parametersList; //$scope.rootBroadcast('YANGMAN_REFRESH_PARAMS_IN_CM'); } /** * Set if any history requests are selected in history tab * @param {boolean} selected */ function setHistoryReqsSelected(selected) { $scope.historyReqsSelected = selected; } /** * Broadcast from this main controller to all children ctrls * @param eventName * @param val */ function broadcastFromRoot(eventName, val) { $scope.$broadcast(eventName, val); } /** * Initialization */ function init(){ YangmanDesignService.hideMainMenu(); YangmanDesignService.setDraggableLeftPanel(); YangmanDesignService.setJsonSplitter(forceCMsRefresh); EventDispatcherService.registerHandler(constants.EV_FILL_PATH, fillPathIdentifiersByKey); EventDispatcherService.registerHandler(constants.EV_LIST_CHANGED, fillPathIdentifiersByListData); } /** * Initialize module detail height, with timeout */ function initModuleDetailHeight(){ $timeout(function () { YangmanDesignService.setModuleDetailHeight(); }, 1500); } /** * Method for fill key into request path * @param inputs */ function fillPathIdentifiersByKey(inputs) { var node = inputs[0], value = inputs[1] || ''; if ($scope.selectedSubApi && node.parent && $ === { var identifiers = $scope.selectedSubApi.pathArray[$scope.selectedSubApi.pathArray.length - 1].identifiers; PathUtilsService.fillIdentifiers(identifiers, node.label, value); } } // TODO :: description function fillPathIdentifiersByListData(inputs) { var node = inputs[0]; if ($scope.selectedSubApi && node && $ === { var identifiers = $scope.selectedSubApi.pathArray[$scope.selectedSubApi.pathArray.length - 1].identifiers, keys = node.refKey; keys.forEach(function (key) { PathUtilsService.fillIdentifiers(identifiers, key.label, key.value); }); } } function modulesTreeDisplayed() { return main.selectedMainTab === 0; } /** * Set switched tab index */ function switchedTab(index){ main.selectedMainTab = index; } /** * Switcher between modules list and module detail */ function toggleLeftPanel(){ main.leftPanelTab = (main.leftPanelTab + 1) % 2; } function leftPanelShowModule() { if ($scope.node) { main.leftPanelTab = 1; } } /** * Switcher for module detail and module list * @param value */ function setLeftPanel(value) { if ( !angular.isUndefined(value) ) { main.leftPanelTab = value; } } // TODO :: description function switchSection(param, section){ $scope[param] = section; } // SETTERS /** * Set global necessary params * @param apis */ function setGlobalParams(apis, augmentations){ //'INFO :: apis list ', apis); //'INFO :: augmentations ', augmentations); $scope.apis = apis; $scope.augmentations = augmentations; } /** * Set node to global param * @param node */ function setNode(node){ $scope.node = node; if ( $scope.node ) { $scope.node.clear(); $scope.$broadcast('YANGMAN_DISABLE_ADDING_LIST_ELEMENT'); } //'INFO :: selected node ', $scope.node); //'INFO :: selected datastore', $scope.selectedDatastore); } /** * Set module to global param * @param module */ function setModule(module){ $scope.selectedModule = module; } /** * Set dataStore to global param && open module detail in left panel * @param dataStore * @param expand */ function setDataStore(dataStore, expand, leftPanel){ $scope.selectedDatastore = dataStore; if ( expand ) { $scope.node = null; // toggleLeftPanel(leftPanel); setLeftPanel(leftPanel); $scope.$broadcast('YANGMAN_MODULE_D_INIT'); } else { if ( $scope.node ) { $scope.node.clear(); } } } /** * Build request json from root node */ function buildRootRequest() { var obj = {}; $scope.node.buildRequest(RequestBuilderService, obj, $scope.node.module); return obj; } /** * Set api and sub api to global param * @param api * @param subApi */ function setApi(api, subApi, setUrl){ $scope.selectedApi = api; $scope.selectedSubApi = subApi; PathUtilsService.clearPath($scope.selectedSubApi.pathArray); $scope.$broadcast('SET_SEL_OPERATIONS', subApi ? $scope.selectedSubApi.operations : [], setUrl); } /** * Call broadcast from root to child controllers * @param broadcast * @param params * @param cbk */ function rootBroadcast(broadcast, params, cbk){ $scope.$broadcast(broadcast, { params: params, cbk: cbk }); } /** * Set request from history or collections to show data in code mirror * @param reqObj * @param {'sentData'|'receivedData'} dataType */ function setRequestToShow(reqObj, dataType) { $scope.requestToShow = reqObj; $scope.requestDataToShow = dataType; } /** * Set rightPanelSection to display current section in right panel * @param section 'form', 'req-data' */ function setRightPanelSection(section) { $scope.rightPanelSection = section; } /** * Which codemirror instances will be displayed * @param received * @param sent */ function setJsonView(received, sent){ main.jsonView.received = received; main.jsonView.sent = sent; forceCMsRefresh(); YangmanDesignService.setJsonSplitter(forceCMsRefresh); } /** * Force refresh of all codemirror instances */ function forceCMsRefresh(){ var elems = angular.element(document).find('.CodeMirror'); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++){ var cmInstance = elems[i].CodeMirror; cmInstance._handlers.changes[0](cmInstance); } } /** * Global method for unset plugin * @param selectedPlugin * @param controller */ function unsetPlugin(controller){ PluginsUnsetterService.unset($scope, controller); } /** * Checks if the element list should be disabled */ function checkAddingListElement(node) { return $scope.node === node && $scope.node.type === 'list' && $scope.node.refKey && $scope.node.refKey.length; } } });