var ne_flag=0; // Node_List = a[Node_Id][x](x = 0,label;x = 1,title;x = 2,P2mpGroupId) var Node_List = new Array(); // Edge_List = b[Edge_Id][y](y = 0,connection name;y = 1,from;y = 2,to) var Edge_List = new Array(); var node_count=0; var node_X=[]; var conn_Item=[]; var vlandata1; /////////////Main Data////////////// var nodes, edges, graph; var Node_Id = 0; var Edge_Id = 0; var Edge_Count=0; var Node_Sp=[]; var Node_Sp_Id=[]; var Node_Sc=[]; var Node_Sc_Id=[]; var policy_count=[]; var policy_set=[]; var chain_count=[]; var chain_set=[]; var conn_set=[]; //flow var flow_count = []; var ext_ip = []; // create an array with nodes nodes = new vis.DataSet(); // create an array with edges edges = new vis.DataSet(); /////////////P2mp Group Data////////////// var Group_Id = 0; var Group_List= new Array(); var options = { stabilize: true, //Manipulation:true, //hierarchicalLayout: true, nodes: { // default for all nodes shape: 'dot', fontSize:16 , radius:16, fixed:true }, edges: { smooth: false //length:1 }, groups: { null: { color: { border: 'white', background: 'white', highlight: { border: 'white', background: '#white' } }, fontSize: 0, radius:0, //fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, host: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#B0E2FF', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#4F94CD' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, firewall: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#FF0000', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#FF7256' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, internet: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#7FFF00', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#6B8E23' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, forwarding: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#878787', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#4A4A4A' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, loadbalance: { color: { border: '#black', background: '#FF9933', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#FDCEBF' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, group: { color: { border: 'black', background: 'yellow', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#ECE5D0' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' } } }; // used in Service_Policy var options2 = { stabilize: false, //Manipulation:true, //hierarchicalLayout: true, nodes: { // default for all nodes shape: 'dot', fontSize:16 , radius:16, fixed:true }, edges: { smooth: false //length:1 }, groups: { null: { color: { border: 'white', background: 'white', highlight: { border: 'white', background: '#white' } }, fontSize: 0, radius:0, //fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, host: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#B0E2FF', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#4F94CD' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, firewall: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#FF0000', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#FF7256' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, internet: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#7FFF00', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#6B8E23' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, forwarding: { color: { border: 'black', background: '#878787', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#4A4A4A' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, loadbalance: { color: { border: '#black', background: '#FF9933', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#FDCEBF' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, fontFace: 'arial', shape: 'dot' }, group: { color: { border: 'black', background: 'yellow', highlight: { border: 'black', background: '#ECE5D0' } }, fontSize: 15, radius:15, } }, physics: { repulsion: { centralGravity: 0, springLength: 100,//弹簧长度 springConstant: 0,//弹簧常数 nodeDistance: 0, damping: 0 //阻尼,减幅,衰减 }} }; var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window; var nemoModule = [ /* no host in mode */ '' + ''+ '', /* 1 host in mode */ '' + '\ \ \
\ \ {{host1}}\
', /* 2 hosts in mode */ '' + '\ \ \
\ \ {{host1}}\
\ \ \
\ \ {{host2}}\
', /* 3 hosts in mode */ '\ \ \ \
\ \ {{host1}}\
\ \ \
\ \ {{host2}}\
\ \ \
\ \ {{host3}}\
' , /* 4 hosts in mode */ '' + '\ \ \
\ \ {{host1}}\
\ \ \
\ \ {{host3}}\
\ \ \
\ \ {{host2}}\
\ \ \
\ \ {{host4}}\
', /* more than 4 hosts in mode */ '' + ''+ '' + '' + '
' + '' + '{{host1}}' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '{{host2}}' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '{{host3}}' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '...' + '
' + '
' + '
']; //function function calculatePos(n){ var res = new Array(); if(n <= 0)return res; var start; var offset = 2 * Math.PI / n; if(n % 2 == 1){ start = Math.PI / 2; }else{ start = Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI / n; } res.push(start); for(var i = 1; i < n; i++){ start += offset; res.push(start); } return res; }