/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netconf.nettyutil; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Swiss army knife equivalent for reconnect strategies. * *

* This strategy continues to schedule reconnect attempts, each having to complete in a fixed time (connectTime). * *

* Initial sleep time is specified as minSleep. Each subsequent unsuccessful attempt multiplies this time by a constant * factor (sleepFactor) -- this allows for either constant reconnect times (sleepFactor = 1), or various degrees of * exponential back-off (sleepFactor > 1). Maximum sleep time between attempts can be capped to a specific value * (maxSleep). * *

* The strategy can optionally give up based on two criteria: * *

* A preset number of connection retries (maxAttempts) has been reached, or * *

* A preset absolute deadline is reached (deadline nanoseconds, as reported by System.nanoTime(). In this specific case, * both connectTime and maxSleep will be controlled such that the connection attempt is resolved as closely to the * deadline as possible. * *

* Both these caps can be combined, with the strategy giving up as soon as the first one is reached. */ @Deprecated @ThreadSafe public final class TimedReconnectStrategy implements ReconnectStrategy { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TimedReconnectStrategy.class); private final EventExecutor executor; private final Long deadline; private final Long maxAttempts; private final Long maxSleep; private final double sleepFactor; private final int connectTime; private final long minSleep; @GuardedBy("this") private long attempts; @GuardedBy("this") private long lastSleep; @GuardedBy("this") private boolean scheduled; public TimedReconnectStrategy(final EventExecutor executor, final int connectTime, final long minSleep, final double sleepFactor, final Long maxSleep, final Long maxAttempts, final Long deadline) { Preconditions.checkArgument(maxSleep == null || minSleep <= maxSleep); Preconditions.checkArgument(sleepFactor >= 1); Preconditions.checkArgument(connectTime >= 0); this.executor = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor); this.deadline = deadline; this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts; this.minSleep = minSleep; this.maxSleep = maxSleep; this.sleepFactor = sleepFactor; this.connectTime = connectTime; } @Override public synchronized Future scheduleReconnect(final Throwable cause) { LOG.debug("Connection attempt failed", cause); // Check if a reconnect attempt is scheduled Preconditions.checkState(!this.scheduled); // Get a stable 'now' time for deadline calculations final long now = System.nanoTime(); // Obvious stop conditions if (this.maxAttempts != null && this.attempts >= this.maxAttempts) { return this.executor.newFailedFuture(new Throwable("Maximum reconnection attempts reached")); } if (this.deadline != null && this.deadline <= now) { return this.executor.newFailedFuture(new TimeoutException("Reconnect deadline reached")); } /* * First connection attempt gets initialized to minimum sleep, * each subsequent is exponentially backed off by sleepFactor. */ if (this.attempts != 0) { this.lastSleep *= this.sleepFactor; } else { this.lastSleep = this.minSleep; } // Cap the sleep time to maxSleep if (this.maxSleep != null && this.lastSleep > this.maxSleep) { LOG.debug("Capped sleep time from {} to {}", this.lastSleep, this.maxSleep); this.lastSleep = this.maxSleep; } this.attempts++; // Check if the reconnect attempt is within the deadline if (this.deadline != null && this.deadline <= now + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(this.lastSleep)) { return this.executor.newFailedFuture(new TimeoutException("Next reconnect would happen after deadline")); } LOG.debug("Connection attempt {} sleeping for {} milliseconds", this.attempts, this.lastSleep); // If we are not sleeping at all, return an already-succeeded future if (this.lastSleep == 0) { return this.executor.newSucceededFuture(null); } // Set the scheduled flag. this.scheduled = true; // Schedule a task for the right time. It will also clear the flag. return this.executor.schedule(() -> { synchronized (TimedReconnectStrategy.this) { Preconditions.checkState(TimedReconnectStrategy.this.scheduled); TimedReconnectStrategy.this.scheduled = false; } return null; }, this.lastSleep, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @Override public synchronized void reconnectSuccessful() { Preconditions.checkState(!this.scheduled); this.attempts = 0; } @Override public int getConnectTimeout() throws TimeoutException { int timeout = this.connectTime; if (this.deadline != null) { // If there is a deadline, we may need to cap the connect // timeout to meet the deadline. final long now = System.nanoTime(); if (now >= this.deadline) { throw new TimeoutException("Reconnect deadline already passed"); } final long left = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(this.deadline - now); if (left < 1) { throw new TimeoutException("Connect timeout too close to deadline"); } /* * A bit of magic: * - if time left is less than the timeout, set it directly * - if there is no timeout, and time left is: * - less than maximum integer, set timeout to time left * - more than maximum integer, set timeout Integer.MAX_VALUE */ if (timeout > left) { timeout = (int) left; } else if (timeout == 0) { timeout = left <= Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int) left : Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } return timeout; } }