/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Pantheon Technologies, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netconf.util; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Identifiable; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Empty; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.AugmentationIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifierWithPredicates; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeWithValue; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.NormalizedNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.stream.NormalizedNodeStreamWriter; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.util.DataSchemaContextNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AnyxmlSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AugmentationSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AugmentationTarget; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.CaseSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafListSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.EffectiveAugmentationSchema; abstract class StreamingContext implements Identifiable { private final T identifier; StreamingContext(final T identifier) { this.identifier = identifier; } static StreamingContext fromSchemaAndQNameChecked(final DataNodeContainer schema, final QName child) { final Optional potential = findChildSchemaNode(schema, child); checkArgument(potential.isPresent(), "Supplied QName %s is not valid according to schema %s, potential children nodes: %s", child, schema, schema.getChildNodes()); final DataSchemaNode result = potential.get(); // We try to look up if this node was added by augmentation if (schema instanceof DataSchemaNode && result.isAugmenting()) { for (final AugmentationSchemaNode aug : ((AugmentationTarget)schema).getAvailableAugmentations()) { if (aug.dataChildByName(result.getQName()) != null) { return new Augmentation(aug, schema); } } } return fromDataSchemaNode(result); } static StreamingContext fromDataSchemaNode(final DataSchemaNode potential) { if (potential instanceof ContainerSchemaNode) { return new Container((ContainerSchemaNode) potential); } else if (potential instanceof ListSchemaNode) { return fromListSchemaNode((ListSchemaNode) potential); } else if (potential instanceof LeafSchemaNode) { return new Leaf((LeafSchemaNode) potential); } else if (potential instanceof ChoiceSchemaNode) { return new Choice((ChoiceSchemaNode) potential); } else if (potential instanceof LeafListSchemaNode) { return fromLeafListSchemaNode((LeafListSchemaNode) potential); } else if (potential instanceof AnyxmlSchemaNode) { return new AnyXml((AnyxmlSchemaNode) potential); } return null; } @Override public final T getIdentifier() { return identifier; } abstract StreamingContext getChild(PathArgument child); /** * Writing node structure that is described by series of {@link PathArgument} * into {@link NormalizedNodeStreamWriter}. * * @param writer output {@link NormalizedNode} writer * @param first the first {@link PathArgument} * @param others iterator that points to next path arguments * @throws IOException failed to write a stream of path arguments into {@link NormalizedNodeStreamWriter} */ abstract void streamToWriter(NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, PathArgument first, Iterator others) throws IOException; /** * Writing node structure that is described by provided {@link PathNode} into {@link NormalizedNodeStreamWriter}. * * @param writer output {@link NormalizedNode} writer * @param first the first {@link PathArgument} * @param tree subtree of path arguments that starts with the first path argument * @throws IOException failed to write a stream of path arguments into {@link NormalizedNodeStreamWriter} */ abstract void streamToWriter(NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, PathArgument first, PathNode tree) throws IOException; abstract boolean isMixin(); private static Optional findChildSchemaNode(final DataNodeContainer parent, final QName child) { final Optional potential = parent.findDataChildByName(child); return potential.isPresent() ? potential : findChoice(Iterables.filter(parent.getChildNodes(), ChoiceSchemaNode.class), child); } private static Optional findChoice(final Iterable choices, final QName child) { for (final ChoiceSchemaNode choice : choices) { for (final CaseSchemaNode caze : choice.getCases()) { if (findChildSchemaNode(caze, child).isPresent()) { return Optional.of(choice); } } } return Optional.empty(); } private static StreamingContext fromListSchemaNode(final ListSchemaNode potential) { final List keyDefinition = potential.getKeyDefinition(); if (keyDefinition == null || keyDefinition.isEmpty()) { return new UnkeyedListMixin(potential); } return potential.isUserOrdered() ? new OrderedMapMixin(potential) : new UnorderedMapMixin(potential); } private static StreamingContext fromLeafListSchemaNode(final LeafListSchemaNode potential) { return potential.isUserOrdered() ? new OrderedLeafListMixin(potential) : new UnorderedLeafListMixin(potential); } private abstract static class AbstractComposite extends StreamingContext { AbstractComposite(final T identifier) { super(identifier); } @Override final void streamToWriter(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument first, final Iterator others) throws IOException { verifyActualPathArgument(first); emitElementStart(writer, first, others.hasNext() ? 1 : 0); if (others.hasNext()) { final PathArgument childPath = others.next(); final StreamingContext childOp = getChildOperation(childPath); childOp.streamToWriter(writer, childPath, others); } writer.endNode(); } @Override final void streamToWriter(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument first, final PathNode subtree) throws IOException { verifyActualPathArgument(first); final Collection children = subtree.children(); emitElementStart(writer, first, children.size()); for (final PathNode node : subtree.children()) { emitChildTreeNode(writer, node); } writer.endNode(); } void emitChildTreeNode(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathNode node) throws IOException { final PathArgument childPath = node.element(); getChildOperation(childPath).streamToWriter(writer, childPath, node); } private void verifyActualPathArgument(final PathArgument first) { if (!isMixin()) { final QName type = getIdentifier().getNodeType(); final QName firstType = first.getNodeType(); checkArgument(type.equals(firstType), "Node QName must be %s was %s", type, firstType); } } abstract void emitElementStart(NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, PathArgument arg, int childSizeHint) throws IOException; @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:illegalCatch") StreamingContext getChildOperation(final PathArgument childPath) { final StreamingContext childOp; try { childOp = getChild(childPath); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Failed to process child node %s", childPath), e); } checkArgument(childOp != null, "Node %s is not allowed inside %s", childPath, getIdentifier()); return childOp; } } private abstract static class AbstractDataContainer extends AbstractComposite { private final Map> byArg = new HashMap<>(); private final DataNodeContainer schema; AbstractDataContainer(final T identifier, final DataNodeContainer schema) { super(identifier); this.schema = schema; } @Override final StreamingContext getChild(final PathArgument child) { StreamingContext potential = byArg.get(child); if (potential != null) { return potential; } potential = fromLocalSchema(child); if (potential != null) { byArg.put(potential.getIdentifier(), potential); } return potential; } private StreamingContext fromLocalSchema(final PathArgument child) { if (child instanceof AugmentationIdentifier) { return fromSchemaAndQNameChecked(schema, ((AugmentationIdentifier) child).getPossibleChildNames() .iterator().next()); } return fromSchemaAndQNameChecked(schema, child.getNodeType()); } } private abstract static class AbstractMapMixin extends AbstractComposite { private final ListEntry innerNode; private final List keyLeaves; AbstractMapMixin(final ListSchemaNode list) { super(NodeIdentifier.create(list.getQName())); innerNode = new ListEntry(NodeIdentifierWithPredicates.of(list.getQName()), list); keyLeaves = list.getKeyDefinition(); } @Override final StreamingContext getChild(final PathArgument child) { return child.getNodeType().equals(getIdentifier().getNodeType()) ? innerNode : null; } @Override final boolean isMixin() { return true; } @Override final void emitChildTreeNode(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathNode node) throws IOException { final PathArgument element = node.element(); if (!(element instanceof NodeIdentifierWithPredicates)) { throw new IOException("Child identifier " + element + " is invalid in parent " + getIdentifier()); } final NodeIdentifierWithPredicates childPath = (NodeIdentifierWithPredicates) element; final StreamingContext childOp = getChildOperation(childPath); if (childPath.size() == 0 && node.isEmpty() || childPath.keySet().containsAll(keyLeaves)) { // This is a query for the entire list, or the query specifies everything we need childOp.streamToWriter(writer, childPath, node); return; } // Inexact query, we need to also request the leaf nodes we need to for reconstructing a valid instance // NodeIdentifierWithPredicates. childOp.streamToWriter(writer, childPath, node.copyWith(keyLeaves.stream() .filter(qname -> !childPath.containsKey(qname)) .map(NodeIdentifier::new) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()))); } } private abstract static class AbstractSimple extends StreamingContext { AbstractSimple(final T identifier) { super(identifier); } @Override final StreamingContext getChild(final PathArgument child) { return null; } @Override final boolean isMixin() { return false; } @Override final void streamToWriter(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument first, final PathNode tree) throws IOException { streamToWriter(writer, first, Collections.emptyIterator()); } } private static final class AnyXml extends AbstractSimple { AnyXml(final AnyxmlSchemaNode schema) { super(NodeIdentifier.create(schema.getQName())); } @Override void streamToWriter(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument first, final Iterator others) throws IOException { writer.startAnyxmlNode(getIdentifier(), DOMSource.class); // FIXME: why are we not emitting a value? writer.endNode(); } } private static final class Choice extends AbstractComposite { private final ImmutableMap> byArg; Choice(final ChoiceSchemaNode schema) { super(NodeIdentifier.create(schema.getQName())); final ImmutableMap.Builder> byArgBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final CaseSchemaNode caze : schema.getCases()) { for (final DataSchemaNode cazeChild : caze.getChildNodes()) { final StreamingContext childOp = fromDataSchemaNode(cazeChild); byArgBuilder.put(childOp.getIdentifier(), childOp); } } byArg = byArgBuilder.build(); } @Override StreamingContext getChild(final PathArgument child) { return byArg.get(child); } @Override boolean isMixin() { return true; } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startChoiceNode(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } private static final class Leaf extends AbstractSimple { Leaf(final LeafSchemaNode potential) { super(new NodeIdentifier(potential.getQName())); } @Override void streamToWriter(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument first, final Iterator others) throws IOException { writer.startLeafNode(getIdentifier()); // FIXME: why are we not emitting a value? writer.endNode(); } } private static final class LeafListEntry extends AbstractSimple> { LeafListEntry(final LeafListSchemaNode potential) { super(new NodeWithValue<>(potential.getQName(), Empty.getInstance())); } @Override void streamToWriter(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument first, final Iterator others) throws IOException { checkArgument(first instanceof NodeWithValue); final NodeWithValue identifier = (NodeWithValue) first; writer.startLeafSetEntryNode(identifier); writer.scalarValue(identifier.getValue()); writer.endNode(); } } private static final class ListEntry extends AbstractDataContainer { ListEntry(final NodeIdentifierWithPredicates identifier, final ListSchemaNode schema) { super(identifier, schema); } @Override boolean isMixin() { return false; } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifierWithPredicates identifier = (NodeIdentifierWithPredicates) arg; writer.startMapEntryNode(identifier, childSizeHint); for (Entry entry : identifier.entrySet()) { writer.startLeafNode(new NodeIdentifier(entry.getKey())); writer.scalarValue(entry.getValue()); writer.endNode(); } } } private static final class UnkeyedListItem extends AbstractDataContainer { UnkeyedListItem(final ListSchemaNode schema) { super(NodeIdentifier.create(schema.getQName()), schema); } @Override boolean isMixin() { return false; } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startUnkeyedListItem(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } private static final class Container extends AbstractDataContainer { Container(final ContainerSchemaNode schema) { super(NodeIdentifier.create(schema.getQName()), schema); } @Override boolean isMixin() { return false; } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startContainerNode(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } private abstract static class LeafListMixin extends AbstractComposite { private final StreamingContext innerOp; LeafListMixin(final LeafListSchemaNode potential) { super(NodeIdentifier.create(potential.getQName())); innerOp = new LeafListEntry(potential); } @Override final StreamingContext getChild(final PathArgument child) { return child instanceof NodeWithValue ? innerOp : null; } @Override final boolean isMixin() { return true; } } private static final class OrderedLeafListMixin extends LeafListMixin { OrderedLeafListMixin(final LeafListSchemaNode potential) { super(potential); } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startOrderedLeafSet(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } private static class UnorderedLeafListMixin extends LeafListMixin { UnorderedLeafListMixin(final LeafListSchemaNode potential) { super(potential); } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startLeafSet(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } private static final class Augmentation extends AbstractDataContainer { Augmentation(final AugmentationSchemaNode augmentation, final DataNodeContainer schema) { super(DataSchemaContextNode.augmentationIdentifierFrom(augmentation), EffectiveAugmentationSchema.create(augmentation, schema)); } @Override boolean isMixin() { return true; } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startAugmentationNode(getIdentifier()); } } private static final class UnorderedMapMixin extends AbstractMapMixin { UnorderedMapMixin(final ListSchemaNode list) { super(list); } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startMapNode(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } private static final class OrderedMapMixin extends AbstractMapMixin { OrderedMapMixin(final ListSchemaNode list) { super(list); } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startOrderedMapNode(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } private static final class UnkeyedListMixin extends AbstractComposite { private final UnkeyedListItem innerNode; UnkeyedListMixin(final ListSchemaNode list) { super(NodeIdentifier.create(list.getQName())); innerNode = new UnkeyedListItem(list); } @Override StreamingContext getChild(final PathArgument child) { return child.getNodeType().equals(getIdentifier().getNodeType()) ? innerNode : null; } @Override boolean isMixin() { return true; } @Override void emitElementStart(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument arg, final int childSizeHint) throws IOException { writer.startUnkeyedList(getIdentifier(), childSizeHint); } } }