/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netconf.test.tool; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import com.google.common.io.CharStreams; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.ArgumentParsers; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.annotation.Arg; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParser; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.YangConstants; @SuppressFBWarnings({"DM_EXIT", "DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING"}) public class TesttoolParameters { private static final String HOST_KEY = "{HOST}"; private static final String PORT_KEY = "{PORT}"; private static final String TCP_ONLY = "{TCP_ONLY}"; private static final String ADDRESS_PORT = "{ADDRESS:PORT}"; private static final String DEST = "http://{ADDRESS:PORT}/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/"; private static final Pattern YANG_FILENAME_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("(?.*)@(?\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})\\.yang"); private static final Pattern REVISION_DATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("revision\\s+\"?(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})\"?"); private static final String RESOURCE = "/config-template.json"; @Arg(dest = "edit-content") public File editContent; @Arg(dest = "async") public boolean async; @Arg(dest = "thread-amount") public int threadAmount; @Arg(dest = "throttle") public int throttle; @Arg(dest = "auth") public ArrayList auth; @Arg(dest = "controller-destination") public String controllerDestination; @Arg(dest = "schemas-dir") public File schemasDir; @Arg(dest = "devices-count") public int deviceCount; @Arg(dest = "devices-per-port") public int devicesPerPort; @Arg(dest = "starting-port") public int startingPort; @Arg(dest = "generate-config-connection-timeout") public int generateConfigsTimeout; @Arg(dest = "generate-config-address") public String generateConfigsAddress; @Arg(dest = "distro-folder") public File distroFolder; @Arg(dest = "generate-configs-batch-size") public int generateConfigBatchSize; @Arg(dest = "ssh") public boolean ssh; @Arg(dest = "exi") public boolean exi = true; @Arg(dest = "debug") public boolean debug; @Arg(dest = "notification-file") public File notificationFile; @Arg(dest = "md-sal") public boolean mdSal; @Arg(dest = "initial-config-xml-file") public File initialConfigXMLFile; @Arg(dest = "time-out") public long timeOut; private InputStream stream; @Arg(dest = "ip") public String ip; @Arg(dest = "thread-pool-size") public int threadPoolSize; @Arg(dest = "rpc-config") public File rpcConfig; @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:lineLength") static ArgumentParser getParser() { final ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser("netconf testtool"); parser.description("netconf testtool"); parser.addArgument("--edit-content") .type(String.class) .dest("edit-content"); parser.addArgument("--async-requests") .type(Boolean.class) .setDefault(Boolean.FALSE) .dest("async"); parser.addArgument("--thread-amount") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault(1) .dest("thread-amount") .help("The number of threads to use for configuring devices."); parser.addArgument("--throttle") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault(5000) .help("Maximum amount of async requests that can be open at a time, " + "with mutltiple threads this gets divided among all threads") .dest("throttle"); parser.addArgument("--auth") .nargs(2) .help("Username and password for HTTP basic authentication in order username password.") .dest("auth"); parser.addArgument("--controller-destination") .type(String.class) .help("Ip address and port of controller. Must be in following format : " + "if available it will be used for spawning netconf connectors via topology configuration as " + "a part of URI. Example (http:///restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/)" + "otherwise it will just start simulated devices and skip the execution of PUT requests") .dest("controller-destination"); parser.addArgument("--device-count") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault(1) .help("Number of simulated netconf devices to spin. This is the number of actual ports open for the devices.") .dest("devices-count"); parser.addArgument("--devices-per-port") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault(1) .help("Amount of config files generated per port to spoof more devices than are actually running") .dest("devices-per-port"); parser.addArgument("--schemas-dir") .type(File.class) .help("Directory containing yang schemas to describe simulated devices. Some schemas e.g. netconf monitoring and inet types are included by default") .dest("schemas-dir"); parser.addArgument("--notification-file") .type(File.class) .help("Xml file containing notifications that should be sent to clients after create subscription is called") .dest("notification-file"); parser.addArgument("--initial-config-xml-file") .type(File.class) .help("Xml file containing initial simulatted configuration to be returned via get-config rpc") .dest("initial-config-xml-file"); parser.addArgument("--starting-port") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault(17830) .help("First port for simulated device. Each other device will have previous+1 port number") .dest("starting-port"); parser.addArgument("--generate-config-connection-timeout") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault((int) TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(30)) .help("Timeout to be generated in initial config files") .dest("generate-config-connection-timeout"); parser.addArgument("--generate-config-address") .type(String.class) .setDefault("") .help("Address to be placed in generated configs") .dest("generate-config-address"); parser.addArgument("--generate-configs-batch-size") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault(1) .help("Number of connector configs per generated file") .dest("generate-configs-batch-size"); parser.addArgument("--distribution-folder") .type(File.class) .help("Directory where the karaf distribution for controller is located") .dest("distro-folder"); parser.addArgument("--ssh") .type(Boolean.class) .setDefault(Boolean.TRUE) .help("Whether to use ssh for transport or just pure tcp") .dest("ssh"); parser.addArgument("--exi") .type(Boolean.class) .setDefault(Boolean.TRUE) .help("Whether to use exi to transport xml content") .dest("exi"); parser.addArgument("--debug") .type(Boolean.class) .setDefault(Boolean.FALSE) .help("Whether to use debug log level instead of INFO") .dest("debug"); parser.addArgument("--md-sal") .type(Boolean.class) .setDefault(Boolean.FALSE) .help("Whether to use md-sal datastore instead of default simulated datastore.") .dest("md-sal"); parser.addArgument("--time-out") .type(long.class) .setDefault(20) .help("the maximum time in seconds for executing each PUT request") .dest("time-out"); parser.addArgument("-ip") .type(String.class) .setDefault("") .help("Ip address which will be used for creating a socket address." + "It can either be a machine name, such as " + "java.sun.com, or a textual representation of its IP address.") .dest("ip"); parser.addArgument("--thread-pool-size") .type(Integer.class) .setDefault(8) .help("The number of threads to keep in the pool, when creating a device simulator. Even if they are idle.") .dest("thread-pool-size"); parser.addArgument("--rpc-config") .type(File.class) .help("Rpc config file. It can be used to define custom rpc behavior, or override the default one." + "Usable for testing buggy device behavior.") .dest("rpc-config"); return parser; } public static TesttoolParameters parseArgs(final String[] args, final ArgumentParser parser) { final TesttoolParameters opt = new TesttoolParameters(); try { parser.parseArgs(args, opt); return opt; } catch (final ArgumentParserException e) { parser.handleError(e); } System.exit(1); return null; } private static String modifyMessage(final StringBuilder payloadBuilder, final int payloadPosition, final int size) { if (size == 1) { return payloadBuilder.toString(); } if (payloadPosition == 0) { payloadBuilder.insert(payloadBuilder.toString().indexOf('{', 2), "["); payloadBuilder.replace(payloadBuilder.length() - 1, payloadBuilder.length(), ","); } else if (payloadPosition + 1 == size) { payloadBuilder.delete(0, payloadBuilder.toString().indexOf(':') + 1); payloadBuilder.insert(payloadBuilder.toString().indexOf('}', 2) + 1, "]"); } else { payloadBuilder.delete(0, payloadBuilder.toString().indexOf(':') + 1); payloadBuilder.replace(payloadBuilder.length() - 2, payloadBuilder.length() - 1, ","); payloadBuilder.deleteCharAt(payloadBuilder.toString().lastIndexOf('}')); } return payloadBuilder.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:regexpSinglelineJava") void validate() { if (editContent == null) { stream = TesttoolParameters.class.getResourceAsStream(RESOURCE); } else { checkArgument(!editContent.isDirectory(), "Edit content file is a dir"); checkArgument(editContent.canRead(), "Edit content file is unreadable"); } if (controllerDestination != null) { checkArgument(controllerDestination.contains(":"), "Controller Destination needs to be in a following format :"); final String[] parts = controllerDestination.split(Pattern.quote(":")); checkArgument(Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) > 0, "Port =< 0"); } checkArgument(deviceCount > 0, "Device count has to be > 0"); checkArgument(startingPort > 1023, "Starting port has to be > 1023"); checkArgument(devicesPerPort > 0, "Atleast one device per port needed"); if (schemasDir != null) { checkArgument(schemasDir.exists(), "Schemas dir has to exist"); checkArgument(schemasDir.isDirectory(), "Schemas dir has to be a directory"); checkArgument(schemasDir.canRead(), "Schemas dir has to be readable"); final File[] filesArray = schemasDir.listFiles(); final List files = filesArray != null ? Arrays.asList(filesArray) : Collections.emptyList(); for (final File file : files) { final Matcher matcher = YANG_FILENAME_PATTERN.matcher(file.getName()); if (!matcher.matches()) { try { final String correctName = correctedName(file); if (correctName != null) { Files.move(file.toPath(), Paths.get(correctName), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); } } catch (final IOException e) { // print error to console (test tool is running from console) e.printStackTrace(); } } } } if (rpcConfig != null) { checkArgument(rpcConfig.exists(), "Rpc config file has to exist"); checkArgument(!rpcConfig.isDirectory(), "Rpc config file can't be a directory"); checkArgument(rpcConfig.canRead(), "Rpc config file to be readable"); } } private static String correctedName(final File file) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null && !REVISION_DATE_PATTERN.matcher(line).find()) { line = reader.readLine(); } if (line != null) { final Matcher m = REVISION_DATE_PATTERN.matcher(line); checkState(m.find(), "Revision pattern %s did not match line %s", REVISION_DATE_PATTERN, line); String moduleName = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (file.getName().endsWith(YangConstants.RFC6020_YANG_FILE_EXTENSION)) { moduleName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 5); } return moduleName + "@" + m.group(1) + YangConstants.RFC6020_YANG_FILE_EXTENSION; } } return null; } public ArrayList> getThreadsPayloads(final List openDevices) { final String editContentString; try { if (stream == null) { editContentString = Files.readString(editContent.toPath()); } else { editContentString = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot read content of " + editContent, e); } int from; int to; Iterator iterator; final ArrayList> allThreadsPayloads = new ArrayList<>(); if (generateConfigBatchSize > 1) { final int batchedRequests = openDevices.size() / generateConfigBatchSize; final int batchedRequestsPerThread = batchedRequests / threadAmount; final int leftoverBatchedRequests = batchedRequests % threadAmount; final int leftoverRequests = openDevices.size() - batchedRequests * generateConfigBatchSize; final StringBuilder destBuilder = new StringBuilder(DEST); destBuilder.replace(destBuilder.indexOf(ADDRESS_PORT), destBuilder.indexOf(ADDRESS_PORT) + ADDRESS_PORT.length(), controllerDestination); for (int l = 0; l < threadAmount; l++) { from = l * batchedRequests * batchedRequestsPerThread; to = from + batchedRequests * batchedRequestsPerThread; iterator = openDevices.subList(from, to).iterator(); allThreadsPayloads.add(createBatchedPayloads(batchedRequestsPerThread, iterator, editContentString, destBuilder.toString())); } ArrayList payloads = null; if (leftoverBatchedRequests > 0) { from = threadAmount * batchedRequests * batchedRequestsPerThread; to = from + batchedRequests * batchedRequestsPerThread; iterator = openDevices.subList(from, to).iterator(); payloads = createBatchedPayloads(leftoverBatchedRequests, iterator, editContentString, destBuilder.toString()); } String payload = ""; for (int j = 0; j < leftoverRequests; j++) { from = openDevices.size() - leftoverRequests; to = openDevices.size(); iterator = openDevices.subList(from, to).iterator(); final StringBuilder payloadBuilder = new StringBuilder( prepareMessage(iterator.next(), editContentString)); payload += modifyMessage(payloadBuilder, j, leftoverRequests); } if (leftoverRequests > 0 || leftoverBatchedRequests > 0) { if (payloads != null) { payloads.add(new Execution.DestToPayload(destBuilder.toString(), payload)); } allThreadsPayloads.add(payloads); } } else { final int requestPerThreads = openDevices.size() / threadAmount; final int leftoverRequests = openDevices.size() % threadAmount; for (int i = 0; i < threadAmount; i++) { from = i * requestPerThreads; to = from + requestPerThreads; iterator = openDevices.subList(from, to).iterator(); allThreadsPayloads.add(createPayloads(iterator, editContentString)); } if (leftoverRequests > 0) { from = threadAmount * requestPerThreads; to = from + leftoverRequests; iterator = openDevices.subList(from, to).iterator(); allThreadsPayloads.add(createPayloads(iterator, editContentString)); } } return allThreadsPayloads; } private String prepareMessage(final int openDevice, final String editContentString) { final StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(editContentString); if (editContentString.contains(HOST_KEY)) { messageBuilder.replace(messageBuilder.indexOf(HOST_KEY), messageBuilder.indexOf(HOST_KEY) + HOST_KEY.length(), generateConfigsAddress); } if (editContentString.contains(PORT_KEY)) { while (messageBuilder.indexOf(PORT_KEY) != -1) { messageBuilder.replace(messageBuilder.indexOf(PORT_KEY), messageBuilder.indexOf(PORT_KEY) + PORT_KEY.length(), Integer.toString(openDevice)); } } if (editContentString.contains(TCP_ONLY)) { messageBuilder.replace(messageBuilder.indexOf(TCP_ONLY), messageBuilder.indexOf(TCP_ONLY) + TCP_ONLY.length(), Boolean.toString(!ssh)); } return messageBuilder.toString(); } private ArrayList createPayloads(final Iterator openDevices, final String editContentString) { final ArrayList payloads = new ArrayList<>(); while (openDevices.hasNext()) { final StringBuilder destBuilder = new StringBuilder(DEST); destBuilder.replace(destBuilder.indexOf(ADDRESS_PORT), destBuilder.indexOf(ADDRESS_PORT) + ADDRESS_PORT.length(), controllerDestination); payloads.add(new Execution.DestToPayload( destBuilder.toString(), prepareMessage(openDevices.next(), editContentString))); } return payloads; } private ArrayList createBatchedPayloads(final int batchedRequestsCount, final Iterator openDevices, final String editContentString, final String destination) { final ArrayList payloads = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < batchedRequestsCount; i++) { StringBuilder payload = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < generateConfigBatchSize; j++) { final StringBuilder payloadBuilder = new StringBuilder( prepareMessage(openDevices.next(), editContentString)); payload.append(modifyMessage(payloadBuilder, j, generateConfigBatchSize)); } payloads.add(new Execution.DestToPayload(destination, payload.toString())); } return payloads; } @Override public String toString() { final List fields = Arrays.asList(this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()); final StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(", \n", "TesttoolParameters{", "}\n"); fields.stream() .filter(field -> field.getAnnotation(Arg.class) != null) .map(this::getFieldString) .forEach(joiner::add); return joiner.toString(); } private String getFieldString(final Field field) { try { return field.getName() + "='" + field.get(this) + "'"; } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { return field.getName() + "= UNKNOWN"; } } }