/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Authors : Madhu Venugopal, Brent Salisbury, Sam Hague */ package org.opendaylight.ovsdb.neutron; import java.util.Map; import org.opendaylight.controller.networkconfig.neutron.NeutronNetwork; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Node; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.ServiceHelper; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.Status; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.StatusCode; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.OvsDBMap; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.OvsDBSet; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.UUID; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Bridge; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Interface; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Port; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.internal.Table; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.neutron.provider.ProviderNetworkManager; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.plugin.IConnectionServiceInternal; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.plugin.OVSDBConfigService; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.plugin.StatusWithUuid; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * OpenStack Neutron with the OpenvSwitch data plan relies on a typical OVS bridge configurations that * consists of br-int (Integration Bridge), br-tun (Tunnel bridge), br-ex (External bridge). * * In DevStack like setups, the br-tun is not automatically created on the controller nodes. * Hence this class attempts to bring all the nodes to be eligible for OpenStack operations. * */ public class InternalNetworkManager { static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InternalNetworkManager.class); private static final int LLDP_PRIORITY = 1000; private static final int NORMAL_PRIORITY = 0; private static InternalNetworkManager internalNetwork = new InternalNetworkManager(); private InternalNetworkManager() { } public static InternalNetworkManager getManager() { return internalNetwork; } public String getInternalBridgeUUID (Node node, String bridgeName) { try { OVSDBConfigService ovsdbTable = (OVSDBConfigService)ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(OVSDBConfigService.class, this); Map> bridgeTable = ovsdbTable.getRows(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if (bridgeTable == null) return null; for (String key : bridgeTable.keySet()) { Bridge bridge = (Bridge)bridgeTable.get(key); if (bridge.getName().equals(bridgeName)) return key; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting Bridge Identifier for {} / {}", node, bridgeName, e); } return null; } public Bridge getInternalBridge (Node node, String bridgeName) { try { OVSDBConfigService ovsdbTable = (OVSDBConfigService) ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(OVSDBConfigService.class, this); Map> bridgeTable = ovsdbTable.getRows(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if (bridgeTable != null) { for (String key : bridgeTable.keySet()) { Bridge bridge = (Bridge) bridgeTable.get(key); if (bridge.getName().equals(bridgeName)) { return bridge; } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting Bridge Identifier for {} / {}", node, bridgeName, e); } return null; } public boolean isInternalNetworkNeutronReady(Node node) { if (this.getInternalBridgeUUID(node, AdminConfigManager.getManager().getIntegrationBridgeName()) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isInternalNetworkOverlayReady(Node node) { if (!this.isInternalNetworkNeutronReady(node)) { return false; } if (this.getInternalBridgeUUID(node, AdminConfigManager.getManager().getNetworkBridgeName()) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isPortOnBridge (Node node, Bridge bridge, String portName) { OVSDBConfigService ovsdbTable = (OVSDBConfigService) ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(OVSDBConfigService.class, this); for (UUID portsUUID : bridge.getPorts()) { try { Port port = (Port) ovsdbTable.getRow(node, Port.NAME.getName(), portsUUID.toString()); if ((port != null) && port.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(portName)) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting port {} for bridge domain {}/{}", portsUUID, node, bridge.getName(), e); } } return false; } public boolean isNetworkPatchCreated (Node node, Bridge intBridge, Bridge netBridge) { boolean isPatchCreated = false; String portName = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPatchToNetwork(); if (isPortOnBridge(node, intBridge, portName)) { portName = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPatchToIntegration(); if (isPortOnBridge(node, netBridge, portName)) { isPatchCreated = true; } } return isPatchCreated; } /* Determine if internal network is ready for tunnel network types. * - OF 1.0 requires br-int, br-net and a patch connecting them. * - OF 1.3 requires br-int. */ public boolean isInternalNetworkTunnelReady (Node node) { /* Is br-int created? */ Bridge intBridge = this.getInternalBridge(node, AdminConfigManager.getManager().getIntegrationBridgeName()); if (intBridge == null) { return false; } if (ProviderNetworkManager.getManager().hasPerTenantTunneling()) { /* Is br-net created? */ Bridge netBridge = this.getInternalBridge(node, AdminConfigManager.getManager().getNetworkBridgeName()); if (netBridge == null) { return false; } if (!isNetworkPatchCreated(node, intBridge, netBridge)) { return false; } } return true; } /* Determine if internal network is ready for vlan network types. * - OF 1.0 requires br-int, br-net, a patch connecting them and * physical device added to br-net. * - OF 1.3 requires br-int and physical device added to br-int. */ public boolean isInternalNetworkVlanReady (Node node, NeutronNetwork network) { /* is br-int created */ Bridge intBridge = this.getInternalBridge(node, AdminConfigManager.getManager().getIntegrationBridgeName()); if (intBridge == null) { logger.trace("shague isInternalNetworkVlanReady: node: {}, br-int missing", node); return false; } if (ProviderNetworkManager.getManager().hasPerTenantTunneling()) { /* is br-net created? */ Bridge netBridge = this.getInternalBridge(node, AdminConfigManager.getManager().getNetworkBridgeName()); if (netBridge == null) { logger.trace("shague isInternalNetworkVlanReady: node: {}, br-net missing", node); return false; } if (!isNetworkPatchCreated(node, intBridge, netBridge)) { logger.trace("shague isInternalNetworkVlanReady: node: {}, patch missing", node); return false; } /* Check if physical device is added to br-net. */ String phyNetName = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPhysicalInterfaceName(node, network.getProviderPhysicalNetwork()); if (isPortOnBridge(node, netBridge, phyNetName)) { return true; } } else { /* Check if physical device is added to br-int. */ String phyNetName = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPhysicalInterfaceName(node, network.getProviderPhysicalNetwork()); if (isPortOnBridge(node, intBridge, phyNetName)) { return true; } } logger.trace("shague isInternalNetworkVlanReady: node: {}, eth missing", node); return false; } /* * Create the integration bridge. * Bridge br-int Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal */ public void createIntegrationBridge (Node node) throws Exception { String brInt = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getIntegrationBridgeName(); Status status = this.addInternalBridge(node, brInt, null, null); if (!status.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("Integration Bridge Creation Status: {}", status); } } /* * Create complete network for all network types and OpenFlow versions. * OF 1.0 vlan: Bridge br-int Port patch-net Interface patch-net type: patch options: {peer=patch-int} Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal Bridge br-net Port "eth1" Interface "eth1" Port patch-int Interface patch-int type: patch options: {peer=patch-net} Port br-net Interface br-net type: internal OF 1.0 tunnel: Bridge br-int Port patch-net Interface patch-net type: patch options: {peer=patch-int} Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal Bridge "br-net" Port patch-int Interface patch-int type: patch options: {peer=patch-net} Port br-net Interface br-net type: internal OF 1.3 vlan: Bridge br-int Port "eth1" Interface "eth1" Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal OF 1.3 tunnel: Bridge br-int Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal */ public boolean createNetNetwork (Node node, NeutronNetwork network) throws Exception { Status status; logger.debug("createNetNetwork: node: {}, network type: {}", node, network.getProviderNetworkType()); if (ProviderNetworkManager.getManager().hasPerTenantTunneling()) { /* indicates OF 1.0 */ String brInt = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getIntegrationBridgeName(); String brNet = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getNetworkBridgeName(); String patchNet = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPatchToNetwork(); String patchInt = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPatchToIntegration(); status = this.addInternalBridge(node, brInt, patchNet, patchInt); if (!status.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("{} Bridge Creation Status: {}", brInt, status); return false; } status = this.addInternalBridge(node, brNet, patchInt, patchNet); if (!status.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("{} Bridge Creation Status: {}", brNet, status); return false; } /* For vlan network types add physical port to br-net. */ if (network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase("vlan")) { String phyNetName = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPhysicalInterfaceName(node, network.getProviderPhysicalNetwork()); status = addPortToBridge(node, brNet, phyNetName); if (!status.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("Add Port {} to Bridge {} Status: {}", phyNetName, brNet, status); return false; } } } else { String brInt = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getIntegrationBridgeName(); status = this.addInternalBridge(node, brInt, null, null); if (!status.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("{} Bridge Creation Status: {}", brInt, status); return false; } /* For vlan network types add physical port to br-int. */ if (network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase("vlan")) { String phyNetName = AdminConfigManager.getManager().getPhysicalInterfaceName(node, network.getProviderPhysicalNetwork()); status = addPortToBridge(node, brInt, phyNetName); if (!status.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("Add Port {} to Bridge {} Status: {}", phyNetName, brInt, status); return false; } } } logger.debug("createNetNetwork: node: {}, status: success", node); return true; } private Status addPortToBridge (Node node, String bridgeName, String portName) throws Exception { logger.debug("addPortToBridge: Adding port: {} to Bridge {}, Node {}", portName, bridgeName, node); OVSDBConfigService ovsdbTable = (OVSDBConfigService)ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(OVSDBConfigService.class, this); String bridgeUUID = this.getInternalBridgeUUID(node, bridgeName); if (bridgeUUID == null) { logger.error("addPortToBridge: Could not find Bridge {} in Node {}", bridgeName, node); return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Could not find "+bridgeName+" in "+node); } /* Check if the port already exists. */ Bridge bridge = (Bridge)ovsdbTable.getRow(node, Bridge.NAME.getName(), bridgeUUID); if (bridge != null) { if (isPortOnBridge(node, bridge, portName)) { logger.debug("addPortToBridge: Port {} already in Bridge {}, Node {}", portName, bridgeName, node); return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } } else { logger.error("addPortToBridge: Could not find Port {} in Bridge {}, Node {}", portName, bridgeName, node); return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Could not find "+portName+" in "+bridgeName); } Port port = new Port(); port.setName(portName); StatusWithUuid statusWithUuid = ovsdbTable.insertRow(node, Port.NAME.getName(), bridgeUUID, port); if (!statusWithUuid.isSuccess()) { logger.error("addPortToBridge: Failed to add Port {} in Bridge {}, Node {}", portName, bridgeName, node); return statusWithUuid; } String portUUID = statusWithUuid.getUuid().toString(); String interfaceUUID = null; int timeout = 6; while ((interfaceUUID == null) && (timeout > 0)) { port = (Port)ovsdbTable.getRow(node, Port.NAME.getName(), portUUID); OvsDBSet interfaces = port.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces == null || interfaces.size() == 0) { // Wait for the OVSDB update to sync up the Local cache. Thread.sleep(500); timeout--; continue; } interfaceUUID = interfaces.toArray()[0].toString(); Interface intf = (Interface)ovsdbTable.getRow(node, Interface.NAME.getName(), interfaceUUID); if (intf == null) { interfaceUUID = null; } } if (interfaceUUID == null) { logger.error("addPortToBridge: Cannot identify Interface for port {}/{}", portName, portUUID); return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } private Status addPatchPort (Node node, String bridgeUUID, String portName, String peerPortName) throws Exception { OVSDBConfigService ovsdbTable = (OVSDBConfigService)ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(OVSDBConfigService.class, this); logger.debug("addPatchPort: node: {}, bridgeUUID: {}, port: {}, peer: {}", node, bridgeUUID, portName, peerPortName); /* Check if the port already exists. */ Bridge bridge = (Bridge)ovsdbTable.getRow(node, Bridge.NAME.getName(), bridgeUUID); if (bridge != null) { if (isPortOnBridge(node, bridge, portName)) { logger.debug("addPatchPort: Port {} already in Bridge, Node {}", portName, node); return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } } else { logger.error("addPatchPort: Could not find Port {} in Bridge, Node {}", portName, node); return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Could not find "+portName+" in Bridge"); } Port patchPort = new Port(); patchPort.setName(portName); // Create patch port and interface StatusWithUuid statusWithUuid = ovsdbTable.insertRow(node, Port.NAME.getName(), bridgeUUID, patchPort); if (!statusWithUuid.isSuccess()) return statusWithUuid; String patchPortUUID = statusWithUuid.getUuid().toString(); String interfaceUUID = null; int timeout = 6; while ((interfaceUUID == null) && (timeout > 0)) { patchPort = (Port)ovsdbTable.getRow(node, Port.NAME.getName(), patchPortUUID); OvsDBSet interfaces = patchPort.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces == null || interfaces.size() == 0) { // Wait for the OVSDB update to sync up the Local cache. Thread.sleep(500); timeout--; continue; } interfaceUUID = interfaces.toArray()[0].toString(); } if (interfaceUUID == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } Interface intf = new Interface(); intf.setType("patch"); OvsDBMap options = new OvsDBMap(); options.put("peer", peerPortName); intf.setOptions(options); return ovsdbTable.updateRow(node, Interface.NAME.getName(), patchPortUUID, interfaceUUID, intf); } private Status addInternalBridge (Node node, String bridgeName, String localPatchName, String remotePatchName) throws Exception { OVSDBConfigService ovsdbTable = (OVSDBConfigService)ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(OVSDBConfigService.class, this); String bridgeUUID = this.getInternalBridgeUUID(node, bridgeName); Bridge bridge = new Bridge(); OvsDBSet failMode = new OvsDBSet(); failMode.add("secure"); bridge.setFail_mode(failMode); OvsDBSet protocols = new OvsDBSet(); if (!ProviderNetworkManager.getManager().hasPerTenantTunneling()) { protocols.add("OpenFlow13"); } else { protocols.add("OpenFlow10"); } bridge.setProtocols(protocols); if (bridgeUUID == null) { bridge.setName(bridgeName); StatusWithUuid statusWithUuid = ovsdbTable.insertRow(node, Bridge.NAME.getName(), null, bridge); if (!statusWithUuid.isSuccess()) return statusWithUuid; bridgeUUID = statusWithUuid.getUuid().toString(); Port port = new Port(); port.setName(bridgeName); Status status = ovsdbTable.insertRow(node, Port.NAME.getName(), bridgeUUID, port); logger.debug("addInternalBridge: Inserting Bridge {} {} with protocols {} and status {}", bridgeName, bridgeUUID, protocols, status); } else { Status status = ovsdbTable.updateRow(node, Bridge.NAME.getName(), null, bridgeUUID, bridge); logger.debug("addInternalBridge: Updating Bridge {} {} with protocols {} and status {}", bridgeName, bridgeUUID, protocols, status); } IConnectionServiceInternal connectionService = (IConnectionServiceInternal)ServiceHelper.getGlobalInstance(IConnectionServiceInternal.class, this); connectionService.setOFController(node, bridgeUUID); if (localPatchName != null && remotePatchName != null && ProviderNetworkManager.getManager().hasPerTenantTunneling()) { return addPatchPort(node, bridgeUUID, localPatchName, remotePatchName); } return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } public void prepareInternalNetwork(Node node) { try { this.createIntegrationBridge(node); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error creating internal network "+node.toString(), e); } ProviderNetworkManager.getManager().initializeFlowRules(node); } /* * Check if the full network setup is available. If not, create it. */ public boolean checkAndCreateNetwork (Node node, NeutronNetwork network) { boolean isCreated = false; if (network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase("vlan")) { if (!InternalNetworkManager.getManager().isInternalNetworkVlanReady(node, network)) { try { isCreated = InternalNetworkManager.getManager().createNetNetwork(node, network); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error creating internal net network ", node, e); } } else { isCreated = true; } } else if (network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase("vxlan") || network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase("gre")) { if (!InternalNetworkManager.getManager().isInternalNetworkTunnelReady(node)) { try { isCreated = InternalNetworkManager.getManager().createNetNetwork(node, network); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error creating internal net network ", node, e); } } else { isCreated = true; } } return isCreated; } }