/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.opendaylight.infrautils.utils.concurrent.Executors; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.api.DataBroker; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.api.utils.NeutronConstants; import org.opendaylight.serviceutils.tools.listener.AbstractAsyncDataTreeChangeListener; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.idmanager.rev160406.CreateIdPoolInput; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.idmanager.rev160406.CreateIdPoolInputBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.idmanager.rev160406.CreateIdPoolOutput; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.idmanager.rev160406.IdManagerService; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.rev150602.vpnmaps.VpnMap; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.bgpvpns.rev150903.BgpvpnTypeBase; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.bgpvpns.rev150903.BgpvpnTypeL3; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.bgpvpns.rev150903.bgpvpns.attributes.Bgpvpns; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.bgpvpns.rev150903.bgpvpns.attributes.bgpvpns.Bgpvpn; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.rev150712.Neutron; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.RpcError; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.RpcResult; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Singleton public class NeutronBgpvpnChangeListener extends AbstractAsyncDataTreeChangeListener { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NeutronBgpvpnChangeListener.class); private final DataBroker dataBroker; private final NeutronvpnManager nvpnManager; private final IdManagerService idManager; private final NeutronvpnUtils neutronvpnUtils; private final String adminRDValue; @Inject public NeutronBgpvpnChangeListener(final DataBroker dataBroker, final NeutronvpnManager neutronvpnManager, final IdManagerService idManager, final NeutronvpnUtils neutronvpnUtils) { super(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, InstanceIdentifier.create(Neutron.class) .child(Bgpvpns.class).child(Bgpvpn.class), Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor( "NeutronBgpvpnChangeListener", LOG)); this.dataBroker = dataBroker; nvpnManager = neutronvpnManager; this.idManager = idManager; this.neutronvpnUtils = neutronvpnUtils; BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(NeutronBgpvpnChangeListener.class).getBundleContext(); adminRDValue = bundleContext.getProperty(NeutronConstants.RD_PROPERTY_KEY); init(); } public void init() { LOG.info("{} init", getClass().getSimpleName()); createIdPool(); } @Override @PreDestroy public void close() { super.close(); Executors.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(getExecutorService()); } private boolean isBgpvpnTypeL3(Class bgpvpnType) { if (BgpvpnTypeL3.class.equals(bgpvpnType)) { return true; } else { LOG.warn("CRUD operations supported only for L3 type Bgpvpn"); return false; } } @Override // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void add(InstanceIdentifier identifier, Bgpvpn input) { LOG.trace("Adding Bgpvpn : key: {}, value={}", identifier, input); String vpnName = input.getUuid().getValue(); if (isBgpvpnTypeL3(input.getType())) { // handle route-target(s) List inputRouteList = input.getRouteTargets(); List inputImportRouteList = input.getImportTargets(); List inputExportRouteList = input.getExportTargets(); Set inputImportRouteSet = new HashSet<>(); Set inputExportRouteSet = new HashSet<>(); if (inputRouteList != null && !inputRouteList.isEmpty()) { inputImportRouteSet.addAll(inputRouteList); inputExportRouteSet.addAll(inputRouteList); } if (inputImportRouteList != null && !inputImportRouteList.isEmpty()) { inputImportRouteSet.addAll(inputImportRouteList); } if (inputExportRouteList != null && !inputExportRouteList.isEmpty()) { inputExportRouteSet.addAll(inputExportRouteList); } List importRouteTargets = new ArrayList<>(); List exportRouteTargets = new ArrayList<>(); importRouteTargets.addAll(inputImportRouteSet); exportRouteTargets.addAll(inputExportRouteSet); List rd = input.getRouteDistinguishers() != null ? input.getRouteDistinguishers() : new ArrayList<>(); if (rd == null || rd.isEmpty()) { // generate new RD // TODO - commented out for now to avoid "Dead store to rd" violation. //rd = generateNewRD(input.getUuid()); } else { String[] rdParams = rd.get(0).split(":"); if (rdParams[0].trim().equals(adminRDValue)) { LOG.error("AS specific part of RD should not be same as that defined by DC Admin. Error " + "encountered for BGPVPN {} with RD {}", vpnName, rd.get(0)); return; } List existingRDs = neutronvpnUtils.getExistingRDs(); if (!Collections.disjoint(existingRDs, rd)) { LOG.error("Failed to create VPN {} as another VPN with the same RD {} already exists.", vpnName, rd); return; } List routersList = null; if (input.getRouters() != null && !input.getRouters().isEmpty()) { // try to take all routers routersList = input.getRouters(); } if (routersList != null && routersList.size() > NeutronConstants.MAX_ROUTERS_PER_BGPVPN) { LOG.error("Creation of BGPVPN for rd {} failed: maximum allowed number of associated " + "routers is {}.", rd, NeutronConstants.MAX_ROUTERS_PER_BGPVPN); return; } List networkList = null; if (input.getNetworks() != null && !input.getNetworks().isEmpty()) { networkList = input.getNetworks(); } if (!rd.isEmpty()) { try { nvpnManager.createVpn(input.getUuid(), input.getName(), input.getTenantId(), rd, importRouteTargets, exportRouteTargets, routersList, networkList, false /*isL2Vpn*/, 0 /*l3vni*/); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Creation of BGPVPN {} failed", vpnName, e); } } else { LOG.error("Create BgpVPN with id {} failed due to missing RD value", vpnName); } } } else { LOG.warn("BGPVPN type for VPN {} is not L3", vpnName); } } @Override public void remove(InstanceIdentifier identifier, Bgpvpn input) { LOG.trace("Removing Bgpvpn : key: {}, value={}", identifier, input); Uuid vpnId = input.getUuid(); if (isBgpvpnTypeL3(input.getType())) { VpnMap vpnMap = neutronvpnUtils.getVpnMap(vpnId); if (vpnMap == null) { LOG.error("Failed to handle BGPVPN Remove for VPN {} as that VPN is not configured" + " yet as a VPN Instance", vpnId.getValue()); return; } nvpnManager.removeVpn(input.getUuid()); // Release RD Id in pool List rd = input.getRouteDistinguishers(); if (rd == null || rd.isEmpty()) { int releasedId = neutronvpnUtils.releaseId(NeutronConstants.RD_IDPOOL_NAME, vpnId.getValue()); if (releasedId == NeutronConstants.INVALID_ID) { LOG.error("NeutronBgpvpnChangeListener remove: Unable to release ID for key {}", vpnId.getValue()); } } } else { LOG.warn("BGPVPN type for VPN {} is not L3", vpnId.getValue()); } } @Override public void update(InstanceIdentifier identifier, Bgpvpn original, Bgpvpn update) { LOG.trace("Update Bgpvpn : key: {}, value={}", identifier, update); if (Objects.equals(original, update)) { return; } Uuid vpnId = update.getUuid(); if (isBgpvpnTypeL3(update.getType())) { try { handleVpnInstanceUpdate(original.getUuid().getValue(), original.getRouteDistinguishers(), update.getRouteDistinguishers()); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { LOG.error("Error while processing Update Bgpvpn.", e); return; } List oldNetworks = original.getNetworks(); List newNetworks = update.getNetworks(); handleNetworksUpdate(vpnId, oldNetworks, newNetworks); List oldRouters = original.getRouters(); List newRouters = update.getRouters(); handleRoutersUpdate(vpnId, oldRouters, newRouters); } else { LOG.warn("BGPVPN type for VPN {} is not L3", vpnId.getValue()); } } protected void handleVpnInstanceUpdate(String vpnInstanceName,final List originalRds, List updateRDs) throws UnsupportedOperationException { if (updateRDs == null || updateRDs.isEmpty()) { return; } int oldRdsCount = originalRds.size(); for (String rd : originalRds) { //If the existing rd is not present in the updateRds list, not allow to process the updateRDs. if (!updateRDs.contains(rd)) { LOG.error("The existing RD {} not present in the updatedRDsList:{}", rd, updateRDs); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The existing RD not present in the updatedRDsList"); } } if (updateRDs.size() == oldRdsCount) { LOG.debug("There is no update in the List of Route Distinguisher for the VpnInstance:{}", vpnInstanceName); return; } LOG.debug("update the VpnInstance:{} with the List of RDs: {}", vpnInstanceName, updateRDs); nvpnManager.updateVpnInstanceWithRDs(vpnInstanceName, updateRDs); } protected void handleNetworksUpdate(Uuid vpnId, List oldNetworks, List newNetworks) { if (newNetworks != null && !newNetworks.isEmpty()) { if (oldNetworks != null && !oldNetworks.isEmpty()) { if (oldNetworks != newNetworks) { Iterator iter = newNetworks.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Uuid net = iter.next(); if (oldNetworks.contains(net)) { oldNetworks.remove(net); iter.remove(); } } //clear removed networks if (!oldNetworks.isEmpty()) { LOG.trace("Removing old networks {} ", oldNetworks); List errorMessages = nvpnManager.dissociateNetworksFromVpn(vpnId, oldNetworks); if (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("handleNetworksUpdate: dissociate old Networks not part of bgpvpn update," + " from vpn {} failed due to {}", vpnId.getValue(), errorMessages); } } //add new (Delta) Networks if (!newNetworks.isEmpty()) { LOG.trace("Adding delta New networks {} ", newNetworks); List errorMessages = nvpnManager.associateNetworksToVpn(vpnId, newNetworks); if (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("handleNetworksUpdate: associate new Networks not part of original bgpvpn," + " to vpn {} failed due to {}", vpnId.getValue(), errorMessages); } } } } else { //add new Networks LOG.trace("Adding New networks {} ", newNetworks); List errorMessages = nvpnManager.associateNetworksToVpn(vpnId, newNetworks); if (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("handleNetworksUpdate: associate new Networks to vpn {} failed due to {}", vpnId.getValue(), errorMessages); } } } else if (oldNetworks != null && !oldNetworks.isEmpty()) { LOG.trace("Removing old networks {} ", oldNetworks); List errorMessages = nvpnManager.dissociateNetworksFromVpn(vpnId, oldNetworks); if (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("handleNetworksUpdate: dissociate old Networks from vpn {} failed due to {}", vpnId.getValue(), errorMessages); } } } protected void handleRoutersUpdate(Uuid vpnId, List oldRouters, List newRouters) { // for dualstack case we can associate with one VPN instance maximum 2 routers: one with // only IPv4 ports and one with only IPv6 ports, or only one router with IPv4/IPv6 ports // TODO: check router ports ethertype to follow this restriction if (oldRouters != null && !oldRouters.isEmpty()) { //remove to oldRouters the newRouters if existing List oldRoutersCopy = new ArrayList<>(); oldRoutersCopy.addAll(oldRouters); if (newRouters != null) { newRouters.forEach(r -> oldRoutersCopy.remove(r)); } /* dissociate old router */ oldRoutersCopy.forEach(r -> { nvpnManager.dissociateRouterFromVpn(vpnId, r); }); } if (newRouters != null && !newRouters.isEmpty()) { if (newRouters.size() > NeutronConstants.MAX_ROUTERS_PER_BGPVPN) { LOG.debug("In handleRoutersUpdate: maximum allowed number of associated routers is 2. VPN: {} " + "is already associated with router: {} and with router: {}", vpnId, newRouters.get(0).getValue(), newRouters.get(1).getValue()); return; } else { for (Uuid routerId : newRouters) { if (oldRouters != null && oldRouters.contains(routerId)) { continue; } /* If the first time BGP-VPN is getting associated with router, then no need to validate if the router is already been associated with any other BGP-VPN. This will avoid unnecessary MD-SAL data store read operations in VPN-MAPS. */ if (oldRouters == null || oldRouters.isEmpty()) { nvpnManager.associateRouterToVpn(vpnId, routerId); } else if (validateRouteInfo(routerId)) { nvpnManager.associateRouterToVpn(vpnId, routerId); } } } } } private void createIdPool() { CreateIdPoolInput createPool = new CreateIdPoolInputBuilder().setPoolName(NeutronConstants.RD_IDPOOL_NAME) .setLow(NeutronConstants.RD_IDPOOL_START) .setHigh(new BigInteger(NeutronConstants.RD_IDPOOL_SIZE).longValue()).build(); try { Future> result = idManager.createIdPool(createPool); Collection rpcErrors = null; if (result != null && result.get() != null) { RpcResult rpcResult = result.get(); LOG.info("Created IdPool for Bgpvpn RD"); if (rpcResult.isSuccessful()) { LOG.info("Created IdPool for Bgpvpn RD"); return; } rpcErrors = rpcResult.getErrors(); LOG.error("Failed to create ID pool for BGPVPN RD, result future returned {}", result); } LOG.error("createIdPool: Failed to create ID pool for BGPVPN RD, the call returned with RPC errors {}", rpcErrors != null ? rpcErrors : "RpcResult is null"); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Failed to create idPool for Bgpvpn RD", e); } } private boolean validateRouteInfo(Uuid routerID) { Uuid assocVPNId; if ((assocVPNId = neutronvpnUtils.getVpnForRouter(routerID, true)) != null) { LOG.warn("VPN router association failed due to router {} already associated to another VPN {}", routerID.getValue(), assocVPNId.getValue()); return false; } return true; } }