/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.liblldp; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; /** * Class that represents the LLDPTLV objects */ public class LLDPTLV extends Packet { private static final String TYPE = "Type"; private static final String LENGTH = "Length"; private static final String VALUE = "Value"; private static final int LLDPTLVFields = 3; /** OpenFlow OUI */ public static final byte[] OFOUI = new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x26, (byte) 0xe1 }; /** Length of Organizationally defined subtype field of TLV in bytes */ private static final byte customTlvSubTypeLength = (byte)1; /** OpenFlow subtype: nodeConnectorId of source */ public static final byte[] CUSTOM_TLV_SUB_TYPE_NODE_CONNECTOR_ID = new byte[] { 0 }; /** OpenFlow subtype: custom sec = hash code of verification of origin of LLDP */ public static final byte[] CUSTOM_TLV_SUB_TYPE_CUSTOM_SEC = new byte[] { 1 }; public static final int customTlvOffset = OFOUI.length + customTlvSubTypeLength; public static final byte chassisIDSubType[] = new byte[] { 4 }; // MAC address for the system public static final byte portIDSubType[] = new byte[] { 7 }; // locally assigned private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LLDPTLV.class); public enum TLVType { Unknown((byte) 0), ChassisID((byte) 1), PortID((byte) 2), TTL((byte) 3), PortDesc( (byte) 4), SystemName((byte) 5), SystemDesc((byte) 6), Custom( (byte) 127); private byte value; TLVType(final byte value) { this.value = value; } public byte getValue() { return value; } } private static Map> fieldCoordinates = new LinkedHashMap>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { put(TYPE, new MutablePair<>(0, 7)); put(LENGTH, new MutablePair<>(7, 9)); put(VALUE, new MutablePair<>(16, 0)); } }; protected Map fieldValues; /** * Default constructor that creates and sets the hash map values and sets * the payload to null */ public LLDPTLV() { payload = null; fieldValues = new HashMap<>(LLDPTLVFields); hdrFieldCoordMap = fieldCoordinates; hdrFieldsMap = fieldValues; } /** * Constructor that writes the passed LLDPTLV values to the hdrFieldsMap */ public LLDPTLV(final LLDPTLV other) { for (Map.Entry entry : other.hdrFieldsMap.entrySet()) { this.hdrFieldsMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * @return int - the length of TLV */ public int getLength() { return (int) BitBufferHelper.toNumber(fieldValues.get(LENGTH), fieldCoordinates.get(LENGTH).getRight().intValue()); } /** * @return byte - the type of TLV */ public byte getType() { return BitBufferHelper.getByte(fieldValues.get(TYPE)); } /** * @return byte[] - the value field of TLV */ public byte[] getValue() { return fieldValues.get(VALUE); } /** * @param type the type to set * @return LLDPTLV */ public LLDPTLV setType(final byte type) { byte[] lldpTLVtype = { type }; fieldValues.put(TYPE, lldpTLVtype); return this; } /** * @param length the length to set * @return LLDPTLV */ public LLDPTLV setLength(final short length) { fieldValues.put(LENGTH, BitBufferHelper.toByteArray(length)); return this; } /** * @param value the value to set * @return LLDPTLV */ public LLDPTLV setValue(final byte[] value) { fieldValues.put(VALUE, value); return this; } @Override public void setHeaderField(final String headerField, final byte[] readValue) { hdrFieldsMap.put(headerField, readValue); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((fieldValues == null) ? 0 : fieldValues.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } LLDPTLV other = (LLDPTLV) obj; if (fieldValues == null) { if (other.fieldValues != null) { return false; } } else if (!fieldValues.equals(other.fieldValues)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int getfieldnumBits(final String fieldName) { if (fieldName.equals(VALUE)) { return (NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte * BitBufferHelper.getShort( fieldValues.get(LENGTH), fieldCoordinates.get(LENGTH) .getRight().intValue())); } return fieldCoordinates.get(fieldName).getRight(); } /** * Returns the size in bits of the whole TLV * * @return int - size in bits of full TLV */ public int getTLVSize() { return (LLDPTLV.fieldCoordinates.get(TYPE).getRight() + // static LLDPTLV.fieldCoordinates.get(LENGTH).getRight() + // static getfieldnumBits(VALUE)); // variable } /** * Creates the SystemName TLV value * * @param nodeId * node identifier string * @return the SystemName TLV value in byte array */ static public byte[] createSystemNameTLVValue(final String nodeId) { byte[] nid = nodeId.getBytes(); return nid; } /** * Creates the ChassisID TLV value including the subtype and ChassisID * string * * @param nodeId * node identifier string * @return the ChassisID TLV value in byte array */ static public byte[] createChassisIDTLVValue(final String nodeId) { byte[] nid = HexEncode.bytesFromHexString(nodeId); byte[] cid = new byte[6]; int srcPos = 0, dstPos = 0; if (nid.length > cid.length) { srcPos = nid.length - cid.length; } else { dstPos = cid.length - nid.length; } System.arraycopy(nid, srcPos, cid, dstPos, cid.length); byte[] cidValue = new byte[cid.length + chassisIDSubType.length]; System.arraycopy(chassisIDSubType, 0, cidValue, 0, chassisIDSubType.length); System.arraycopy(cid, 0, cidValue, chassisIDSubType.length, cid.length); return cidValue; } /** * Creates the PortID TLV value including the subtype and PortID string * * @param portId * port identifier string * @return the PortID TLV value in byte array */ static public byte[] createPortIDTLVValue(final String portId) { byte[] pid = portId.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()); byte[] pidValue = new byte[pid.length + portIDSubType.length]; System.arraycopy(portIDSubType, 0, pidValue, 0, portIDSubType.length); System.arraycopy(pid, 0, pidValue, portIDSubType.length, pid.length); return pidValue; } /** * Creates the custom TLV value including OUI, subtype and custom string * * @param customString * port identifier string * @return the custom TLV value in byte array * @see #createCustomTLVValue(byte[],byte[]) */ static public byte[] createCustomTLVValue(final String customString) { byte[] customByteArray = customString.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()); return createCustomTLVValue(CUSTOM_TLV_SUB_TYPE_NODE_CONNECTOR_ID, customByteArray); } /** * Creates the custom TLV value including OUI, subtype and custom string * @param subtype openflow subtype * @param customByteArray * port identifier string * @return the custom TLV value in byte array */ static public byte[] createCustomTLVValue(final byte[] subtype, final byte[] customByteArray) { byte[] customValue = new byte[customTlvOffset + customByteArray.length]; System.arraycopy(OFOUI, 0, customValue, 0, OFOUI.length); System.arraycopy(subtype, 0, customValue, OFOUI.length, 1); System.arraycopy(customByteArray, 0, customValue, customTlvOffset, customByteArray.length); return customValue; } /** * Retrieves the string from TLV value and returns it in HexString format * * @param tlvValue * the TLV value * @param tlvLen * the TLV length * @return the HexString */ static public String getHexStringValue(final byte[] tlvValue, final int tlvLen) { byte[] cidBytes = new byte[tlvLen - chassisIDSubType.length]; System.arraycopy(tlvValue, chassisIDSubType.length, cidBytes, 0, cidBytes.length); return HexEncode.bytesToHexStringFormat(cidBytes); } /** * Retrieves the string from TLV value * * @param tlvValue * the TLV value * @param tlvLen * the TLV length * @return the string */ static public String getStringValue(final byte[] tlvValue, final int tlvLen) { byte[] pidSubType = new byte[portIDSubType.length]; byte[] pidBytes = new byte[tlvLen - portIDSubType.length]; System.arraycopy(tlvValue, 0, pidSubType, 0, pidSubType.length); System.arraycopy(tlvValue, portIDSubType.length, pidBytes, 0, pidBytes.length); if (pidSubType[0] == (byte) 0x3) { return HexEncode.bytesToHexStringFormat(pidBytes); } else { return (new String(pidBytes, Charset.defaultCharset())); } } /** * Retrieves the custom string from the Custom TLV value which includes OUI, * subtype and custom string * * @param customTlvValue * the custom TLV value * @param customTlvLen * the custom TLV length * @return the custom string */ static public String getCustomString(final byte[] customTlvValue, final int customTlvLen) { String customString = ""; byte[] vendor = new byte[3]; System.arraycopy(customTlvValue, 0, vendor, 0, vendor.length); if (Arrays.equals(vendor, LLDPTLV.OFOUI)) { int customArrayLength = customTlvLen - customTlvOffset; byte[] customArray = new byte[customArrayLength]; System.arraycopy(customTlvValue, customTlvOffset, customArray, 0, customArrayLength); try { customString = new String(customArray, "UTF-8"); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } return customString; } public static int extractCustomOUI(final LLDPTLV lldptlv) { byte[] value = lldptlv.getValue(); return BitBufferHelper.getInt(ArrayUtils.subarray(value, 0, 3)); } public static byte extractCustomSubtype(final LLDPTLV lldptlv) { byte[] value = lldptlv.getValue(); return BitBufferHelper.getByte(ArrayUtils.subarray(value, 3, 4)); } }