module opendaylight-port-types { namespace "urn:opendaylight:flow:types:port"; prefix port-types; import yang-ext {prefix ext;} import ietf-inet-types {prefix inet;} import ietf-yang-types {prefix yang;} revision "2013-09-25" { description "Initial revision of Port Inventory model"; } typedef port-config { type bits { bit PORT-DOWN; bit NO-RECV; bit NO-FWD; bit NO-PACKET-IN; } } typedef port-state { type enumeration { enum LINK-DOWN; enum BLOCKED; enum LIVE; } } typedef port-features { type bits { bit 10mb-hd; bit 10mb-fd; bit 100mb-hd; bit 100mb-fd; bit 1gb-hd; bit 1gb-fd; bit 10gb-fd; bit 40gb-fd; bit 100gb-fd; bit 1tb-fd; bit other; bit copper; bit fiber; bit autoeng; bit pause; bit pause-asym; } } grouping common-port { leaf port-number { type uint32; } leaf hardware-address { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC Address of the port"; } leaf configuration { type port-config; description "Bit map of OFPPC-* flags"; } leaf advertised-features { type port-features; description "Features being advertised by the port"; } } grouping flow-capable-port { uses common-port; leaf name { type string; description "Human readable name of the port"; } leaf state { type port-state; description "Bit map of OFPPS-* flags"; } leaf current-feature { type port-features; description "Bit map of OFPPF-* flags"; } leaf supported { type port-features; description "Features supported by the port"; } leaf peer-features { type port-features; description "Features advertised by peer"; } leaf current-speed { type uint32; units "kbps"; description "Current port bit rate in kbps"; } leaf maximum-speed { type uint32; units "kbps"; description "Max port bit rate in kbps"; } } grouping ofp-port-mod { container port { list port { key "port-mod-order"; leaf port-mod-order { type uint32; } uses common-port; leaf mask { type uint32; description "Bitmap of OFPPC-* flags to be changed"; } } } } }