module netconf-node-inventory { namespace "urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-inventory"; prefix "netinv"; import opendaylight-inventory { prefix inv; revision-date "2013-08-19";} import yang-ext {prefix ext; revision-date "2013-07-09";} revision "2014-01-08" { description "Initial revision of Inventory model"; } grouping netconf-node-fields { leaf connected { type boolean; } leaf-list initial-capability { type string; } leaf-list current-capability { type string; } container pass-through { when "../connected = true"; description "When the underlying node is connected, its NETCONF context is available verbatim under this container through the mount extension."; } } augment /inv:nodes/inv:node { ext:augment-identifier "netconf-node"; uses netconf-node-fields; } }