/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft; import akka.actor.ActorRef; import akka.actor.ActorSelection; import akka.actor.PoisonPill; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Verify; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.DataPersistenceProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.DelegatingPersistentDataProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.NonPersistentDataProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.PersistentDataProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.common.actor.AbstractUntypedPersistentActor; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.notifications.LeaderStateChanged; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.notifications.RoleChanged; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.ApplyJournalEntries; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.ApplyState; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.InitiateCaptureSnapshot; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.LeaderTransitioning; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.Replicate; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.SwitchBehavior; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.behaviors.AbstractLeader; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.behaviors.AbstractRaftActorBehavior; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.behaviors.Follower; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.behaviors.RaftActorBehavior; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.client.messages.FindLeader; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.client.messages.FindLeaderReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.client.messages.FollowerInfo; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.client.messages.GetOnDemandRaftState; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.client.messages.OnDemandRaftState; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.client.messages.Shutdown; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.protobuff.client.messages.Payload; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Identifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Immutable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * RaftActor encapsulates a state machine that needs to be kept synchronized * in a cluster. It implements the RAFT algorithm as described in the paper * * In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm *

* RaftActor has 3 states and each state has a certain behavior associated * with it. A Raft actor can behave as, *



* A RaftActor MUST be a Leader in order to accept requests from clients to * change the state of it's encapsulated state machine. Once a RaftActor becomes * a Leader it is also responsible for ensuring that all followers ultimately * have the same log and therefore the same state machine as itself. *


* The current behavior of a RaftActor determines how election for leadership * is initiated and how peer RaftActors react to request for votes. *


* Each RaftActor also needs to know the current election term. It uses this * information for a couple of things. One is to simply figure out who it * voted for in the last election. Another is to figure out if the message * it received to update it's state is stale. *


* The RaftActor uses akka-persistence to store it's replicated log. * Furthermore through it's behaviors a Raft Actor determines *


*/ public abstract class RaftActor extends AbstractUntypedPersistentActor { private static final long APPLY_STATE_DELAY_THRESHOLD_IN_NANOS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(50L); // 50 millis protected final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); /** * This context should NOT be passed directly to any other actor it is * only to be consumed by the RaftActorBehaviors */ private final RaftActorContextImpl context; private final DelegatingPersistentDataProvider delegatingPersistenceProvider; private final PersistentDataProvider persistentProvider; private final BehaviorStateTracker behaviorStateTracker = new BehaviorStateTracker(); private RaftActorRecoverySupport raftRecovery; private RaftActorSnapshotMessageSupport snapshotSupport; private RaftActorServerConfigurationSupport serverConfigurationSupport; private RaftActorLeadershipTransferCohort leadershipTransferInProgress; private boolean shuttingDown; public RaftActor(String id, Map peerAddresses, Optional configParams, short payloadVersion) { persistentProvider = new PersistentDataProvider(this); delegatingPersistenceProvider = new RaftActorDelegatingPersistentDataProvider(null, persistentProvider); context = new RaftActorContextImpl(this.getSelf(), this.getContext(), id, new ElectionTermImpl(persistentProvider, id, LOG), -1, -1, peerAddresses, (configParams.isPresent() ? configParams.get(): new DefaultConfigParamsImpl()), delegatingPersistenceProvider, LOG); context.setPayloadVersion(payloadVersion); context.setReplicatedLog(ReplicatedLogImpl.newInstance(context)); } @Override public void preStart() throws Exception { LOG.info("Starting recovery for {} with journal batch size {}", persistenceId(), context.getConfigParams().getJournalRecoveryLogBatchSize()); super.preStart(); snapshotSupport = newRaftActorSnapshotMessageSupport(); serverConfigurationSupport = new RaftActorServerConfigurationSupport(this); } @Override public void postStop() { context.close(); super.postStop(); } @Override protected void handleRecover(Object message) { if(raftRecovery == null) { raftRecovery = newRaftActorRecoverySupport(); } boolean recoveryComplete = raftRecovery.handleRecoveryMessage(message, persistentProvider); if(recoveryComplete) { onRecoveryComplete(); initializeBehavior(); raftRecovery = null; if (context.getReplicatedLog().size() > 0) { self().tell(new InitiateCaptureSnapshot(), self()); LOG.info("{}: Snapshot capture initiated after recovery", persistenceId()); } else { LOG.info("{}: Snapshot capture NOT initiated after recovery, journal empty", persistenceId()); } } } protected RaftActorRecoverySupport newRaftActorRecoverySupport() { return new RaftActorRecoverySupport(context, getRaftActorRecoveryCohort()); } @VisibleForTesting void initializeBehavior(){ changeCurrentBehavior(new Follower(context)); } @VisibleForTesting protected void changeCurrentBehavior(RaftActorBehavior newBehavior) { final RaftActorBehavior currentBehavior = getCurrentBehavior(); if (currentBehavior != null) { try { currentBehavior.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("{}: Error closing behavior {}", persistence(), currentBehavior, e); } } final BehaviorState state = behaviorStateTracker.capture(currentBehavior); setCurrentBehavior(newBehavior); handleBehaviorChange(state, newBehavior); } /** * Method exposed for subclasses to plug-in their logic. This method is invoked by {@link #handleCommand(Object)} * for messages which are not handled by this class. Subclasses overriding this class should fall back to this * implementation for messages which they do not handle * * @param message Incoming command message */ protected void handleNonRaftCommand(final Object message) { unhandled(message); } /** * @deprecated This method is not final for testing purposes. DO NOT OVERRIDE IT, override * {@link #handleNonRaftCommand(Object)} instead. */ @Deprecated @Override // FIXME: make this method final once our unit tests do not need to override it protected void handleCommand(final Object message) { if (serverConfigurationSupport.handleMessage(message, getSender())) { return; } if (snapshotSupport.handleSnapshotMessage(message, getSender())) { return; } if (message instanceof ApplyState) { ApplyState applyState = (ApplyState) message; long startTime = System.nanoTime(); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{}: Applying state for log index {} data {}", persistenceId(), applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getIndex(), applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getData()); } applyState(applyState.getClientActor(), applyState.getIdentifier(), applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getData()); long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; if(elapsedTime >= APPLY_STATE_DELAY_THRESHOLD_IN_NANOS){ LOG.debug("ApplyState took more time than expected. Elapsed Time = {} ms ApplyState = {}", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(elapsedTime), applyState); } if (!hasFollowers()) { // for single node, the capture should happen after the apply state // as we delete messages from the persistent journal which have made it to the snapshot // capturing the snapshot before applying makes the persistent journal and snapshot out of sync // and recovery shows data missing context.getReplicatedLog().captureSnapshotIfReady(applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry()); context.getSnapshotManager().trimLog(context.getLastApplied()); } } else if (message instanceof ApplyJournalEntries) { ApplyJournalEntries applyEntries = (ApplyJournalEntries) message; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{}: Persisting ApplyJournalEntries with index={}", persistenceId(), applyEntries.getToIndex()); } persistence().persist(applyEntries, NoopProcedure.instance()); } else if (message instanceof FindLeader) { getSender().tell( new FindLeaderReply(getLeaderAddress()), getSelf() ); } else if(message instanceof GetOnDemandRaftState) { onGetOnDemandRaftStats(); } else if(message instanceof InitiateCaptureSnapshot) { captureSnapshot(); } else if(message instanceof SwitchBehavior) { switchBehavior(((SwitchBehavior) message)); } else if(message instanceof LeaderTransitioning) { onLeaderTransitioning(); } else if(message instanceof Shutdown) { onShutDown(); } else if(message instanceof Runnable) { ((Runnable)message).run(); } else { // Processing the message may affect the state, hence we need to capture it final RaftActorBehavior currentBehavior = getCurrentBehavior(); final BehaviorState state = behaviorStateTracker.capture(currentBehavior); // A behavior indicates that it processed the change by returning a reference to the next behavior // to be used. A null return indicates it has not processed the message and we should be passing it to // the subclass for handling. final RaftActorBehavior nextBehavior = currentBehavior.handleMessage(getSender(), message); if (nextBehavior != null) { switchBehavior(state, nextBehavior); } else { handleNonRaftCommand(message); } } } private void initiateLeadershipTransfer(final RaftActorLeadershipTransferCohort.OnComplete onComplete) { LOG.debug("{}: Initiating leader transfer", persistenceId()); if(leadershipTransferInProgress == null) { leadershipTransferInProgress = new RaftActorLeadershipTransferCohort(this); leadershipTransferInProgress.addOnComplete(new RaftActorLeadershipTransferCohort.OnComplete() { @Override public void onSuccess(ActorRef raftActorRef) { leadershipTransferInProgress = null; } @Override public void onFailure(ActorRef raftActorRef) { leadershipTransferInProgress = null; } }); leadershipTransferInProgress.addOnComplete(onComplete); leadershipTransferInProgress.init(); } else { LOG.debug("{}: prior leader transfer in progress - adding callback", persistenceId()); leadershipTransferInProgress.addOnComplete(onComplete); } } private void onShutDown() { LOG.debug("{}: onShutDown", persistenceId()); if(shuttingDown) { return; } shuttingDown = true; final RaftActorBehavior currentBehavior = context.getCurrentBehavior(); if (currentBehavior.state() != RaftState.Leader) { // For non-leaders shutdown is a no-op self().tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), self()); return; } if (context.hasFollowers()) { initiateLeadershipTransfer(new RaftActorLeadershipTransferCohort.OnComplete() { @Override public void onSuccess(ActorRef raftActorRef) { LOG.debug("{}: leader transfer succeeded - sending PoisonPill", persistenceId()); raftActorRef.tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), raftActorRef); } @Override public void onFailure(ActorRef raftActorRef) { LOG.debug("{}: leader transfer failed - sending PoisonPill", persistenceId()); raftActorRef.tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), raftActorRef); } }); } else { pauseLeader(new TimedRunnable(context.getConfigParams().getElectionTimeOutInterval(), this) { @Override protected void doRun() { self().tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), self()); } @Override protected void doCancel() { self().tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), self()); } }); } } private void onLeaderTransitioning() { LOG.debug("{}: onLeaderTransitioning", persistenceId()); Optional roleChangeNotifier = getRoleChangeNotifier(); if(getRaftState() == RaftState.Follower && roleChangeNotifier.isPresent()) { roleChangeNotifier.get().tell(newLeaderStateChanged(getId(), null, getCurrentBehavior().getLeaderPayloadVersion()), getSelf()); } } private void switchBehavior(SwitchBehavior message) { if(!getRaftActorContext().getRaftPolicy().automaticElectionsEnabled()) { RaftState newState = message.getNewState(); if( newState == RaftState.Leader || newState == RaftState.Follower) { switchBehavior(behaviorStateTracker.capture(getCurrentBehavior()), AbstractRaftActorBehavior.createBehavior(context, message.getNewState())); getRaftActorContext().getTermInformation().updateAndPersist(message.getNewTerm(), ""); } else { LOG.warn("Switching to behavior : {} - not supported", newState); } } } private void switchBehavior(final BehaviorState oldBehaviorState, final RaftActorBehavior nextBehavior) { setCurrentBehavior(nextBehavior); handleBehaviorChange(oldBehaviorState, nextBehavior); } @VisibleForTesting RaftActorSnapshotMessageSupport newRaftActorSnapshotMessageSupport() { return new RaftActorSnapshotMessageSupport(context, getRaftActorSnapshotCohort()); } private void onGetOnDemandRaftStats() { // Debugging message to retrieve raft stats. Map peerAddresses = new HashMap<>(); Map peerVotingStates = new HashMap<>(); for(PeerInfo info: context.getPeers()) { peerVotingStates.put(info.getId(), info.isVoting()); peerAddresses.put(info.getId(), info.getAddress() != null ? info.getAddress() : ""); } final RaftActorBehavior currentBehavior = context.getCurrentBehavior(); OnDemandRaftState.Builder builder = OnDemandRaftState.builder() .commitIndex(context.getCommitIndex()) .currentTerm(context.getTermInformation().getCurrentTerm()) .inMemoryJournalDataSize(replicatedLog().dataSize()) .inMemoryJournalLogSize(replicatedLog().size()) .isSnapshotCaptureInitiated(context.getSnapshotManager().isCapturing()) .lastApplied(context.getLastApplied()) .lastIndex(replicatedLog().lastIndex()) .lastTerm(replicatedLog().lastTerm()) .leader(getLeaderId()) .raftState(currentBehavior.state().toString()) .replicatedToAllIndex(currentBehavior.getReplicatedToAllIndex()) .snapshotIndex(replicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex()) .snapshotTerm(replicatedLog().getSnapshotTerm()) .votedFor(context.getTermInformation().getVotedFor()) .isVoting(context.isVotingMember()) .peerAddresses(peerAddresses) .peerVotingStates(peerVotingStates) .customRaftPolicyClassName(context.getConfigParams().getCustomRaftPolicyImplementationClass()); ReplicatedLogEntry lastLogEntry = replicatedLog().last(); if (lastLogEntry != null) { builder.lastLogIndex(lastLogEntry.getIndex()); builder.lastLogTerm(lastLogEntry.getTerm()); } if(getCurrentBehavior() instanceof AbstractLeader) { AbstractLeader leader = (AbstractLeader)getCurrentBehavior(); Collection followerIds = leader.getFollowerIds(); List followerInfoList = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(followerIds.size()); for(String id: followerIds) { final FollowerLogInformation info = leader.getFollower(id); followerInfoList.add(new FollowerInfo(id, info.getNextIndex(), info.getMatchIndex(), info.isFollowerActive(), DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(info.timeSinceLastActivity()), context.getPeerInfo(info.getId()).isVoting())); } builder.followerInfoList(followerInfoList); } sender().tell(builder.build(), self()); } private void handleBehaviorChange(BehaviorState oldBehaviorState, RaftActorBehavior currentBehavior) { RaftActorBehavior oldBehavior = oldBehaviorState.getBehavior(); if (oldBehavior != currentBehavior){ onStateChanged(); } String lastValidLeaderId = oldBehavior == null ? null : oldBehaviorState.getLastValidLeaderId(); String oldBehaviorStateName = oldBehavior == null ? null : oldBehavior.state().name(); // it can happen that the state has not changed but the leader has changed. Optional roleChangeNotifier = getRoleChangeNotifier(); if(!Objects.equals(lastValidLeaderId, currentBehavior.getLeaderId()) || oldBehaviorState.getLeaderPayloadVersion() != currentBehavior.getLeaderPayloadVersion()) { if(roleChangeNotifier.isPresent()) { roleChangeNotifier.get().tell(newLeaderStateChanged(getId(), currentBehavior.getLeaderId(), currentBehavior.getLeaderPayloadVersion()), getSelf()); } onLeaderChanged(lastValidLeaderId, currentBehavior.getLeaderId()); if(leadershipTransferInProgress != null) { leadershipTransferInProgress.onNewLeader(currentBehavior.getLeaderId()); } serverConfigurationSupport.onNewLeader(currentBehavior.getLeaderId()); } if (roleChangeNotifier.isPresent() && (oldBehavior == null || (oldBehavior.state() != currentBehavior.state()))) { roleChangeNotifier.get().tell(new RoleChanged(getId(), oldBehaviorStateName , currentBehavior.state().name()), getSelf()); } } protected LeaderStateChanged newLeaderStateChanged(String memberId, String leaderId, short leaderPayloadVersion) { return new LeaderStateChanged(memberId, leaderId, leaderPayloadVersion); } @Override public long snapshotSequenceNr() { // When we do a snapshot capture, we also capture and save the sequence-number of the persistent journal, // so that we can delete the persistent journal based on the saved sequence-number // However , when akka replays the journal during recovery, it replays it from the sequence number when the snapshot // was saved and not the number we saved. // We would want to override it , by asking akka to use the last-sequence number known to us. return context.getSnapshotManager().getLastSequenceNumber(); } /** * When a derived RaftActor needs to persist something it must call * persistData. * * @param clientActor * @param identifier * @param data */ protected final void persistData(final ActorRef clientActor, final Identifier identifier, final Payload data) { ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry = new ReplicatedLogImplEntry( context.getReplicatedLog().lastIndex() + 1, context.getTermInformation().getCurrentTerm(), data); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{}: Persist data {}", persistenceId(), replicatedLogEntry); } final RaftActorContext raftContext = getRaftActorContext(); replicatedLog().appendAndPersist(replicatedLogEntry, replicatedLogEntry1 -> { if (!hasFollowers()){ // Increment the Commit Index and the Last Applied values raftContext.setCommitIndex(replicatedLogEntry1.getIndex()); raftContext.setLastApplied(replicatedLogEntry1.getIndex()); // Apply the state immediately. self().tell(new ApplyState(clientActor, identifier, replicatedLogEntry1), self()); // Send a ApplyJournalEntries message so that we write the fact that we applied // the state to durable storage self().tell(new ApplyJournalEntries(replicatedLogEntry1.getIndex()), self()); } else if (clientActor != null) { context.getReplicatedLog().captureSnapshotIfReady(replicatedLogEntry1); // Send message for replication getCurrentBehavior().handleMessage(getSelf(), new Replicate(clientActor, identifier, replicatedLogEntry1)); } }); } private ReplicatedLog replicatedLog() { return context.getReplicatedLog(); } protected String getId() { return context.getId(); } @VisibleForTesting void setCurrentBehavior(RaftActorBehavior behavior) { context.setCurrentBehavior(behavior); } protected RaftActorBehavior getCurrentBehavior() { return context.getCurrentBehavior(); } /** * Derived actors can call the isLeader method to check if the current * RaftActor is the Leader or not * * @return true it this RaftActor is a Leader false otherwise */ protected boolean isLeader() { return context.getId().equals(getCurrentBehavior().getLeaderId()); } protected final boolean isLeaderActive() { return getRaftState() != RaftState.IsolatedLeader && !shuttingDown && !isLeadershipTransferInProgress(); } private boolean isLeadershipTransferInProgress() { return leadershipTransferInProgress != null && leadershipTransferInProgress.isTransferring(); } /** * Derived actor can call getLeader if they need a reference to the Leader. * This would be useful for example in forwarding a request to an actor * which is the leader * * @return A reference to the leader if known, null otherwise */ protected ActorSelection getLeader(){ String leaderAddress = getLeaderAddress(); if(leaderAddress == null){ return null; } return context.actorSelection(leaderAddress); } /** * * @return the current leader's id */ protected final String getLeaderId(){ return getCurrentBehavior().getLeaderId(); } @VisibleForTesting protected final RaftState getRaftState() { return getCurrentBehavior().state(); } protected Long getCurrentTerm(){ return context.getTermInformation().getCurrentTerm(); } protected RaftActorContext getRaftActorContext() { return context; } protected void updateConfigParams(ConfigParams configParams) { // obtain the RaftPolicy for oldConfigParams and the updated one. String oldRaftPolicy = context.getConfigParams(). getCustomRaftPolicyImplementationClass(); String newRaftPolicy = configParams. getCustomRaftPolicyImplementationClass(); LOG.debug("{}: RaftPolicy used with prev.config {}, RaftPolicy used with newConfig {}", persistenceId(), oldRaftPolicy, newRaftPolicy); context.setConfigParams(configParams); if (!Objects.equals(oldRaftPolicy, newRaftPolicy)) { // The RaftPolicy was modified. If the current behavior is Follower then re-initialize to Follower // but transfer the previous leaderId so it doesn't immediately try to schedule an election. This // avoids potential disruption. Otherwise, switch to Follower normally. RaftActorBehavior behavior = getCurrentBehavior(); if (behavior != null && behavior.state() == RaftState.Follower) { String previousLeaderId = behavior.getLeaderId(); short previousLeaderPayloadVersion = behavior.getLeaderPayloadVersion(); LOG.debug("{}: Re-initializing to Follower with previous leaderId {}", persistenceId(), previousLeaderId); changeCurrentBehavior(new Follower(context, previousLeaderId, previousLeaderPayloadVersion)); } else { initializeBehavior(); } } } public final DataPersistenceProvider persistence() { return delegatingPersistenceProvider.getDelegate(); } public void setPersistence(DataPersistenceProvider provider) { delegatingPersistenceProvider.setDelegate(provider); } protected void setPersistence(boolean persistent) { if(persistent) { setPersistence(new PersistentDataProvider(this)); } else { setPersistence(new NonPersistentDataProvider() { /** * The way snapshotting works is, *
  1. RaftActor calls createSnapshot on the Shard *
  2. Shard sends a CaptureSnapshotReply and RaftActor then calls saveSnapshot *
  3. When saveSnapshot is invoked on the akka-persistence API it uses the SnapshotStore to save * the snapshot. The SnapshotStore sends SaveSnapshotSuccess or SaveSnapshotFailure. When the * RaftActor gets SaveSnapshot success it commits the snapshot to the in-memory journal. This * commitSnapshot is mimicking what is done in SaveSnapshotSuccess. *
*/ @Override public void saveSnapshot(Object o) { // Make saving Snapshot successful // Committing the snapshot here would end up calling commit in the creating state which would // be a state violation. That's why now we send a message to commit the snapshot. self().tell(RaftActorSnapshotMessageSupport.COMMIT_SNAPSHOT, self()); } }); } } /** * setPeerAddress sets the address of a known peer at a later time. *

* This is to account for situations where a we know that a peer * exists but we do not know an address up-front. This may also be used in * situations where a known peer starts off in a different location and we * need to change it's address *

* Note that if the peerId does not match the list of peers passed to * this actor during construction an IllegalStateException will be thrown. * * @param peerId * @param peerAddress */ protected void setPeerAddress(String peerId, String peerAddress){ context.setPeerAddress(peerId, peerAddress); } /** * The applyState method will be called by the RaftActor when some data * needs to be applied to the actor's state * * @param clientActor A reference to the client who sent this message. This * is the same reference that was passed to persistData * by the derived actor. clientActor may be null when * the RaftActor is behaving as a follower or during * recovery. * @param identifier The identifier of the persisted data. This is also * the same identifier that was passed to persistData by * the derived actor. identifier may be null when * the RaftActor is behaving as a follower or during * recovery * @param data A piece of data that was persisted by the persistData call. * This should NEVER be null. */ protected abstract void applyState(ActorRef clientActor, Identifier identifier, Object data); /** * Returns the RaftActorRecoveryCohort to participate in persistence recovery. */ @Nonnull protected abstract RaftActorRecoveryCohort getRaftActorRecoveryCohort(); /** * This method is called when recovery is complete. */ protected abstract void onRecoveryComplete(); /** * Returns the RaftActorSnapshotCohort to participate in persistence recovery. */ @Nonnull protected abstract RaftActorSnapshotCohort getRaftActorSnapshotCohort(); /** * This method will be called by the RaftActor when the state of the * RaftActor changes. The derived actor can then use methods like * isLeader or getLeader to do something useful */ protected abstract void onStateChanged(); /** * Notifier Actor for this RaftActor to notify when a role change happens * @return ActorRef - ActorRef of the notifier or Optional.absent if none. */ protected abstract Optional getRoleChangeNotifier(); /** * This method is called prior to operations such as leadership transfer and actor shutdown when the leader * must pause or stop its duties. This method allows derived classes to gracefully pause or finish current * work prior to performing the operation. On completion of any work, the run method must be called on the * given Runnable to proceed with the given operation. Important: the run method must be called on * this actor's thread dispatcher as as it modifies internal state. *

* The default implementation immediately runs the operation. * * @param operation the operation to run */ protected void pauseLeader(Runnable operation) { operation.run(); } protected void onLeaderChanged(String oldLeader, String newLeader) { }; private String getLeaderAddress(){ if(isLeader()){ return getSelf().path().toString(); } String leaderId = getLeaderId(); if (leaderId == null) { return null; } String peerAddress = context.getPeerAddress(leaderId); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{}: getLeaderAddress leaderId = {} peerAddress = {}", persistenceId(), leaderId, peerAddress); } return peerAddress; } protected boolean hasFollowers(){ return getRaftActorContext().hasFollowers(); } private void captureSnapshot() { SnapshotManager snapshotManager = context.getSnapshotManager(); if (!snapshotManager.isCapturing()) { final long idx = getCurrentBehavior().getReplicatedToAllIndex(); LOG.debug("Take a snapshot of current state. lastReplicatedLog is {} and replicatedToAllIndex is {}", replicatedLog().last(), idx); snapshotManager.capture(replicatedLog().last(), idx); } } /** * Switch this member to non-voting status. This is a no-op for all behaviors except when we are the leader, * in which case we need to step down. */ void becomeNonVoting() { if (isLeader()) { initiateLeadershipTransfer(new RaftActorLeadershipTransferCohort.OnComplete() { @Override public void onSuccess(ActorRef raftActorRef) { LOG.debug("{}: leader transfer succeeded after change to non-voting", persistenceId()); ensureFollowerState(); } @Override public void onFailure(ActorRef raftActorRef) { LOG.debug("{}: leader transfer failed after change to non-voting", persistenceId()); ensureFollowerState(); } private void ensureFollowerState() { // Whether or not leadership transfer succeeded, we have to step down as leader and // switch to Follower so ensure that. if (getRaftState() != RaftState.Follower) { initializeBehavior(); } } }); } } /** * @deprecated Deprecated in favor of {@link org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.DeleteEntries} * whose type for fromIndex is long instead of int. This class was kept for backwards * compatibility with Helium. */ // Suppressing this warning as we can't set serialVersionUID to maintain backwards compatibility. @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Deprecated static class DeleteEntries implements Serializable { private final int fromIndex; public DeleteEntries(int fromIndex) { this.fromIndex = fromIndex; } public int getFromIndex() { return fromIndex; } } /** * @deprecated Deprecated in favor of non-inner class {@link org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.UpdateElectionTerm} * which has serialVersionUID set. This class was kept for backwards compatibility with Helium. */ // Suppressing this warning as we can't set serialVersionUID to maintain backwards compatibility. @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Deprecated static class UpdateElectionTerm implements Serializable { private final long currentTerm; private final String votedFor; public UpdateElectionTerm(long currentTerm, String votedFor) { this.currentTerm = currentTerm; this.votedFor = votedFor; } public long getCurrentTerm() { return currentTerm; } public String getVotedFor() { return votedFor; } } /** * A point-in-time capture of {@link RaftActorBehavior} state critical for transitioning between behaviors. */ private static abstract class BehaviorState implements Immutable { @Nullable abstract RaftActorBehavior getBehavior(); @Nullable abstract String getLastValidLeaderId(); @Nullable abstract short getLeaderPayloadVersion(); } /** * A {@link BehaviorState} corresponding to non-null {@link RaftActorBehavior} state. */ private static final class SimpleBehaviorState extends BehaviorState { private final RaftActorBehavior behavior; private final String lastValidLeaderId; private final short leaderPayloadVersion; SimpleBehaviorState(final String lastValidLeaderId, final RaftActorBehavior behavior) { this.lastValidLeaderId = lastValidLeaderId; this.behavior = Preconditions.checkNotNull(behavior); this.leaderPayloadVersion = behavior.getLeaderPayloadVersion(); } @Override RaftActorBehavior getBehavior() { return behavior; } @Override String getLastValidLeaderId() { return lastValidLeaderId; } @Override short getLeaderPayloadVersion() { return leaderPayloadVersion; } } /** * Class tracking behavior-related information, which we need to keep around and pass across behavior switches. * An instance is created for each RaftActor. It has two functions: * - it keeps track of the last leader ID we have encountered since we have been created * - it creates state capture needed to transition from one behavior to the next */ private static final class BehaviorStateTracker { /** * A {@link BehaviorState} corresponding to null {@link RaftActorBehavior} state. Since null behavior is only * allowed before we receive the first message, we know the leader ID to be null. */ private static final BehaviorState NULL_BEHAVIOR_STATE = new BehaviorState() { @Override RaftActorBehavior getBehavior() { return null; } @Override String getLastValidLeaderId() { return null; } @Override short getLeaderPayloadVersion() { return -1; } }; private String lastValidLeaderId; BehaviorState capture(final RaftActorBehavior behavior) { if (behavior == null) { Verify.verify(lastValidLeaderId == null, "Null behavior with non-null last leader"); return NULL_BEHAVIOR_STATE; } final String leaderId = behavior.getLeaderId(); if (leaderId != null) { lastValidLeaderId = leaderId; } return new SimpleBehaviorState(lastValidLeaderId, behavior); } } }