/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.behaviors; import akka.actor.ActorRef; import akka.actor.ActorSelection; import akka.actor.Cancellable; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.common.io.ByteSource; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.ClientRequestTracker; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.ClientRequestTrackerImpl; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.FollowerLogInformation; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.FollowerLogInformationImpl; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.PeerInfo; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.RaftActorContext; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.RaftState; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.ReplicatedLogEntry; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.VotingState; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.CheckConsensusReached; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.Replicate; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.SendHeartBeat; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.SendInstallSnapshot; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.AppendEntries; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.AppendEntriesReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.InstallSnapshot; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.InstallSnapshotReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.RaftRPC; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.RequestVoteReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.UnInitializedFollowerSnapshotReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.persisted.ServerConfigurationPayload; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.persisted.Snapshot; import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration; /** * The behavior of a RaftActor when it is in the Leader state * *

* Leaders: *

*/ public abstract class AbstractLeader extends AbstractRaftActorBehavior { private final Map followerToLog = new HashMap<>(); /** * Lookup table for request contexts based on journal index. We could use a {@link Map} here, but we really * expect the entries to be modified in sequence, hence we open-code the lookup. * TODO: Evaluate the use of ArrayDeque(), as that has lower memory overhead. Non-head removals are more costly, * but we already expect those to be far from frequent. */ private final Queue trackers = new LinkedList<>(); private Cancellable heartbeatSchedule = null; private Optional snapshotHolder = Optional.absent(); private int minReplicationCount; protected AbstractLeader(RaftActorContext context, RaftState state, @Nullable AbstractLeader initializeFromLeader) { super(context, state); if (initializeFromLeader != null) { followerToLog.putAll(initializeFromLeader.followerToLog); snapshotHolder = initializeFromLeader.snapshotHolder; trackers.addAll(initializeFromLeader.trackers); } else { for (PeerInfo peerInfo: context.getPeers()) { FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation = new FollowerLogInformationImpl(peerInfo, -1, context); followerToLog.put(peerInfo.getId(), followerLogInformation); } } log.debug("{}: Election: Leader has following peers: {}", logName(), getFollowerIds()); updateMinReplicaCount(); // Immediately schedule a heartbeat // Upon election: send initial empty AppendEntries RPCs // (heartbeat) to each server; repeat during idle periods to // prevent election timeouts (§5.2) sendAppendEntries(0, false); // It is important to schedule this heartbeat here scheduleHeartBeat(context.getConfigParams().getHeartBeatInterval()); } protected AbstractLeader(RaftActorContext context, RaftState state) { this(context, state, null); } /** * Return an immutable collection of follower identifiers. * * @return Collection of follower IDs */ public final Collection getFollowerIds() { return followerToLog.keySet(); } public void addFollower(String followerId) { FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation = new FollowerLogInformationImpl( context.getPeerInfo(followerId), -1, context); followerToLog.put(followerId, followerLogInformation); if (heartbeatSchedule == null) { scheduleHeartBeat(context.getConfigParams().getHeartBeatInterval()); } } public void removeFollower(String followerId) { followerToLog.remove(followerId); } public void updateMinReplicaCount() { int numVoting = 0; for (PeerInfo peer: context.getPeers()) { if (peer.isVoting()) { numVoting++; } } minReplicationCount = getMajorityVoteCount(numVoting); } protected int getMinIsolatedLeaderPeerCount() { //the isolated Leader peer count will be 1 less than the majority vote count. //this is because the vote count has the self vote counted in it //for e.g //0 peers = 1 votesRequired , minIsolatedLeaderPeerCount = 0 //2 peers = 2 votesRequired , minIsolatedLeaderPeerCount = 1 //4 peers = 3 votesRequired, minIsolatedLeaderPeerCount = 2 return minReplicationCount > 0 ? minReplicationCount - 1 : 0; } @VisibleForTesting void setSnapshot(@Nullable SnapshotHolder snapshotHolder) { this.snapshotHolder = Optional.fromNullable(snapshotHolder); } @VisibleForTesting boolean hasSnapshot() { return snapshotHolder.isPresent(); } @Override protected RaftActorBehavior handleAppendEntries(ActorRef sender, AppendEntries appendEntries) { log.debug("{}: handleAppendEntries: {}", logName(), appendEntries); return this; } @Override protected RaftActorBehavior handleAppendEntriesReply(ActorRef sender, AppendEntriesReply appendEntriesReply) { log.trace("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply: {}", logName(), appendEntriesReply); // Update the FollowerLogInformation String followerId = appendEntriesReply.getFollowerId(); FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation = followerToLog.get(followerId); if (followerLogInformation == null) { log.error("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply - unknown follower {}", logName(), followerId); return this; } if (followerLogInformation.timeSinceLastActivity() > context.getConfigParams().getElectionTimeOutInterval().toMillis()) { log.warn("{} : handleAppendEntriesReply delayed beyond election timeout, " + "appendEntriesReply : {}, timeSinceLastActivity : {}, lastApplied : {}, commitIndex : {}", logName(), appendEntriesReply, followerLogInformation.timeSinceLastActivity(), context.getLastApplied(), context.getCommitIndex()); } followerLogInformation.markFollowerActive(); followerLogInformation.setPayloadVersion(appendEntriesReply.getPayloadVersion()); followerLogInformation.setRaftVersion(appendEntriesReply.getRaftVersion()); long followerLastLogIndex = appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex(); long followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog = getLogEntryTerm(followerLastLogIndex); boolean updated = false; if (appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex() > context.getReplicatedLog().lastIndex()) { // The follower's log is actually ahead of the leader's log. Normally this doesn't happen // in raft as a node cannot become leader if it's log is behind another's. However, the // non-voting semantics deviate a bit from raft. Only voting members participate in // elections and can become leader so it's possible for a non-voting follower to be ahead // of the leader. This can happen if persistence is disabled and all voting members are // restarted. In this case, the voting leader will start out with an empty log however // the non-voting followers still retain the previous data in memory. On the first // AppendEntries, the non-voting follower returns a successful reply b/c the prevLogIndex // sent by the leader is -1 and thus the integrity checks pass. However the follower's returned // lastLogIndex may be higher in which case we want to reset the follower by installing a // snapshot. It's also possible that the follower's last log index is behind the leader's. // However in this case the log terms won't match and the logs will conflict - this is handled // elsewhere. log.info("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply: follower {} lastIndex {} is ahead of our lastIndex {} " + "(snapshotIndex {}) - forcing install snaphot", logName(), followerLogInformation.getId(), appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex(), context.getReplicatedLog().lastIndex(), context.getReplicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex()); followerLogInformation.setMatchIndex(-1); followerLogInformation.setNextIndex(-1); initiateCaptureSnapshot(followerId); updated = true; } else if (appendEntriesReply.isSuccess()) { if (followerLastLogIndex >= 0 && followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog >= 0 && followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog != appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm()) { // The follower's last entry is present in the leader's journal but the terms don't match so the // follower has a conflicting entry. Since the follower didn't report that it's out of sync, this means // either the previous leader entry sent didn't conflict or the previous leader entry is in the snapshot // and no longer in the journal. Either way, we set the follower's next index to 1 less than the last // index reported by the follower. For the former case, the leader will send all entries starting with // the previous follower's index and the follower will remove and replace the conflicting entries as // needed. For the latter, the leader will initiate an install snapshot. followerLogInformation.setNextIndex(followerLastLogIndex - 1); updated = true; log.info("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply: follower {} last log term {} for index {} conflicts with the " + "leader's {} - set the follower's next index to {}", logName(), followerId, appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm(), appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex(), followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog, followerLogInformation.getNextIndex()); } else { updated = updateFollowerLogInformation(followerLogInformation, appendEntriesReply); } } else { log.info("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply - received unsuccessful reply: {}, leader snapshotIndex: {}", logName(), appendEntriesReply, context.getReplicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex()); if (appendEntriesReply.isForceInstallSnapshot()) { // Reset the followers match and next index. This is to signal that this follower has nothing // in common with this Leader and so would require a snapshot to be installed followerLogInformation.setMatchIndex(-1); followerLogInformation.setNextIndex(-1); // Force initiate a snapshot capture initiateCaptureSnapshot(followerId); } else if (followerLastLogIndex < 0 || followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog >= 0 && followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog == appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm()) { // The follower's log is empty or the last entry is present in the leader's journal // and the terms match so the follower is just behind the leader's journal from // the last snapshot, if any. We'll catch up the follower quickly by starting at the // follower's last log index. updated = updateFollowerLogInformation(followerLogInformation, appendEntriesReply); log.info("{}: follower {} appears to be behind the leader from the last snapshot - " + "updated: matchIndex: {}, nextIndex: {}", logName(), followerId, appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm(), followerLogInformation.getMatchIndex(), followerLogInformation.getNextIndex()); } else { // The follower's log conflicts with leader's log so decrement follower's next index by 1 // in an attempt to find where the logs match. if (followerLogInformation.decrNextIndex()) { updated = true; log.info("{}: follower {} last log term {} conflicts with the leader's {} - dec next index to {}", logName(), followerId, appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm(), followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog, followerLogInformation.getNextIndex()); } } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply from {}: commitIndex: {}, lastAppliedIndex: {}, currentTerm: {}", logName(), followerId, context.getCommitIndex(), context.getLastApplied(), currentTerm()); } possiblyUpdateCommitIndex(); //Send the next log entry immediately, if possible, no need to wait for heartbeat to trigger that event sendUpdatesToFollower(followerId, followerLogInformation, false, !updated); return this; } private void possiblyUpdateCommitIndex() { // Figure out if we can update the the commitIndex as follows: // If there exists an index N such that N > commitIndex, a majority of matchIndex[i] ≥ N, // and log[N].term == currentTerm: // set commitIndex = N (§5.3, §5.4). for (long index = context.getCommitIndex() + 1; ; index++) { ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry = context.getReplicatedLog().get(index); if (replicatedLogEntry == null) { log.trace("{}: ReplicatedLogEntry not found for index {} - snapshotIndex: {}, journal size: {}", logName(), index, context.getReplicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex(), context.getReplicatedLog().size()); break; } // Count our entry if it has been persisted. int replicatedCount = replicatedLogEntry.isPersistencePending() ? 0 : 1; if (replicatedCount == 0) { // We don't commit and apply a log entry until we've gotten the ack from our local persistence, // even though there *shouldn't* be any issue with updating the commit index if we get a consensus // amongst the followers w/o the local persistence ack. break; } log.trace("{}: checking Nth index {}", logName(), index); for (FollowerLogInformation info : followerToLog.values()) { final PeerInfo peerInfo = context.getPeerInfo(info.getId()); if (info.getMatchIndex() >= index && peerInfo != null && peerInfo.isVoting()) { replicatedCount++; } else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("{}: Not counting follower {} - matchIndex: {}, {}", logName(), info.getId(), info.getMatchIndex(), peerInfo); } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("{}: replicatedCount {}, minReplicationCount: {}", logName(), replicatedCount, minReplicationCount); } if (replicatedCount >= minReplicationCount) { // Don't update the commit index if the log entry is from a previous term, as per §5.4.1: // "Raft never commits log entries from previous terms by counting replicas". // However we keep looping so we can make progress when new entries in the current term // reach consensus, as per §5.4.1: "once an entry from the current term is committed by // counting replicas, then all prior entries are committed indirectly". if (replicatedLogEntry.getTerm() == currentTerm()) { log.trace("{}: Setting commit index to {}", logName(), index); context.setCommitIndex(index); } else { log.debug("{}: Not updating commit index to {} - retrieved log entry with index {}, " + "term {} does not match the current term {}", logName(), index, replicatedLogEntry.getIndex(), replicatedLogEntry.getTerm(), currentTerm()); } } else { log.trace("{}: minReplicationCount not reached, actual {} - breaking", logName(), replicatedCount); break; } } // Apply the change to the state machine if (context.getCommitIndex() > context.getLastApplied()) { log.debug("{}: Applying to log - commitIndex: {}, lastAppliedIndex: {}", logName(), context.getCommitIndex(), context.getLastApplied()); applyLogToStateMachine(context.getCommitIndex()); } if (!context.getSnapshotManager().isCapturing()) { purgeInMemoryLog(); } } private boolean updateFollowerLogInformation(FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation, AppendEntriesReply appendEntriesReply) { boolean updated = followerLogInformation.setMatchIndex(appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex()); updated = followerLogInformation.setNextIndex(appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex() + 1) || updated; if (updated && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "{}: handleAppendEntriesReply - FollowerLogInformation for {} updated: matchIndex: {}, nextIndex: {}", logName(), followerLogInformation.getId(), followerLogInformation.getMatchIndex(), followerLogInformation.getNextIndex()); } return updated; } private void purgeInMemoryLog() { //find the lowest index across followers which has been replicated to all. // lastApplied if there are no followers, so that we keep clearing the log for single-node // we would delete the in-mem log from that index on, in-order to minimize mem usage // we would also share this info thru AE with the followers so that they can delete their log entries as well. long minReplicatedToAllIndex = followerToLog.isEmpty() ? context.getLastApplied() : Long.MAX_VALUE; for (FollowerLogInformation info : followerToLog.values()) { minReplicatedToAllIndex = Math.min(minReplicatedToAllIndex, info.getMatchIndex()); } super.performSnapshotWithoutCapture(minReplicatedToAllIndex); } @Override protected ClientRequestTracker removeClientRequestTracker(long logIndex) { final Iterator it = trackers.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final ClientRequestTracker t = it.next(); if (t.getIndex() == logIndex) { it.remove(); return t; } } return null; } @Override protected RaftActorBehavior handleRequestVoteReply(ActorRef sender, RequestVoteReply requestVoteReply) { return this; } protected void beforeSendHeartbeat(){} @Override public RaftActorBehavior handleMessage(ActorRef sender, Object message) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(sender, "sender should not be null"); if (message instanceof RaftRPC) { RaftRPC rpc = (RaftRPC) message; // If RPC request or response contains term T > currentTerm: // set currentTerm = T, convert to follower (§5.1) // This applies to all RPC messages and responses if (rpc.getTerm() > context.getTermInformation().getCurrentTerm()) { log.info("{}: Term {} in \"{}\" message is greater than leader's term {} - switching to Follower", logName(), rpc.getTerm(), rpc, context.getTermInformation().getCurrentTerm()); context.getTermInformation().updateAndPersist(rpc.getTerm(), null); return internalSwitchBehavior(RaftState.Follower); } } if (message instanceof SendHeartBeat) { beforeSendHeartbeat(); sendHeartBeat(); scheduleHeartBeat(context.getConfigParams().getHeartBeatInterval()); } else if (message instanceof SendInstallSnapshot) { SendInstallSnapshot sendInstallSnapshot = (SendInstallSnapshot) message; setSnapshot(new SnapshotHolder(sendInstallSnapshot.getSnapshot(), sendInstallSnapshot.getSnapshotBytes())); sendInstallSnapshot(); } else if (message instanceof Replicate) { replicate((Replicate) message); } else if (message instanceof InstallSnapshotReply) { handleInstallSnapshotReply((InstallSnapshotReply) message); } else if (message instanceof CheckConsensusReached) { possiblyUpdateCommitIndex(); } else { return super.handleMessage(sender, message); } return this; } private void handleInstallSnapshotReply(InstallSnapshotReply reply) { log.debug("{}: handleInstallSnapshotReply: {}", logName(), reply); String followerId = reply.getFollowerId(); FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation = followerToLog.get(followerId); if (followerLogInformation == null) { // This can happen during AddServer if it times out. log.error("{}: FollowerLogInformation not found for follower {} in InstallSnapshotReply", logName(), followerId); return; } LeaderInstallSnapshotState installSnapshotState = followerLogInformation.getInstallSnapshotState(); if (installSnapshotState == null) { log.error("{}: LeaderInstallSnapshotState not found for follower {} in InstallSnapshotReply", logName(), followerId); return; } followerLogInformation.markFollowerActive(); if (installSnapshotState.getChunkIndex() == reply.getChunkIndex()) { boolean wasLastChunk = false; if (reply.isSuccess()) { if (installSnapshotState.isLastChunk(reply.getChunkIndex())) { //this was the last chunk reply long followerMatchIndex = snapshotHolder.get().getLastIncludedIndex(); followerLogInformation.setMatchIndex(followerMatchIndex); followerLogInformation.setNextIndex(followerMatchIndex + 1); followerLogInformation.clearLeaderInstallSnapshotState(); log.info("{}: Snapshot successfully installed on follower {} (last chunk {}) - " + "matchIndex set to {}, nextIndex set to {}", logName(), followerId, reply.getChunkIndex(), followerLogInformation.getMatchIndex(), followerLogInformation.getNextIndex()); if (!anyFollowersInstallingSnapshot()) { // once there are no pending followers receiving snapshots // we can remove snapshot from the memory setSnapshot(null); } wasLastChunk = true; if (context.getPeerInfo(followerId).getVotingState() == VotingState.VOTING_NOT_INITIALIZED) { UnInitializedFollowerSnapshotReply unInitFollowerSnapshotSuccess = new UnInitializedFollowerSnapshotReply(followerId); context.getActor().tell(unInitFollowerSnapshotSuccess, context.getActor()); log.debug("Sent message UnInitializedFollowerSnapshotReply to self"); } } else { installSnapshotState.markSendStatus(true); } } else { log.warn("{}: Received failed InstallSnapshotReply - will retry: {}", logName(), reply); installSnapshotState.markSendStatus(false); } if (wasLastChunk) { if (!context.getSnapshotManager().isCapturing()) { // Since the follower is now caught up try to purge the log. purgeInMemoryLog(); } } else { ActorSelection followerActor = context.getPeerActorSelection(followerId); if (followerActor != null) { sendSnapshotChunk(followerActor, followerLogInformation); } } } else { log.error("{}: Chunk index {} in InstallSnapshotReply from follower {} does not match expected index {}", logName(), reply.getChunkIndex(), followerId, installSnapshotState.getChunkIndex()); if (reply.getChunkIndex() == LeaderInstallSnapshotState.INVALID_CHUNK_INDEX) { // Since the Follower did not find this index to be valid we should reset the follower snapshot // so that Installing the snapshot can resume from the beginning installSnapshotState.reset(); } } } private boolean anyFollowersInstallingSnapshot() { for (FollowerLogInformation info: followerToLog.values()) { if (info.getInstallSnapshotState() != null) { return true; } } return false; } private void replicate(Replicate replicate) { long logIndex = replicate.getReplicatedLogEntry().getIndex(); log.debug("{}: Replicate message: identifier: {}, logIndex: {}, payload: {}, isSendImmediate: {}", logName(), replicate.getIdentifier(), logIndex, replicate.getReplicatedLogEntry().getData().getClass(), replicate.isSendImmediate()); // Create a tracker entry we will use this later to notify the // client actor if (replicate.getClientActor() != null) { trackers.add(new ClientRequestTrackerImpl(replicate.getClientActor(), replicate.getIdentifier(), logIndex)); } boolean applyModificationToState = !context.anyVotingPeers() || context.getRaftPolicy().applyModificationToStateBeforeConsensus(); if (applyModificationToState) { context.setCommitIndex(logIndex); applyLogToStateMachine(logIndex); } if (replicate.isSendImmediate() && !followerToLog.isEmpty()) { sendAppendEntries(0, false); } } protected void sendAppendEntries(long timeSinceLastActivityInterval, boolean isHeartbeat) { // Send an AppendEntries to all followers for (Entry e : followerToLog.entrySet()) { final String followerId = e.getKey(); final FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation = e.getValue(); // This checks helps not to send a repeat message to the follower if (!followerLogInformation.isFollowerActive() || followerLogInformation.timeSinceLastActivity() >= timeSinceLastActivityInterval) { sendUpdatesToFollower(followerId, followerLogInformation, true, isHeartbeat); } } } /** * This method checks if any update needs to be sent to the given follower. This includes append log entries, * sending next snapshot chunk, and initiating a snapshot. */ private void sendUpdatesToFollower(String followerId, FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation, boolean sendHeartbeat, boolean isHeartbeat) { ActorSelection followerActor = context.getPeerActorSelection(followerId); if (followerActor != null) { long followerNextIndex = followerLogInformation.getNextIndex(); boolean isFollowerActive = followerLogInformation.isFollowerActive(); boolean sendAppendEntries = false; List entries = Collections.emptyList(); LeaderInstallSnapshotState installSnapshotState = followerLogInformation.getInstallSnapshotState(); if (installSnapshotState != null) { // if install snapshot is in process , then sent next chunk if possible if (isFollowerActive && installSnapshotState.canSendNextChunk()) { sendSnapshotChunk(followerActor, followerLogInformation); } else if (sendHeartbeat) { // we send a heartbeat even if we have not received a reply for the last chunk sendAppendEntries = true; } } else { long leaderLastIndex = context.getReplicatedLog().lastIndex(); long leaderSnapShotIndex = context.getReplicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex(); if (!isHeartbeat && log.isDebugEnabled() || log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.debug("{}: Checking sendAppendEntries for follower {}: active: {}, followerNextIndex: {}, " + "leaderLastIndex: {}, leaderSnapShotIndex: {}", logName(), followerId, isFollowerActive, followerNextIndex, leaderLastIndex, leaderSnapShotIndex); } if (isFollowerActive && context.getReplicatedLog().isPresent(followerNextIndex)) { log.debug("{}: sendAppendEntries: {} is present for follower {}", logName(), followerNextIndex, followerId); if (followerLogInformation.okToReplicate()) { // Try to send all the entries in the journal but not exceeding the max data size // for a single AppendEntries message. int maxEntries = (int) context.getReplicatedLog().size(); entries = context.getReplicatedLog().getFrom(followerNextIndex, maxEntries, context.getConfigParams().getSnapshotChunkSize()); sendAppendEntries = true; } } else if (isFollowerActive && followerNextIndex >= 0 && leaderLastIndex > followerNextIndex && !context.getSnapshotManager().isCapturing()) { // if the followers next index is not present in the leaders log, and // if the follower is just not starting and if leader's index is more than followers index // then snapshot should be sent // Send heartbeat to follower whenever install snapshot is initiated. sendAppendEntries = true; if (canInstallSnapshot(followerNextIndex)) { log.info("{}: Initiating install snapshot to follower {}: follower nextIndex: {}, leader " + "snapshotIndex: {}, leader lastIndex: {}, leader log size: {}", logName(), followerId, followerNextIndex, leaderSnapShotIndex, leaderLastIndex, context.getReplicatedLog().size()); initiateCaptureSnapshot(followerId); } else { // It doesn't seem like we should ever reach here - most likely indicates sonething is // wrong. log.info("{}: Follower {} is behind but cannot install snapshot: follower nextIndex: {}, " + "leader snapshotIndex: {}, leader lastIndex: {}, leader log size: {}", logName(), followerId, followerNextIndex, leaderSnapShotIndex, leaderLastIndex, context.getReplicatedLog().size()); } } else if (sendHeartbeat) { // we send an AppendEntries, even if the follower is inactive // in-order to update the followers timestamp, in case it becomes active again sendAppendEntries = true; } } if (sendAppendEntries) { sendAppendEntriesToFollower(followerActor, entries, followerLogInformation); } } } private void sendAppendEntriesToFollower(ActorSelection followerActor, List entries, FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation) { // In certain cases outlined below we don't want to send the actual commit index to prevent the follower from // possibly committing and applying conflicting entries (those with same index, different term) from a prior // term that weren't replicated to a majority, which would be a violation of raft. // - if the follower isn't active. In this case we don't know the state of the follower and we send an // empty AppendEntries as a heart beat to prevent election. // - if we're in the process of installing a snapshot. In this case we don't send any new entries but still // need to send AppendEntries to prevent election. boolean isInstallingSnaphot = followerLogInformation.getInstallSnapshotState() != null; long leaderCommitIndex = isInstallingSnaphot || !followerLogInformation.isFollowerActive() ? -1 : context.getCommitIndex(); long followerNextIndex = followerLogInformation.getNextIndex(); AppendEntries appendEntries = new AppendEntries(currentTerm(), context.getId(), getLogEntryIndex(followerNextIndex - 1), getLogEntryTerm(followerNextIndex - 1), entries, leaderCommitIndex, super.getReplicatedToAllIndex(), context.getPayloadVersion()); if (!entries.isEmpty() || log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.debug("{}: Sending AppendEntries to follower {}: {}", logName(), followerLogInformation.getId(), appendEntries); } followerActor.tell(appendEntries, actor()); } /** * Initiates a snapshot capture to install on a follower. * *

* Install Snapshot works as follows * 1. Leader initiates the capture snapshot by calling createSnapshot on the RaftActor. * 2. On receipt of the CaptureSnapshotReply message, the RaftActor persists the snapshot and makes a call to * the Leader's handleMessage with a SendInstallSnapshot message. * 3. The Leader obtains and stores the Snapshot from the SendInstallSnapshot message and sends it in chunks to * the Follower via InstallSnapshot messages. * 4. For each chunk, the Follower sends back an InstallSnapshotReply. * 5. On receipt of the InstallSnapshotReply for the last chunk, the Leader marks the install complete for that * follower. * 6. If another follower requires a snapshot and a snapshot has been collected (via SendInstallSnapshot) * then send the existing snapshot in chunks to the follower. * * @param followerId the id of the follower. * @return true if capture was initiated, false otherwise. */ public boolean initiateCaptureSnapshot(String followerId) { FollowerLogInformation followerLogInfo = followerToLog.get(followerId); if (snapshotHolder.isPresent()) { // If a snapshot is present in the memory, most likely another install is in progress no need to capture // snapshot. This could happen if another follower needs an install when one is going on. final ActorSelection followerActor = context.getPeerActorSelection(followerId); // Note: sendSnapshotChunk will set the LeaderInstallSnapshotState. sendSnapshotChunk(followerActor, followerLogInfo); return true; } boolean captureInitiated = context.getSnapshotManager().captureToInstall(context.getReplicatedLog().last(), this.getReplicatedToAllIndex(), followerId); if (captureInitiated) { followerLogInfo.setLeaderInstallSnapshotState(new LeaderInstallSnapshotState( context.getConfigParams().getSnapshotChunkSize(), logName())); } return captureInitiated; } private boolean canInstallSnapshot(long nextIndex) { // If the follower's nextIndex is -1 then we might as well send it a snapshot // Otherwise send it a snapshot only if the nextIndex is not present in the log but is present // in the snapshot return nextIndex == -1 || !context.getReplicatedLog().isPresent(nextIndex) && context.getReplicatedLog().isInSnapshot(nextIndex); } private void sendInstallSnapshot() { log.debug("{}: sendInstallSnapshot", logName()); for (Entry e : followerToLog.entrySet()) { String followerId = e.getKey(); ActorSelection followerActor = context.getPeerActorSelection(followerId); FollowerLogInformation followerLogInfo = e.getValue(); if (followerActor != null) { long nextIndex = followerLogInfo.getNextIndex(); if (followerLogInfo.getInstallSnapshotState() != null || context.getPeerInfo(followerId).getVotingState() == VotingState.VOTING_NOT_INITIALIZED || canInstallSnapshot(nextIndex)) { sendSnapshotChunk(followerActor, followerLogInfo); } } } } /** * Sends a snapshot chunk to a given follower * InstallSnapshot should qualify as a heartbeat too. */ private void sendSnapshotChunk(ActorSelection followerActor, FollowerLogInformation followerLogInfo) { if (snapshotHolder.isPresent()) { LeaderInstallSnapshotState installSnapshotState = followerLogInfo.getInstallSnapshotState(); if (installSnapshotState == null) { installSnapshotState = new LeaderInstallSnapshotState(context.getConfigParams().getSnapshotChunkSize(), logName()); followerLogInfo.setLeaderInstallSnapshotState(installSnapshotState); } try { // Ensure the snapshot bytes are set - this is a no-op. installSnapshotState.setSnapshotBytes(snapshotHolder.get().getSnapshotBytes()); if (!installSnapshotState.canSendNextChunk()) { return; } byte[] nextSnapshotChunk = installSnapshotState.getNextChunk(); log.debug("{}: next snapshot chunk size for follower {}: {}", logName(), followerLogInfo.getId(), nextSnapshotChunk.length); int nextChunkIndex = installSnapshotState.incrementChunkIndex(); Optional serverConfig = Optional.absent(); if (installSnapshotState.isLastChunk(nextChunkIndex)) { serverConfig = Optional.fromNullable(context.getPeerServerInfo(true)); } followerActor.tell( new InstallSnapshot(currentTerm(), context.getId(), snapshotHolder.get().getLastIncludedIndex(), snapshotHolder.get().getLastIncludedTerm(), nextSnapshotChunk, nextChunkIndex, installSnapshotState.getTotalChunks(), Optional.of(installSnapshotState.getLastChunkHashCode()), serverConfig ).toSerializable(followerLogInfo.getRaftVersion()), actor() ); log.debug("{}: InstallSnapshot sent to follower {}, Chunk: {}/{}", logName(), followerActor.path(), installSnapshotState.getChunkIndex(), installSnapshotState.getTotalChunks()); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } } private void sendHeartBeat() { if (!followerToLog.isEmpty()) { log.trace("{}: Sending heartbeat", logName()); sendAppendEntries(context.getConfigParams().getHeartBeatInterval().toMillis(), true); } } private void stopHeartBeat() { if (heartbeatSchedule != null && !heartbeatSchedule.isCancelled()) { heartbeatSchedule.cancel(); } } private void scheduleHeartBeat(FiniteDuration interval) { if (followerToLog.isEmpty()) { // Optimization - do not bother scheduling a heartbeat as there are // no followers return; } stopHeartBeat(); // Schedule a heartbeat. When the scheduler triggers a SendHeartbeat // message is sent to itself. // Scheduling the heartbeat only once here because heartbeats do not // need to be sent if there are other messages being sent to the remote // actor. heartbeatSchedule = context.getActorSystem().scheduler().scheduleOnce( interval, context.getActor(), SendHeartBeat.INSTANCE, context.getActorSystem().dispatcher(), context.getActor()); } @Override public void close() { stopHeartBeat(); } @Override public final String getLeaderId() { return context.getId(); } @Override public final short getLeaderPayloadVersion() { return context.getPayloadVersion(); } protected boolean isLeaderIsolated() { int minPresent = getMinIsolatedLeaderPeerCount(); for (FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation : followerToLog.values()) { final PeerInfo peerInfo = context.getPeerInfo(followerLogInformation.getId()); if (peerInfo != null && peerInfo.isVoting() && followerLogInformation.isFollowerActive()) { --minPresent; if (minPresent == 0) { return false; } } } return minPresent != 0; } // called from example-actor for printing the follower-states public String printFollowerStates() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('['); for (FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation : followerToLog.values()) { sb.append('{'); sb.append(followerLogInformation.getId()); sb.append(" state:"); sb.append(followerLogInformation.isFollowerActive()); sb.append("},"); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } @VisibleForTesting public FollowerLogInformation getFollower(String followerId) { return followerToLog.get(followerId); } @VisibleForTesting public int followerLogSize() { return followerToLog.size(); } static class SnapshotHolder { private final long lastIncludedTerm; private final long lastIncludedIndex; private final ByteSource snapshotBytes; SnapshotHolder(Snapshot snapshot, ByteSource snapshotBytes) { this.lastIncludedTerm = snapshot.getLastAppliedTerm(); this.lastIncludedIndex = snapshot.getLastAppliedIndex(); this.snapshotBytes = snapshotBytes; } long getLastIncludedTerm() { return lastIncludedTerm; } long getLastIncludedIndex() { return lastIncludedIndex; } ByteSource getSnapshotBytes() { return snapshotBytes; } } }