/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.common.actor; import akka.actor.UntypedActor; import akka.japi.Procedure; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.reporting.MetricsReporter; /** * Represents behaviour that can be exhibited by actors of type {@link akka.actor.UntypedActor} * *

* This behaviour meters actor's default behaviour. It captures 2 metrics: *

* The information is reported to {@link org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.reporting.MetricsReporter} */ public class MeteringBehavior implements Procedure { public static final String DOMAIN = "org.opendaylight.controller.actor.metric"; private static final String MSG_PROCESSING_RATE = "msg-rate"; private final UntypedActor meteredActor; private final MetricRegistry metricRegistry = MetricsReporter.getInstance(DOMAIN).getMetricsRegistry(); private String actorQualifiedName; private Timer msgProcessingTimer; /** * Constructs an instance. * * @param actor whose behaviour needs to be metered */ public MeteringBehavior(final AbstractUntypedActorWithMetering actor) { Preconditions.checkArgument(actor != null, "actor must not be null"); this.meteredActor = actor; String actorName = actor.getActorNameOverride() != null ? actor.getActorNameOverride() : actor.getSelf().path().name(); init(actorName); } public MeteringBehavior(final UntypedActor actor) { Preconditions.checkArgument(actor != null, "actor must not be null"); this.meteredActor = actor; String actorName = actor.getSelf().path().name(); init(actorName); } private void init(final String actorName) { actorQualifiedName = new StringBuilder(meteredActor.getSelf().path().parent().toStringWithoutAddress()) .append("/").append(actorName).toString(); final String msgProcessingTime = MetricRegistry.name(actorQualifiedName, MSG_PROCESSING_RATE); msgProcessingTimer = metricRegistry.timer(msgProcessingTime); } /** * Uses 2 timers to measure message processing rate. One for overall message processing rate and * another to measure rate by message type. The timers are re-used if they were previously created. * *

* {@link com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry} maintains a reservoir for different timers where * collected timings are kept. It exposes various metrics for each timer based on collected * data. Eg: count of messages, 99, 95, 50... percentiles, max, mean etc. * *

* These metrics are exposed as JMX bean. * * @see * http://dropwizard.github.io/metrics/manual/core/#timers * * @param message the message to process * @throws Exception on message failure */ @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") @Override public void apply(final Object message) throws Exception { final String messageType = message.getClass().getSimpleName(); final String msgProcessingTimeByMsgType = MetricRegistry.name(actorQualifiedName, MSG_PROCESSING_RATE, messageType); final Timer msgProcessingTimerByMsgType = metricRegistry.timer(msgProcessingTimeByMsgType); //start timers final Timer.Context context = msgProcessingTimer.time(); final Timer.Context contextByMsgType = msgProcessingTimerByMsgType.time(); try { meteredActor.onReceive(message); } catch (Throwable e) { Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e, Exception.class); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } finally { //stop timers contextByMsgType.stop(); context.stop(); } } }