/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore; import akka.actor.ActorRef; import akka.actor.Status.Failure; import akka.serialization.Serialization; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.compat.BackwardsCompatibleThreePhaseCommitCohort; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.AbortTransactionReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.BatchedModifications; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.BatchedModificationsReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.CanCommitTransactionReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.ForwardedReadyTransaction; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.ReadyLocalTransaction; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.messages.ReadyTransactionReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.modification.Modification; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.TransactionCommitFailedException; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.tree.DataTreeCandidate; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * Coordinates commits for a shard ensuring only one concurrent 3-phase commit. * * @author Thomas Pantelis */ class ShardCommitCoordinator { // Interface hook for unit tests to replace or decorate the DOMStoreThreePhaseCommitCohorts. public interface CohortDecorator { ShardDataTreeCohort decorate(String transactionID, ShardDataTreeCohort actual); } private final Map cohortCache = new HashMap<>(); private CohortEntry currentCohortEntry; private final ShardDataTree dataTree; // We use a LinkedList here to avoid synchronization overhead with concurrent queue impls // since this should only be accessed on the shard's dispatcher. private final Queue queuedCohortEntries = new LinkedList<>(); private int queueCapacity; private final Logger log; private final String name; private final long cacheExpiryTimeoutInMillis; // This is a hook for unit tests to replace or decorate the DOMStoreThreePhaseCommitCohorts. private CohortDecorator cohortDecorator; private ReadyTransactionReply readyTransactionReply; private Runnable runOnPendingTransactionsComplete; ShardCommitCoordinator(ShardDataTree dataTree, long cacheExpiryTimeoutInMillis, int queueCapacity, Logger log, String name) { this.queueCapacity = queueCapacity; this.log = log; this.name = name; this.dataTree = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataTree); this.cacheExpiryTimeoutInMillis = cacheExpiryTimeoutInMillis; } int getQueueSize() { return queuedCohortEntries.size(); } int getCohortCacheSize() { return cohortCache.size(); } void setQueueCapacity(int queueCapacity) { this.queueCapacity = queueCapacity; } private ReadyTransactionReply readyTransactionReply(Shard shard) { if(readyTransactionReply == null) { readyTransactionReply = new ReadyTransactionReply(Serialization.serializedActorPath(shard.self())); } return readyTransactionReply; } private boolean queueCohortEntry(CohortEntry cohortEntry, ActorRef sender, Shard shard) { if(queuedCohortEntries.size() < queueCapacity) { queuedCohortEntries.offer(cohortEntry); log.debug("{}: Enqueued transaction {}, queue size {}", name, cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), queuedCohortEntries.size()); return true; } else { cohortCache.remove(cohortEntry.getTransactionID()); RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException( String.format("%s: Could not enqueue transaction %s - the maximum commit queue"+ " capacity %d has been reached.", name, cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), queueCapacity)); log.error(ex.getMessage()); sender.tell(new Failure(ex), shard.self()); return false; } } /** * This method is called to ready a transaction that was prepared by ShardTransaction actor. It caches * the prepared cohort entry for the given transactions ID in preparation for the subsequent 3-phase commit. * * @param ready the ForwardedReadyTransaction message to process * @param sender the sender of the message * @param shard the transaction's shard actor */ void handleForwardedReadyTransaction(ForwardedReadyTransaction ready, ActorRef sender, Shard shard) { log.debug("{}: Readying transaction {}, client version {}", name, ready.getTransactionID(), ready.getTxnClientVersion()); ShardDataTreeCohort cohort = ready.getTransaction().ready(); CohortEntry cohortEntry = new CohortEntry(ready.getTransactionID(), cohort); cohortCache.put(ready.getTransactionID(), cohortEntry); if(!queueCohortEntry(cohortEntry, sender, shard)) { return; } if(ready.getTxnClientVersion() < DataStoreVersions.LITHIUM_VERSION) { // Return our actor path as we'll handle the three phase commit except if the Tx client // version < Helium-1 version which means the Tx was initiated by a base Helium version node. // In that case, the subsequent 3-phase commit messages won't contain the transactionId so to // maintain backwards compatibility, we create a separate cohort actor to provide the compatible behavior. ActorRef replyActorPath = shard.self(); if(ready.getTxnClientVersion() < DataStoreVersions.HELIUM_1_VERSION) { log.debug("{}: Creating BackwardsCompatibleThreePhaseCommitCohort", name); replyActorPath = shard.getContext().actorOf(BackwardsCompatibleThreePhaseCommitCohort.props( ready.getTransactionID())); } ReadyTransactionReply readyTransactionReply = new ReadyTransactionReply(Serialization.serializedActorPath(replyActorPath), ready.getTxnClientVersion()); sender.tell(ready.isReturnSerialized() ? readyTransactionReply.toSerializable() : readyTransactionReply, shard.self()); } else { if(ready.isDoImmediateCommit()) { cohortEntry.setDoImmediateCommit(true); cohortEntry.setReplySender(sender); cohortEntry.setShard(shard); handleCanCommit(cohortEntry); } else { // The caller does not want immediate commit - the 3-phase commit will be coordinated by the // front-end so send back a ReadyTransactionReply with our actor path. sender.tell(readyTransactionReply(shard), shard.self()); } } } /** * This method handles a BatchedModifications message for a transaction being prepared directly on the * Shard actor instead of via a ShardTransaction actor. If there's no currently cached * DOMStoreWriteTransaction, one is created. The batched modifications are applied to the write Tx. If * the BatchedModifications is ready to commit then a DOMStoreThreePhaseCommitCohort is created. * * @param batched the BatchedModifications message to process * @param sender the sender of the message * @param shard the transaction's shard actor */ void handleBatchedModifications(BatchedModifications batched, ActorRef sender, Shard shard) { CohortEntry cohortEntry = cohortCache.get(batched.getTransactionID()); if(cohortEntry == null) { cohortEntry = new CohortEntry(batched.getTransactionID(), dataTree.newReadWriteTransaction(batched.getTransactionID(), batched.getTransactionChainID())); cohortCache.put(batched.getTransactionID(), cohortEntry); } if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("{}: Applying {} batched modifications for Tx {}", name, batched.getModifications().size(), batched.getTransactionID()); } cohortEntry.applyModifications(batched.getModifications()); if(batched.isReady()) { if(cohortEntry.getLastBatchedModificationsException() != null) { cohortCache.remove(cohortEntry.getTransactionID()); throw cohortEntry.getLastBatchedModificationsException(); } if(cohortEntry.getTotalBatchedModificationsReceived() != batched.getTotalMessagesSent()) { cohortCache.remove(cohortEntry.getTransactionID()); throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "The total number of batched messages received %d does not match the number sent %d", cohortEntry.getTotalBatchedModificationsReceived(), batched.getTotalMessagesSent())); } if(!queueCohortEntry(cohortEntry, sender, shard)) { return; } if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("{}: Readying Tx {}, client version {}", name, batched.getTransactionID(), batched.getVersion()); } cohortEntry.ready(cohortDecorator, batched.isDoCommitOnReady()); if(batched.isDoCommitOnReady()) { cohortEntry.setReplySender(sender); cohortEntry.setShard(shard); handleCanCommit(cohortEntry); } else { sender.tell(readyTransactionReply(shard), shard.self()); } } else { sender.tell(new BatchedModificationsReply(batched.getModifications().size()), shard.self()); } } /** * This method handles {@link ReadyLocalTransaction} message. All transaction modifications have * been prepared beforehand by the sender and we just need to drive them through into the dataTree. * * @param message the ReadyLocalTransaction message to process * @param sender the sender of the message * @param shard the transaction's shard actor */ void handleReadyLocalTransaction(ReadyLocalTransaction message, ActorRef sender, Shard shard) { final ShardDataTreeCohort cohort = new SimpleShardDataTreeCohort(dataTree, message.getModification(), message.getTransactionID()); final CohortEntry cohortEntry = new CohortEntry(message.getTransactionID(), cohort); cohortCache.put(message.getTransactionID(), cohortEntry); cohortEntry.setDoImmediateCommit(message.isDoCommitOnReady()); if(!queueCohortEntry(cohortEntry, sender, shard)) { return; } log.debug("{}: Applying local modifications for Tx {}", name, message.getTransactionID()); if (message.isDoCommitOnReady()) { cohortEntry.setReplySender(sender); cohortEntry.setShard(shard); handleCanCommit(cohortEntry); } else { sender.tell(readyTransactionReply(shard), shard.self()); } } private void handleCanCommit(CohortEntry cohortEntry) { String transactionID = cohortEntry.getTransactionID(); cohortEntry.updateLastAccessTime(); if(currentCohortEntry != null) { // There's already a Tx commit in progress so we can't process this entry yet - but it's in the // queue and will get processed after all prior entries complete. if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("{}: Commit for Tx {} already in progress - skipping canCommit for {} for now", name, currentCohortEntry.getTransactionID(), transactionID); } return; } // No Tx commit currently in progress - check if this entry is the next one in the queue, If so make // it the current entry and proceed with canCommit. // Purposely checking reference equality here. if(queuedCohortEntries.peek() == cohortEntry) { currentCohortEntry = queuedCohortEntries.poll(); doCanCommit(currentCohortEntry); } else { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("{}: Tx {} is the next pending canCommit - skipping {} for now", name, queuedCohortEntries.peek().getTransactionID(), transactionID); } } } /** * This method handles the canCommit phase for a transaction. * * @param transactionID the ID of the transaction to canCommit * @param sender the actor to which to send the response * @param shard the transaction's shard actor */ void handleCanCommit(String transactionID, final ActorRef sender, final Shard shard) { // Lookup the cohort entry that was cached previously (or should have been) by // transactionReady (via the ForwardedReadyTransaction message). final CohortEntry cohortEntry = cohortCache.get(transactionID); if(cohortEntry == null) { // Either canCommit was invoked before ready(shouldn't happen) or a long time passed // between canCommit and ready and the entry was expired from the cache. IllegalStateException ex = new IllegalStateException( String.format("%s: No cohort entry found for transaction %s", name, transactionID)); log.error(ex.getMessage()); sender.tell(new Failure(ex), shard.self()); return; } cohortEntry.setReplySender(sender); cohortEntry.setShard(shard); handleCanCommit(cohortEntry); } private void doCanCommit(final CohortEntry cohortEntry) { boolean canCommit = false; try { canCommit = cohortEntry.canCommit(); log.debug("{}: canCommit for {}: {}", name, cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), canCommit); if(cohortEntry.isDoImmediateCommit()) { if(canCommit) { doCommit(cohortEntry); } else { cohortEntry.getReplySender().tell(new Failure(new TransactionCommitFailedException( "Can Commit failed, no detailed cause available.")), cohortEntry.getShard().self()); } } else { cohortEntry.getReplySender().tell( canCommit ? CanCommitTransactionReply.YES.toSerializable() : CanCommitTransactionReply.NO.toSerializable(), cohortEntry.getShard().self()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("{}: An exception occurred during canCommit", name, e); Throwable failure = e; if(e instanceof ExecutionException) { failure = e.getCause(); } cohortEntry.getReplySender().tell(new Failure(failure), cohortEntry.getShard().self()); } finally { if(!canCommit) { // Remove the entry from the cache now. currentTransactionComplete(cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), true); } } } private boolean doCommit(CohortEntry cohortEntry) { log.debug("{}: Committing transaction {}", name, cohortEntry.getTransactionID()); boolean success = false; // We perform the preCommit phase here atomically with the commit phase. This is an // optimization to eliminate the overhead of an extra preCommit message. We lose front-end // coordination of preCommit across shards in case of failure but preCommit should not // normally fail since we ensure only one concurrent 3-phase commit. try { cohortEntry.preCommit(); cohortEntry.getShard().continueCommit(cohortEntry); cohortEntry.updateLastAccessTime(); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("{} An exception occurred while preCommitting transaction {}", name, cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), e); cohortEntry.getReplySender().tell(new Failure(e), cohortEntry.getShard().self()); currentTransactionComplete(cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), true); } return success; } /** * This method handles the preCommit and commit phases for a transaction. * * @param transactionID the ID of the transaction to commit * @param sender the actor to which to send the response * @param shard the transaction's shard actor * @return true if the transaction was successfully prepared, false otherwise. */ boolean handleCommit(final String transactionID, final ActorRef sender, final Shard shard) { // Get the current in-progress cohort entry in the commitCoordinator if it corresponds to // this transaction. final CohortEntry cohortEntry = getCohortEntryIfCurrent(transactionID); if(cohortEntry == null) { // We're not the current Tx - the Tx was likely expired b/c it took too long in // between the canCommit and commit messages. IllegalStateException ex = new IllegalStateException( String.format("%s: Cannot commit transaction %s - it is not the current transaction", name, transactionID)); log.error(ex.getMessage()); sender.tell(new Failure(ex), shard.self()); return false; } cohortEntry.setReplySender(sender); return doCommit(cohortEntry); } void handleAbort(final String transactionID, final ActorRef sender, final Shard shard) { CohortEntry cohortEntry = getCohortEntryIfCurrent(transactionID); if(cohortEntry != null) { // We don't remove the cached cohort entry here (ie pass false) in case the Tx was // aborted during replication in which case we may still commit locally if replication // succeeds. currentTransactionComplete(transactionID, false); } else { cohortEntry = getAndRemoveCohortEntry(transactionID); } if(cohortEntry == null) { return; } log.debug("{}: Aborting transaction {}", name, transactionID); final ActorRef self = shard.getSelf(); try { cohortEntry.abort(); shard.getShardMBean().incrementAbortTransactionsCount(); if(sender != null) { sender.tell(new AbortTransactionReply().toSerializable(), self); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("{}: An exception happened during abort", name, e); if(sender != null) { sender.tell(new Failure(e), self); } } } void checkForExpiredTransactions(final long timeout, final Shard shard) { CohortEntry cohortEntry = getCurrentCohortEntry(); if(cohortEntry != null) { if(cohortEntry.isExpired(timeout)) { log.warn("{}: Current transaction {} has timed out after {} ms - aborting", name, cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), timeout); handleAbort(cohortEntry.getTransactionID(), null, shard); } } cleanupExpiredCohortEntries(); } void abortPendingTransactions(final String reason, final Shard shard) { if(currentCohortEntry == null && queuedCohortEntries.isEmpty()) { return; } List cohortEntries = new ArrayList<>(); if(currentCohortEntry != null) { cohortEntries.add(currentCohortEntry); currentCohortEntry = null; } cohortEntries.addAll(queuedCohortEntries); queuedCohortEntries.clear(); for(CohortEntry cohortEntry: cohortEntries) { if(cohortEntry.getReplySender() != null) { cohortEntry.getReplySender().tell(new Failure(new RuntimeException(reason)), shard.self()); } } } /** * Returns the cohort entry for the Tx commit currently in progress if the given transaction ID * matches the current entry. * * @param transactionID the ID of the transaction * @return the current CohortEntry or null if the given transaction ID does not match the * current entry. */ CohortEntry getCohortEntryIfCurrent(String transactionID) { if(isCurrentTransaction(transactionID)) { return currentCohortEntry; } return null; } CohortEntry getCurrentCohortEntry() { return currentCohortEntry; } CohortEntry getAndRemoveCohortEntry(String transactionID) { return cohortCache.remove(transactionID); } boolean isCurrentTransaction(String transactionID) { return currentCohortEntry != null && currentCohortEntry.getTransactionID().equals(transactionID); } /** * This method is called when a transaction is complete, successful or not. If the given * given transaction ID matches the current in-progress transaction, the next cohort entry, * if any, is dequeued and processed. * * @param transactionID the ID of the completed transaction * @param removeCohortEntry if true the CohortEntry for the transaction is also removed from * the cache. */ void currentTransactionComplete(String transactionID, boolean removeCohortEntry) { if(removeCohortEntry) { cohortCache.remove(transactionID); } if(isCurrentTransaction(transactionID)) { currentCohortEntry = null; log.debug("{}: currentTransactionComplete: {}", name, transactionID); maybeProcessNextCohortEntry(); } } private void maybeProcessNextCohortEntry() { // Check if there's a next cohort entry waiting in the queue and if it is ready to commit. Also // clean out expired entries. Iterator iter = queuedCohortEntries.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { CohortEntry next = iter.next(); if(next.isReadyToCommit()) { if(currentCohortEntry == null) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("{}: Next entry to canCommit {}", name, next); } iter.remove(); currentCohortEntry = next; currentCohortEntry.updateLastAccessTime(); doCanCommit(currentCohortEntry); } break; } else if(next.isExpired(cacheExpiryTimeoutInMillis)) { log.warn("{}: canCommit for transaction {} was not received within {} ms - entry removed from cache", name, next.getTransactionID(), cacheExpiryTimeoutInMillis); } else if(!next.isAborted()) { break; } iter.remove(); cohortCache.remove(next.getTransactionID()); } maybeRunOperationOnPendingTransactionsComplete(); } void cleanupExpiredCohortEntries() { maybeProcessNextCohortEntry(); } void setRunOnPendingTransactionsComplete(Runnable operation) { runOnPendingTransactionsComplete = operation; maybeRunOperationOnPendingTransactionsComplete(); } private void maybeRunOperationOnPendingTransactionsComplete() { if(runOnPendingTransactionsComplete != null && currentCohortEntry == null && queuedCohortEntries.isEmpty()) { log.debug("{}: Pending transactions complete - running operation {}", name, runOnPendingTransactionsComplete); runOnPendingTransactionsComplete.run(); runOnPendingTransactionsComplete = null; } } @VisibleForTesting void setCohortDecorator(CohortDecorator cohortDecorator) { this.cohortDecorator = cohortDecorator; } static class CohortEntry { private final String transactionID; private ShardDataTreeCohort cohort; private final ReadWriteShardDataTreeTransaction transaction; private RuntimeException lastBatchedModificationsException; private ActorRef replySender; private Shard shard; private boolean doImmediateCommit; private final Stopwatch lastAccessTimer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); private int totalBatchedModificationsReceived; private boolean aborted; CohortEntry(String transactionID, ReadWriteShardDataTreeTransaction transaction) { this.transaction = Preconditions.checkNotNull(transaction); this.transactionID = transactionID; } CohortEntry(String transactionID, ShardDataTreeCohort cohort) { this.transactionID = transactionID; this.cohort = cohort; this.transaction = null; } void updateLastAccessTime() { lastAccessTimer.reset(); lastAccessTimer.start(); } String getTransactionID() { return transactionID; } DataTreeCandidate getCandidate() { return cohort.getCandidate(); } int getTotalBatchedModificationsReceived() { return totalBatchedModificationsReceived; } RuntimeException getLastBatchedModificationsException() { return lastBatchedModificationsException; } void applyModifications(Iterable modifications) { totalBatchedModificationsReceived++; if(lastBatchedModificationsException == null) { for (Modification modification : modifications) { try { modification.apply(transaction.getSnapshot()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { lastBatchedModificationsException = e; throw e; } } } } boolean canCommit() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // We block on the future here (and also preCommit(), commit(), abort()) so we don't have to worry // about possibly accessing our state on a different thread outside of our dispatcher. // TODO: the ShardDataTreeCohort returns immediate Futures anyway which begs the question - why // bother even returning Futures from ShardDataTreeCohort if we have to treat them synchronously // anyway?. The Futures are really a remnant from when we were using the InMemoryDataBroker. return cohort.canCommit().get(); } void preCommit() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { cohort.preCommit().get(); } void commit() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { cohort.commit().get(); } void abort() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { aborted = true; cohort.abort().get(); } void ready(CohortDecorator cohortDecorator, boolean doImmediateCommit) { Preconditions.checkState(cohort == null, "cohort was already set"); setDoImmediateCommit(doImmediateCommit); cohort = transaction.ready(); if(cohortDecorator != null) { // Call the hook for unit tests. cohort = cohortDecorator.decorate(transactionID, cohort); } } boolean isReadyToCommit() { return replySender != null; } boolean isExpired(long expireTimeInMillis) { return lastAccessTimer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) >= expireTimeInMillis; } boolean isDoImmediateCommit() { return doImmediateCommit; } void setDoImmediateCommit(boolean doImmediateCommit) { this.doImmediateCommit = doImmediateCommit; } ActorRef getReplySender() { return replySender; } void setReplySender(ActorRef replySender) { this.replySender = replySender; } Shard getShard() { return shard; } void setShard(Shard shard) { this.shard = shard; } boolean isAborted() { return aborted; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("CohortEntry [transactionID=").append(transactionID).append(", doImmediateCommit=") .append(doImmediateCommit).append("]"); return builder.toString(); } } }