package org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal; option java_package = "org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.registration"; option java_outer_classname = "ListenerRegistrationMessages"; /** used when a listener needs to be unregistered*/ message CloseDataChangeListenerRegistration { } /** reply to the CloseDataChangeListenerRegistration request*/ message CloseDataChangeListenerRegistrationReply{ } /** * When registering a listener at particular level of tree * identified by instanceIdentifierPath. * dataChangeListenerActorPath is path to actor that will * receive the change event * scope is the data change scope like BASE,ONE and SUBTREE * defined in AsyncDataBroker.DataChangeScope */ message RegisterChangeListener{ required string instanceIdentifierPath=1; required string dataChangeListenerActorPath=2; required int32 dataChangeScope=3; } /** * This is the reply for the RegisterChangeListener message * It contains the listenerRegistration actor path * that can be used to unregister the listener */ message RegisterChangeListenerReply{ required string listenerRegistrationPath=1; }