package org.opendaylight.controller.sal.restconf.impl.test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import*; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.*; import; import org.junit.*; import; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.restconf.impl.StructuredData; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.*; import; public class YangAndXmlToJsonConversion { @Ignore @Test /** * Test for simple yang types (leaf, list, leaf-list, container and various combination of them) * */ public void simpleYangTypesTest() { String jsonOutput = null; jsonOutput = convertXmlDataAndYangToJson("/yang-to-json-conversion/simple-yang-types/xml/data.xml", "/yang-to-json-conversion/simple-yang-types"); // jsonOutput = // readJsonFromFile("/yang-to-json-conversion/simple-yang-types/xml/output.json"); verifyJsonOutputForSimpleYangTypes(jsonOutput); } private void verifyJsonOutputForSimpleYangTypes(String jsonOutput) { assertTrue("First and last character has to be '{' and '}'", Pattern.compile("\\A\\{.*\\}\\z", Pattern.DOTALL) .matcher(jsonOutput).matches()); String prefix = "\"(smptp:|)"; // subnodes of cont1 String cont1 = prefix + "cont1\":\\{"; testLeaf(cont1, "lf11", new String("lf"), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeafList(cont1, "lflst11", jsonOutput, prefix, new Integer(55), new Integer(56), new Integer(57)); testLeafList(cont1, "lflst12", jsonOutput, prefix, new String("lflst12 str1"), new String("lflst12 str2"), new String("lflst12 str1")); // subnodes of lst111 // first object of lst111 String lst11 = cont1 + ".*" + prefix + "lst11\":\\[\\{"; testLeaf(lst11, "lf111", new Integer(140), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst11, "lf112", new String("lf112 str"), jsonOutput, prefix); // subnodes of cont111 String cont111 = lst11 + ".*" + prefix + "cont111\":\\{"; testLeaf(cont111, "lf1111", new String("lf1111 str"), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeafList(cont1, "lflst1111", jsonOutput, prefix, new Integer(2048), new Integer(1024), new Integer(4096)); // subnodes of lst1111 String lst1111 = cont111 + ".*" + prefix + "lst1111\":\\[\\{"; testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111A", new String("lf1111A str11"), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111B", new Integer(4), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111A", new String("lf1111A str12"), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111B", new Integer(7), jsonOutput, prefix); // :subnodes of lst1111 // :subnodes of cont111 // :first object of lst111 // second object of lst111 testLeaf(lst11, "lf111", new Integer(141), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst11, "lf112", new String("lf112 str2"), jsonOutput, prefix); // subnodes of cont111 testLeaf(cont111, "lf1111", new String("lf1111 str2"), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeafList(cont1, "lflst1111", jsonOutput, prefix, new Integer(2049), new Integer(1025), new Integer(4097)); // subnodes of lst1111 testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111A", new String("lf1111A str21"), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111B", new Integer(5), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111A", new String("lf1111A str22"), jsonOutput, prefix); testLeaf(lst1111, "lf1111B", new Integer(8), jsonOutput, prefix); // :subnodes of lst111 // :subnodes of cont111 // :second object of lst111 // :second object of lst111 // :subnodes of cont1 } private void testLeaf(String prevRegEx, String lstName, Object value, String jsonFile, String elementPrefix) { String newValue = null; if (value instanceof Integer) { newValue = value.toString(); } else if (value instanceof String) { newValue = "\"" + value.toString() + "\""; } String lf = elementPrefix + lstName + "\":" + newValue; assertTrue(">>\"" + lstName + "\":" + newValue + "<< is missing", Pattern.compile(".*" + prevRegEx + ".*" + lf + ".*", Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(jsonFile).matches()); } private void testLeafList(String prevRegEx, String lflstName, String jsonFile, String elementPrefix, Object... dataInList) { // order of element in the list isn't defined :( String lflstBegin = elementPrefix + lflstName + "\":\\["; String lflstEnd = ".*\\],"; assertTrue( ">>\"" + lflstName + "\": [],<< is missing", Pattern.compile(".*" + prevRegEx + ".*" + lflstBegin + lflstEnd + ".*", Pattern.DOTALL) .matcher(jsonFile).matches()); for (Object obj : dataInList) { testValueOfLeafList(prevRegEx, lflstBegin, obj, jsonFile); } } private void testValueOfLeafList(String prevRegEx, String lflstPrevRegEx, Object value, String jsonFile) { String lflstData = null; lflstData = regExForDataValueInList(value); assertNotNull(lflstPrevRegEx + ": value doesn't have correct type.", lflstData); assertTrue( prevRegEx + ": data value >" + value + "< is missing.", Pattern.compile(".*" + prevRegEx + ".*" + lflstPrevRegEx + lflstData + ".*", Pattern.DOTALL) .matcher(jsonFile).matches()); } /** * Data value can be first, inner, last or only one member of list * * @param dataValue * @return */ private String regExForDataValueInList(Object dataValue) { String newDataValue; if (dataValue instanceof Integer) { newDataValue = dataValue.toString(); return "(" + newDataValue + "(,[0-9]+)+|([0-9]+,)+" + newDataValue + "(,[0-9]+)+|([0-9]+,)+" + newDataValue + "|" + newDataValue + ")\\]"; } else if (dataValue instanceof String) { newDataValue = "\"" + dataValue.toString() + "\""; return "(" + newDataValue + "(,\".+\")+|(\".+\",)+" + newDataValue + "(,\".+\")+|(\".+\",)+" + newDataValue + "|" + newDataValue + ")\\]"; } return null; } private String readJsonFromFile(String path) { String fullPath = YangAndXmlToJsonConversion.class.getResource(path).getPath(); assertNotNull("Path to file can't be null.", fullPath); File file = new File(fullPath); assertNotNull("File can't be null", file); FileReader fileReader = null; try { fileReader = new FileReader(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assertNotNull("File reader can't be null.", fileReader); StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); char[] buffer = new char[1000]; while (true) { int loadedCharNum; try { loadedCharNum =; } catch (IOException e) { break; } if (loadedCharNum == -1) { break; } strBuilder.append(buffer, 0, loadedCharNum); } try { fileReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("The file wasn't closed"); ; } String rawStr = strBuilder.toString(); rawStr = rawStr.replace("\n", ""); rawStr = rawStr.replace("\r", ""); rawStr = rawStr.replace("\t", ""); rawStr = removeSpaces(rawStr); return rawStr; } private String removeSpaces(String rawStr) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; int quoteCount = 0; while (i < rawStr.length()) { if (rawStr.substring(i, i + 1).equals("\"")) { quoteCount++; } if (!rawStr.substring(i, i + 1).equals(" ") || (quoteCount % 2 == 1)) { strBuilder.append(rawStr.charAt(i)); } i++; } return strBuilder.toString(); } private String convertXmlDataAndYangToJson(String xmlDataPath, String yangPath) { String jsonResult = null; Set modules = null; try { modules = TestUtils.loadModules(YangAndXmlToJsonConversion.class.getResource(yangPath).getPath()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assertNotNull("modules can't be null.", modules); InputStream xmlStream = YangAndXmlToJsonConversion.class.getResourceAsStream(xmlDataPath); CompositeNode compositeNode = null; try { compositeNode = TestUtils.loadCompositeNode(xmlStream); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assertNotNull("Composite node can't be null", compositeNode); StructuredDataToJsonProvider structuredDataToJsonProvider = StructuredDataToJsonProvider.INSTANCE; for (Module module : modules) { for (DataSchemaNode dataSchemaNode : module.getChildNodes()) { StructuredData structuredData = new StructuredData(compositeNode, dataSchemaNode); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { structuredDataToJsonProvider.writeTo(structuredData, null, null, null, null, null, byteArrayOS); } catch (WebApplicationException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assertFalse( "Returning JSON string can't be empty for node " + dataSchemaNode.getQName().getLocalName(), byteArrayOS.toString().isEmpty()); jsonResult = byteArrayOS.toString(); try { outputToFile(byteArrayOS); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Output file wasn't cloased sucessfuly."); } } } return jsonResult; } private void outputToFile(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fileOS = null; try { String path = YangAndXmlToJsonConversion.class.getResource("/yang-to-json-conversion/xml").getPath(); File outFile = new File(path + "/data.json"); fileOS = new FileOutputStream(outFile); try { fileOS.write(outputStream.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fileOS.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }