/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.sal.packet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.NetUtils; /** * Class that represents the LLDP frame objects */ public class LLDP extends Packet { private static final String CHASSISID = "ChassisId"; private static final String PORTID = "PortId"; private static final String TTL = "TTL"; private static final int LLDPDefaultTlvs = 3; private static LLDPTLV emptyTLV = new LLDPTLV().setLength((short) 0) .setType((byte) 0); public static final byte[] LLDPMulticastMac = { 1, (byte) 0x80, (byte) 0xc2, 0, 0, (byte) 0xe }; private Map tlvList; /** * Default constructor that creates the tlvList LinkedHashMap */ public LLDP() { super(); tlvList = new LinkedHashMap(LLDPDefaultTlvs); } /** * Constructor that creates the tlvList LinkedHashMap and sets the write * access for the same */ public LLDP(boolean writeAccess) { super(writeAccess); tlvList = new LinkedHashMap(LLDPDefaultTlvs); // Mandatory // TLVs } /** * @param String * - description of the type of TLV * @return byte - type of TLV */ private byte getType(String typeDesc) { if (typeDesc.equals(CHASSISID)) { return LLDPTLV.TLVType.ChassisID.getValue(); } else if (typeDesc.equals(PORTID)) { return LLDPTLV.TLVType.PortID.getValue(); } else if (typeDesc.equals(TTL)) { return LLDPTLV.TLVType.TTL.getValue(); } else { return LLDPTLV.TLVType.Unknown.getValue(); } } /** * @param String * - description of the type of TLV * @return LLDPTLV - full TLV */ public LLDPTLV getTLV(String type) { return tlvList.get(getType(type)); } /** * @param String * - description of the type of TLV * @param LLDPTLV * - tlv to set * @return void */ public void setTLV(String type, LLDPTLV tlv) { tlvList.put(getType(type), tlv); } /** * @return the chassisId TLV */ public LLDPTLV getChassisId() { return getTLV(CHASSISID); } /** * @param LLDPTLV * - the chassisId to set */ public LLDP setChassisId(LLDPTLV chassisId) { tlvList.put(getType(CHASSISID), chassisId); return this; } /** * @return LLDPTLV - the portId TLV */ public LLDPTLV getPortId() { return tlvList.get(getType(PORTID)); } /** * @param LLDPTLV * - the portId to set * @return LLDP */ public LLDP setPortId(LLDPTLV portId) { tlvList.put(getType(PORTID), portId); return this; } /** * @return LLDPTLV - the ttl TLV */ public LLDPTLV getTtl() { return tlvList.get(getType(TTL)); } /** * @param LLDPTLV * - the ttl to set * @return LLDP */ public LLDP setTtl(LLDPTLV ttl) { tlvList.put(getType(TTL), ttl); return this; } /** * @return the optionalTLVList */ public List getOptionalTLVList() { List list = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry entry : tlvList.entrySet()) { byte type = entry.getKey(); if ((type == LLDPTLV.TLVType.ChassisID.getValue()) || (type == LLDPTLV.TLVType.PortID.getValue()) || (type == LLDPTLV.TLVType.TTL.getValue())) { continue; } else { list.add(entry.getValue()); } } return list; } /** * @param optionalTLVList * the optionalTLVList to set * @return LLDP */ public LLDP setOptionalTLVList(List optionalTLVList) { for (LLDPTLV tlv : optionalTLVList) { tlvList.put(tlv.getType(), tlv); } return this; } @Override public Packet deserialize(byte[] data, int bitOffset, int size) throws PacketException { int lldpOffset = bitOffset; // LLDP start int lldpSize = size; // LLDP size /* * Deserialize the TLVs until we reach the end of the packet */ while (lldpSize > 0) { LLDPTLV tlv = new LLDPTLV(); tlv.deserialize(data, lldpOffset, lldpSize); int tlvSize = tlv.getTLVSize(); // Size of current TLV in bits lldpOffset += tlvSize; lldpSize -= tlvSize; this.tlvList.put(tlv.getType(), tlv); } return this; } @Override public byte[] serialize() throws PacketException { int startOffset = 0; byte[] serializedBytes = new byte[getLLDPPacketLength()]; for (Map.Entry entry : tlvList.entrySet()) { LLDPTLV tlv = entry.getValue(); int numBits = tlv.getTLVSize(); try { BitBufferHelper.setBytes(serializedBytes, tlv.serialize(), startOffset, numBits); } catch (BufferException e) { throw new PacketException(e.getMessage()); } startOffset += numBits; } // Now add the empty LLDPTLV at the end try { BitBufferHelper.setBytes(serializedBytes, LLDP.emptyTLV.serialize(), startOffset, LLDP.emptyTLV.getTLVSize()); } catch (BufferException e) { throw new PacketException(e.getMessage()); } return serializedBytes; } /** * Returns the size of LLDP packet in bytes * * @return int - LLDP Packet size in bytes */ private int getLLDPPacketLength() { int len = 0; LLDPTLV tlv; for (Map.Entry entry : this.tlvList.entrySet()) { tlv = entry.getValue(); len += tlv.getTLVSize(); } len += LLDP.emptyTLV.getTLVSize(); return len / NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte; } }