module opendaylight-group-types { namespace "urn:opendaylight:group:types"; prefix group; import ietf-inet-types {prefix inet;} import ietf-yang-types {prefix yang;} import opendaylight-flow-types {prefix flow-types;} revision "2013-09-17" { description "Initial revision of group service"; } typedef group-ref { type instance-identifier; } grouping group-types { leaf group-type { type enumeration { enum group-all; enum group_select; enum group_indirect; enum group_ff; } } } grouping group { uses group-types; leaf group-id { type group-ref; } container buckets { list bucket { key "order"; leaf order { type int32; } leaf weight { type uint16; } leaf watch_port { type uint32; } leaf watch_group { type uint32; } container actions { list action { key "action-order"; leaf action-order { type int32; } uses flow-types:action; } } } } } grouping group-statistics-request { list group-stats { key "group-id"; leaf group-id { type int32; } } } grouping group-statistics { leaf group-id { type int32; } leaf ref-count { type yang:counter32; } leaf packet-count { type yang:counter64; } leaf byte-count { type yang:counter64; } container duration { leaf second { type yang:counter32; } leaf nanosecond { type yang:counter32; } } container buckets { list bucket-counter { key "order"; leaf order { type int32; } leaf packet-count { type yang:counter64; } leaf byte-count { type yang:counter64; } } } } grouping group-statistics-reply { list group-stats { key "group-stats-order"; leaf group-stats-order { type int32; } uses group-statistics; } } grouping group-desc-stats { list group-desc-stats { key "order-id"; leaf order-id { type int32; } uses group; } } grouping group-features { list group-features { key "order"; leaf order { type int32; } uses group-types; type capabilities { enum select-weight; enum select-liveness; enum chaining; enum chaining-checks; } leaf-list max-groups { type uint32; description "Maximum number of groups for each type"; max-elements 4; } leaf-list actions { type uint32; description "Bitmap number OFPAT_* that are supported"; max-elements 4; } } } }